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View Full Version : The Vine 2/22 with Woody

02-24-2009, 10:03 AM
Hello FNN'rs!

Well, sorry for this late report but work and more have got me all tied up...thats why its great to get some "fishing time" again at the Vine.

Got the call the night prior from my buddy woody that he got his boat running again, and asked me to take him fishing...this time on his boat for some trolling. From all my fishing trips with Woody, we've always had full stringers, so this time I felt we had to do the same. Woody was all jazzed out, and said he'd be at the lake at 6...I rolled in at 9 :Wink: had some extra zzzZZ's on sunday... Saw the boys, and played catchup with Nick, Whitney, TM65, and the kitchen staff..mmmMMM makes me hungry thinkin bout the food there right now lol- got some bait, just in case and went down to meet Woody at the docks.

He didnt get anything the first couple hours except a few short bites on the troll...noticed that it was very overcast, and the water level is definately up say 3-5'+ Trout island is an island now, and only accessible by boat or swimming! lol...jk. After noticing the changes, i figured to do a trial troll around...while on the troll we changed up colors all day...it was now coming up around noon, and we've only managed to get a few bites, but nothing 100%..then along the shoreline, we see a few trout hitting the surface! That brought up our hype, and we continued on..started metering fish finally..then BAM..FISH ON! First fish on, and its a fighter...jumped about 4 times out of the water...ended up being a nice 2lbr steelie!...i continued to monitor fish, so i told Wood its on!...just then woods line goes bendo, but no taker...then it comes back BAM-FISH ON, Woody on his first trout of the day...that was within 5minutes...another 2lbr..we're on the school...we made another pass and i got nailed...3rd fish, a nice 3lb steelie and this guy didn't know he was hooked until we got him towards the boat..zzzzzzZZZZZ said the abu drags...yeaahh!!! We contiuned on the hot bite all the way til the end...when Patrol boat came around. We had teh hot bite for the last 2 1/2 hours. Ended up with 5 trout- 1 3lbr, and the other 4 1-2lbrs. 3 of our trout were steelies, including the 3lbr- had brilliant silver colors, and the meat...well I gave them to my parents and family, and there were NO LEFTovers :)

k, tight lines


cel shots to come...

02-24-2009, 10:17 AM
Nicely done Kewly, Glad ya found some steelies bro. Looking foward to the pics. Props

02-24-2009, 10:51 AM
Nice job finding a school and hooking up. Woody's boat is a fish slaying machine:Cool: Thanks for the report . Looking forward to the pics.:Big Grin:

02-24-2009, 10:58 AM
Nicely done Kewly, Glad ya found some steelies bro. Looking foward to the pics. Props Thanks Rooster- we'll get out there soon...i'll post pics when i get free time, or when home...

Nice job finding a school and hooking up. Woody's boat is a fish slaying machine:Cool: Thanks for the report . Looking forward to the pics.:Big Grin:
yeah it took us some time, we found schools around the entire lake, but the last storm probably kept em "finiki"... Woodys boat is a salt slayin machine...can't wait for the next salty trips on there :Big Grin: triptippppppppp!!!

*Definatley feel some line stripper/breakers coming to all fisherman...we saw some kewlll stuff the last outing out at the Vine...
contest day coming...info under radar detection hahahahaha... lurkers- POOOF! :Wink:jk

02-24-2009, 12:27 PM
Where are the pics. H. ? :LOL::Wink::Big Grin:

02-24-2009, 02:02 PM
kewly, i was there sat. ..........skunk.......... trolled everywhere. high, low, downrigger, flashers, the works, nada. next time i see you i think i'm going to have to swallow my pride and ask you for a few tips. btw, i hit the ocean on sunday just prove to myself i'm still capable of catching something. nice size sandbass(3-4lbs) can be found not too far out of alamitos bay.

02-24-2009, 02:02 PM

check out the clean lines/fins on this 2+lb beaut!

livewell with some of the 2-3+lbrs (i got video, but cant download...)

end of the day...

02-24-2009, 02:07 PM
Nice work bro! Its been hard to find the active fish, but when ya do .....BAM :) Thanks for sharing man!!

02-24-2009, 05:34 PM
kewly, i was there sat. ..........skunk.......... trolled everywhere. high, low, downrigger, flashers, the works, nada. next time i see you i think i'm going to have to swallow my pride and ask you for a few tips. btw, i hit the ocean on sunday just prove to myself i'm still capable of catching something. nice size sandbass(3-4lbs) can be found not too far out of alamitos bay.
:Cool: I'm sure alot of us have done that...when skunked, gotta go back the next day to slay! I did that at striperbowl...came back to the "home-lake" and slayed after a tough bite at castaic...you'll get em!

Nice work bro! Its been hard to find the active fish, but when ya do .....BAM :) Thanks for sharing man!! Whats up maverick- i didn't know that matt and you guys knew of eachother...we've been fishing together a few times already! small world- SERIOUS BAM too~ steelies hit HARD! :Cool:

02-24-2009, 05:36 PM
Yeah I know him through my friend Chris, Hi girl and her sister were also friends with my old boss...so now I know him three different ways..kinda funny. We tease the hell out of him becuase he loves to talk smack, but we never see him fish hahaha. Good dude though for sure.

02-24-2009, 08:28 PM

02-24-2009, 10:23 PM
-right on maverick...matts a funny guy lol

using the castaic magic- lol

02-26-2009, 02:25 AM
No surprise the fish could not hide from ya Kewly! Nice job out there braddah....


02-26-2009, 04:34 PM
thanks TD- the fish are on the prrrowl! :Wink:

02-28-2009, 08:55 AM
What up stranger? Glad to see your still killing em.

You have to come by the pad to check out the new stuff I've been putting together.

03-01-2009, 07:08 AM
Nice report there Kewly. We wants pics, we want pics. :Razz:I'm glad that they are biting. Cindy:Big Grin: