View Full Version : East Fork Azusa Canyon

02-26-2009, 07:29 PM
Anyone been up there lately?? I heard the trout bite at the East Fork is phenomenal!! Location,type of baits and time? Well I'm going to check it out anyway.

02-26-2009, 08:24 PM
When u plan on checking it out?

02-26-2009, 08:48 PM
Yeah when are you planning on heading up:) I have never been to the E fork but been to the W fork. If you are going on Saturday, let me know and I will meet you up there. LOL this could become a get together.


02-26-2009, 08:57 PM
If your talking about east fork SGR and looking for stocked trout you won't find much. It's been a while since it was last stocked. If I am not mistaken, it won't be stocked anymore due to the whole dfg lawsuit. There might be a few hold overs. Last stocked trout I caught there was back around the end of summer. However there is a good amount of wild rainbows in there but they are all small. They are super spooky so you gotta know what your doing to catch them. If you do fish there, please remember that those fish are not stocked so take it easy on them. Don't lay them in the dirt and handle with wet hands so that they can live to fight another day. If you do go, good luck and be safe. There is some weirdo gold miners up there.

02-26-2009, 10:04 PM
lol gold miners. theres a bunch of them, they seem to be alright. but yeah most likely there is no stocker trout in there unless theyre holdovers. good luck.

02-27-2009, 12:52 PM
THanks guys for your input I greatly appreciate it!! I heard last year around this time DFG planted literally hundreds of catchable size trout. A friend told me he caught and released lots of fish up there. That's unfortunated that DFG is going through a law suit which is impacting many of us southern California anglers. Not to mention statewide as well. Well I'm not sure if I am going up there. IF I decide to go I'll let you guys know. Strength in numbers. Also thanks for the heads up on the gold miners. Lastly, I will definetly be careful on how I handle the wild trout. I like to see other anglers looking out for future of our fish and our environment. Tightlines!!!:Cool:

Mr Bendo
02-27-2009, 07:39 PM
Might be out there tomorrow!! I fish the west fork though and with a fly rod!!!

02-27-2009, 07:48 PM
Where do you park for the E Fork? I know for the W fork you just park it at the lot. Is there a lot for the E Fork? If anyone wants to meet up tomorrow, someone place a time and a place. I might hit it up, if so I will be either on a motorcycle or in a white ford ranger. Nothing like flyfishing after a nice motorcycle ride unless its 30 degrees outside :)


02-27-2009, 08:25 PM
I'm thinking of hitting up the West Fork tomorrow (Sat) at about 7:30ish...

02-27-2009, 08:27 PM
There is a parking lot at the end of the road. I don't think I would leave my bike parked there though. A car should be fine but I would worry about someone messing with my bike or knocking it over. What king of bike do you ride?

02-27-2009, 08:49 PM
An old 1982 yamaha seca turbo..One of the original factory turbo's from a long time ago.. Hope no one messes with it, I guess I will take the truck instead. Need to take the dog for a long walk anyways :) So if you see a guy walking a dog with a flyrod.. say hi :) Ok the guy will be carrying the flyrod not the dog DOHHH!!!!

02-28-2009, 10:57 AM
Let me know how you did out at the West Fork Kokak!! Good Luck

03-01-2009, 02:38 PM
Getting to the parking lot, by the Ranger Station, is only the beginning of the quest to fish at "The East Fork". First you have to make sure you have an Adventure Pass. Then you have to hike, and I mean HIKE. I usually set up a camp, so I can get an early start.

The best pools are in "The Narrows". To get there you take the East Fork trail which passes by the "Heaton Flats campground" at half a mile. After this you have many soggy river crossings until you reach "Swan Rock" at 2.4 miles. Check on the pools on the east side of the canyon past Swan Rock. Use Flies and Plastic.

Beyond this the trail begins to rise, and then it dips. Many more river crossings later the canyon starts to narrow then opens up to the "Bridge to Nowhere", (failed attempt to connect the San Gabriel valley to the upper desert). Cross the bridge and a half mile further you will reach "The Narrows". A 1.3 mile streach of narrow canyon with countless pools to fish in.

Mr Bendo
03-01-2009, 04:39 PM
It was good on the west fork on the fly rod!!!!!!

Eat Sleep Fish
03-01-2009, 05:14 PM
Getting to the parking lot, by the Ranger Station, is only the beginning of the quest to fish at "The East Fork". First you have to make sure you have an Adventure Pass. Then you have to hike, and I mean HIKE. I usually set up a camp, so I can get an early start.

The best pools are in "The Narrows". To get there you take the East Fork trail which passes by the "Heaton Flats campground" at half a mile. After this you have many soggy river crossings until you reach "Swan Rock" at 2.4 miles. Check on the pools on the east side of the canyon past Swan Rock. Use Flies and Plastic.

Beyond this the trail begins to rise, and then it dips. Many more river crossings later the canyon starts to narrow then opens up to the "Bridge to Nowhere", (failed attempt to connect the San Gabriel valley to the upper desert). Cross the bridge and a half mile further you will reach "The Narrows". A 1.3 mile streach of narrow canyon with countless pools to fish in.

...couldn't have explained the area better.

03-01-2009, 06:04 PM
Was great on the flyrod on the East Fork also. Caught lots of little guys with my largest probably 7 inches long. Hit one pool where I stayed for 20 minutes. about every third cast, I was hooked into something. Also hooked what was about the size of a DFG stocker at probably 10 to 12 inches long. The fish were not hitting the dries at all but all my fish came on a beadhead prince nymph. Took the dog with me and found out that he is part mountain goat. He was following me everywhere and he seeemed like he was having almost as much fun as I. I will have to go back, just next time I am hiking in farther. Probably only hiked in about two miles.
