View Full Version : Jalama Beach 22 Feb 09

02-22-2009, 09:32 PM
Was up north this weekend for a Bachelor party wine tasting trip but Sunday after all the partying was done I made the trip over to Jalama to see how the surf was.

Weather was mostly cloudy, high 60's, very light breeze and did sprinkle just a tad toward the end of the day. Water clarity seemed good and there wasn't too much salad in front of the Jalama Beach Store but got thick as you walked south toward the rocks.

I was throwing camo sandworms 2" length. 6# flouro leader with 12# mainline.

Caught lots of small BSP 4-6 inch range but did manage one that was about 10 inches. Also caught a small 4 inch walleye perch --all were released.

Snapped a few pics then the battery died. Too much use over the weekend...

So I have a question for some of you frequent Surf Fishermen. What size perch do you normally keep if you decide to take some home and fry them up? Those little 5" and 6" dinks seem too small to be worth fussing with.


02-23-2009, 07:56 AM
nice looking slab :LOL: cant beat the scenery

02-23-2009, 09:32 AM
Man that's beautiful out there. If I'm feeling hungry I usually take ones that are 7 inches plus. You're right, the smaller ones just aren't worth it. I got a 17 incher once and that had enough meat for 2 people.

02-24-2009, 07:52 AM
Good job man . I caught the cold and have been bed ridden for almost two weeks.

02-24-2009, 08:15 AM
Great report and OUTSTANDING photos!

I love fishing Jalama (although the wind can be brutal there) ... but what a great spot!

As for keeping perch, I don't. They are very boney and it usually takes too many to make a good fish taco anyway! ....

I believe we are just getting into their spawning season, so catch & release is a good thing right now, but thats just MY opinion. BSP's are certainly an abundant species right now.

When it comes to the larger models, most will be females. Males usually have a darker head and females usually have a dark underside while in the mating mode. Males have a tubercular penis (small rounded projection) and a modified anal fin.

Females that are close to giving birth have a swollen area behind their stomach and a protruding birth canal area. When females are in this state, and you happen to catch one, its best to keep them in the water and release them as quickly as possible because they will start to release their young (probably prematurely) if kept out of the water too long. We call it "dropping the kids off at the beach". LOL

BSP's give birth to live young. Although the young are usually autonomous from birth and can swim and find food themselves, being that small makes them a very easy target for larger predatory fish.

Again, if you run into enough larger models, you'll usually figure out who is who pretty quick.... the males will be dripping milt when spawning.

Anyway, I think I may have gone on with too much of a rant here, but thought Id mention a couple things that may help those that are targeting BSP's during the spawn.

Thanks again for the report!


02-24-2009, 08:50 AM
I was just out there last week. Didn't have a fishing pole because I was riding my H-D.
I did have a pretty good burger at the beach store though.
I Intend to get back and take some gear with me, maybe even camp for a day or two at the park.

02-24-2009, 08:55 AM
I was just out there last week. Didn't have a fishing pole because I was riding my H-D.
I did have a pretty good burger at the beach store though.
I Intend to get back and take some gear with me, maybe even camp for a day or two at the park.

Man, how great are those burgers huh? Now Im hungry again!

02-24-2009, 10:59 AM
Man, how great are those burgers huh? Now Im hungry again!

Dana, I think we should plan a trek up that way soon. :Wink:

Smitty, excellent report and great pics, looks like a beautiful beach. I've heard that it's a great Perch spot, but I wonder if the Hali action is decent there. :Idea:

02-24-2009, 11:12 AM
Dana, I think we should plan a trek up that way soon. :Wink:

Smitty, excellent report and great pics, looks like a beautiful beach. I've heard that it's a great Perch spot, but I wonder if the Hali action is decent there. :Idea:

Man, as soon as Im feeling better I'd love to head that way! I just gotta pry you away from work on a weekday so we can avoid the traffic & crowds of the weekend! Let's do it.

