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View Full Version : Dont drink and drive please!!!

02-27-2009, 09:27 PM
Just found out yesterday that I will probably loose an old friend to an accident. He was driving down one road and said this person pulled out in front of him while talking on a cell phone.. She is now dead, the mother of 5 kids, my buddy the dam drunk was the one driving. He said it wasnt his fault but to me if you have enough alcohol in your system to blow a .16 then you are at fault period.I don't care if you were going though a green light and the other person ran a red light. If you were not driving drunk then that person would still be alive.. Yes I lost a friend only because he wants me to write a letter to the court saying what a good guy he is..

Little background on him.. I have known him for 25 years plus but the last 12 I havent seen him. Only found him by reading a post on a motorcycle message board. Upon PM'ing him I found out where he lived and went up and saw him last year and took him to a concert. He drank a couple of beers while we were heading to the concert! I told him that he was f'in crazy to be doing that. He shrugged it off saying that I was a party pooper. He was smashed beyond drunk after the concert and drove until I saw a motel 6 (A whopping two blocks) and I said park it!! He turned around and drove on the sidewalk until we got there. I paid for a motel room that only had one bed. I slept on the floor. I can't remember a time 20 plus years ago when he was sober but yet he wants me to write a letter to the court system to tell them that he is a good driver and not a drunk he is... I can't do that. I really can not see where he is a good guy anymore, he hasnt really grown up at all and still think that life is a party. I feel sorry for the 5 kids that lost there mother while she was going out to the grocery store for food for them. Even though he lives 400 plus miles from me, in a way I feel guilty since I have seen this coming. I just prayed that what had happened never would. He told me that he has been pulled over several times for drunk driving but always got off. Now 5 kids have no mother. So for the guys and gals that want to have a couple of beers while on the lake and that couple leads to a couple of 12 packs.. do us all a favor and let someone else drive.

Sorry I just had to vent and get this off my chest. it's been pissing me off all day wondering how or what I could have done to prevent this.. Reality is that I couldnt do anything. But yet I still feel remorse for what he has done

02-27-2009, 10:02 PM
I say do like your friend asked write the letter to the court and just
tell the truth. The kids need that much from you.

Granny Fish
03-01-2009, 09:23 AM
I agree with you 100%. If one is going to drink, they need to be responsible. Either plan to have someone else drive or stay put until at least one hour has past for each drink.

If you write the letter to the court and you are honest (which I think you should be) it will likely never get to the court unless you send it directly.
If you are not able to do that, then you should advise your friend of the type of letter you would be inclinded to write and see if he is still willing for you write it.

The best thing you could do for your friend is to be honest about how his alcoholic binges have affected your friendship with him.

03-01-2009, 09:44 AM
That blows.