Ill buy the burgers too! :ROFL:


02-24-2009, 12:27 PM
Appreciate the comments guys. Glad you enjoyed the pics. It is like a post card up there, just breathtaking. I love that part of the CA coast.

I love heading up there. I wanted to hit Vandenberg but just ran short on time this trip because I didn't roll out of bed from the Hotel until about 10am. It was a LONGGGGG weekend of boozing and chasing tail.

Vandenberg is only about another 30 minutes drive north from Jalama. I've never fished it but heard its great. I do know there are some beaches with restricted access at certain times due to the "Snowy Plover" and some other marine life. Need to get smart on that before I head up there. I spent 8 weeks up there last March-May for some training. It's a shame I didn't know anything about surf fishing at the time.

02-24-2009, 04:57 PM
Appreciate the comments guys. Glad you enjoyed the pics. It is like a post card up there, just breathtaking. I love that part of the CA coast.

I love heading up there. I wanted to hit Vandenberg but just ran short on time this trip because I didn't roll out of bed from the Hotel until about 10am. It was a LONGGGGG weekend of boozing and chasing tail.

Vandenberg is only about another 30 minutes drive north from Jalama. I've never fished it but heard its great. I do know there are some beaches with restricted access at certain times due to the "Snowy Plover" and some other marine life. Need to get smart on that before I head up there. I spent 8 weeks up there last March-May for some training. It's a shame I didn't know anything about surf fishing at the time.

Cool man! Thanks again for the report and I look forward to seeing more of your reports from up that way, I plan on doing the bulk of my surf fishing up near the central coast this year WHEN I eventually find the time......

It was great to see Jalama, as Ive had some good days in that area!

As for the Snowy Plover, I'm pretty confident Ive seen one or two of them before! LOL! They are a very cool looking little bird. I was unaware there were restrictions in that area for them. I think I need to educate myself on this also!

Is this an all year restriction or only in effect when they are breeding & nesting on the beaches? Either way, Ill probably just fish another area, dont want to intrude! LOL!


See ya on the water!


02-24-2009, 05:38 PM
Jalama is a beautiful place!!!!!!

I have visited it with my family a few times but did not fish it.

Nice report.



02-24-2009, 06:06 PM
My mother in law goes there every July for her birthday, and the fam often goes. I have been there a few times. I once took my inflatable out to the kelp bed there. I was exhausted!!!! Also I skunked.

She was there with my wife and kids when those really bad fires came through a few years back. I'll try to find pics.

First time i was there I was a BUNCH of deer on the way in.

Those burgers rock.

02-24-2009, 07:09 PM
Nice Slabs man!

02-24-2009, 07:40 PM
I'm not aware of Snowy Plover restrictions on public beaches. BUT Vandenberg AFB has all kinds of restrictions mainly because the EPA is all over their backside about launching rockets off the coast. The EPA just loves to get all over the military for anything they can. Launch schedules have actually been postponed because of the sound apparently disrupting seals/sea lions that inhabit some of the coastal areas along the base. Also the Snowy Plover nests on the beaches and that can cause beach closures on the base.

As up in the military's business as the environmentalists are....some of the most sanctimonious and well-preserved country-side you will ever witness is on many US military installations. Fort Lewis in the PNW is another great example with many nearly untouched lakes, creeks and forests. I believe Camp Pendleton also has some nice preserves.

Cool man! Thanks again for the report and I look forward to seeing more of your reports from up that way, I plan on doing the bulk of my surf fishing up near the central coast this year WHEN I eventually find the time......

It was great to see Jalama, as Ive had some good days in that area!

As for the Snowy Plover, I'm pretty confident Ive seen one or two of them before! LOL! They are a very cool looking little bird. I was unaware there were restrictions in that area for them. I think I need to educate myself on this also!

Is this an all year restriction or only in effect when they are breeding & nesting on the beaches? Either way, Ill probably just fish another area, dont want to intrude! LOL!


See ya on the water!