View Full Version : A "Skunk" Report from Wingnut?!? Reality Bites! Sunday 2/22/09

02-22-2009, 09:18 PM
There's an old saying about motorcycle riders, and it goes something like this; "There are only two kinds of motocycle riders, those who has gone down, and the ones who are going to go down..." I think this phrase can be appropriately applied to fishermen as well. "There are only two kinds of fishermen, those who has been skunked, and the ones who will get skunked..." alas, I have experienced the latter. :Neutral: Yes, I've come close in the past to getting skunked in the surf, but were usually bailed out by at least a Perch or two. I couldn't even get a lowly Smelt to save me from Mr. Stinky today. :LOL:

Mike (Bones), Steve (Flyngby) and I decided to hit the surf today. We were fully aware that things could still be somewhat tough out there with the recent storms and unsettled conditions. Since all three of our schedules rarely aligns, we decided to go for it and get back out there together. :Cool:

We hit a few spots today starting from Santa Barbara in the early morning hours and worked our way South to Ventura and eventually back into our local Malibu area for the afternoon session.

Fact: Mike & I got the Skunk today. :mad: Got quite a few hits and a fish came unbuttoned after a brief struggle, but the bottom line is that we did not land any fish. Steve, on the other hand, was spared the strike out in the surf with a couple of bionic sized Perch. :Cool: Well done Steve... you showed us up today. :LOL:

Even with the impending Skunk bearing down on us, Mike & I refused to stick a Camo Sand Worm or a piece of bait on the hook just to catch a Perch to avoid Mr. Stinky... we continue to work various artificials all day. :Big Grin: We accepted defeat somewhat graciously. :Envious: @#*&! :Evil:

I don't have much to share with all of you in terms of catch count and fish porn in this report, but I'll try to keep things somewhat interesting for those who choose to read on. :Wink:

Santa Barbara - Early morning high tide, cool and cloudy skies, moderate surf, water clarity excellent, very little salad. The only two fish (Perch) caught (by Steve) all day was from this area.

Ventura - Outgoing tide, partly sunny skies, relatively flat surf, water clarity fair, very little salad.

Malibu - Negative low tide, cloudy skies, moderate surf, water clarity poor, lots of salad.

General consensus: Unsettled conditions due to the recent storms. Water temperature still a bit too cool (52-54 degrees). When it warms up a bit, maybe to about 58-60 degrees in the coming month or so, watch out! :Twisted:
Very little bait in the water and whatever bait there is, are pretty scattered.

Good morning Santa Barbara.

Breakfast for Bones... a single pill. Geritol Mike? :ROFL:

The eager participants.



Nice Perch Steve! :Envious: This is Steve's first fish on the LC!


Somebody is having a worse day than me! :LOL: :Shocked:




I made a promise that I would post my first Skunk report in full... promise kept. :Cool:

Even though the fishing expectations wasn't up to par today I still had a great time fishing with friends. Mike & Steve, thanks for the company, always a pleasure to go to battle with your guys. :Cool:

So this is what getting skunked feels like... it kinda hurts. Get back on your feet soldier... it's only a flesh wound! :LOL: I can't wait until the next outing to wash this stench off of me! :Twisted:

Take care everybody... and remember that it's okay to have your head in the clouds, but keep your feet firmly planted on the ground.

Arthur (Wingnut)

"As you travel through life, you will come across many opportunities to make a difference... take advantage of all of them."

At the end of a tough day... still smilling and heads held high. :Big Grin:

I finished in 4th place at Saturday night's home poker tournament, just missed the payout. :Evil: My buddy Henry the short stack King. :Big Smile:

Parting shot:

02-22-2009, 09:40 PM
Thanks for the report. Too bad about the skunk... at least now maybe you have it out of your system!!

02-22-2009, 10:35 PM
Thanks for the report Arthur, Too bad about the skunks but atleast you guys had a lot of fun and i am sure a lot of laughs together.My pug is going nuts over the last pic lol...Better luck next time and i think that is Viagra.lol


02-22-2009, 11:16 PM
To be honest ....If I had to choose between getting skunked by myself or enjoying your's and Steve's company while being humbled by mother nature.....Hell....That's a no brainer!
Your guys company was a pleasure and definately takes the sting out of being beat down two days in a row!
Just payin the dues THAT'S FOR SURE!.......I realize all of the time that butt hunting isn't as easy as some people think. Especially in the northern region which is a harsher and less forgiving element.
When I think about it.....We have put down some serious miles of surf beating to locate our primary target species.About 4 or 5 more degrees up north and it's game over!
As soon as Samo bay calms down a bit and the swell decays......Enough said!
Gotta always stay positive.......A guy named "Wingnut" taught me that!

02-22-2009, 11:24 PM
Thanks for the report Arthur, Too bad about the skunks but atleast you guys had a lot of fun and i am sure a lot of laughs together.My pug is going nuts over the last pic lol...Better luck next time and i think that is Viagra.lol


Wake up my little Lucas and stop sharing your dreams with the board!
Everybody knows that Viagra is BLUE!

To clarify what the little red pill is.....It's a centrum endurance which is the only nutrition you get before you walk miles while fishing with Arthur. Steve called it "Combat fishing" today!
I couldn't say it better!

02-23-2009, 12:28 AM
The only thing a skunk means is you are one trip closer to the one you will never forget....fishing with friends regardless of the amount of fish caught is still a good day in my books!

Thanks for the report Arthur,


02-23-2009, 07:21 AM
Thanks for the report Arthur. Sorry it was a tough day for you guys. I think it takes a day of "skunk" to appreciate your "Catches" even more. It looked like it was actually pretty nice out there. Steve just does not look right in the water for some reason, must be because I am used to seeing him "on" the water not in the water.


02-23-2009, 07:27 AM
Thanks for the report arthur!

Its tough writing skunk reports, but it still looks like you guys had a good time. The Santa Barbara/Ventura coastline looks so scenic and pristine :Envious: even with the stranded boat!

I got a chance go head out for the first time this year for a short two hour session in the surf further south, but didn't fare too well either. Water quality was terrible, no baitfish around...a lot of short bites but no real players...oh, and a lot of the southern beaches are still in the clean-up process from storm run-offs and debris. Hopefully, the bite will pick back up once the weather and water conditions stabilize :Wink:

Nessie Hunter
02-23-2009, 07:31 AM
Never forget guys......

When your out in the beautiful open, natural surroundings with good friends......... "Catching fish is just a bonus"!!!

All three of you did excellent.. I can tell by the smiles!!!


02-23-2009, 07:53 AM
you'll get em' next time...those fish cant hide from you very long

dirty girl
02-23-2009, 07:58 AM
well i couldnt tell from those great smiles and beautiful faces that there was a skunk going on. looks like the best times to me!
thanx for the report and pics!
keepin it dirty,
dirty girl

02-23-2009, 09:39 AM
Nothing unleashes the fishing fury in someone like getting skunked. I feel sorry for those surf fish come your next outing. There will be blood. :Twisted:

I went out Saturday to show a friend and his kids how to surf fish. I figured I'd start off putting them on some perch, and then let them try for sharks. None of us could even manage to get a perch on the camo sand worms or even squid. I got two bites, but that's it for about 4 hours. I felt pretty bad for the kids. I got skunked too. :mad:

02-23-2009, 11:02 AM
Sorry to hear about your skunk there Wingnut it happens to the best of us eventually. At least you were out there on the surf with freinds.


02-23-2009, 11:38 AM
too bad about the skunky but these conditions are real poor...as you state with the impending warming trend thats just around the corner, somethin's gonna break wide open.....and I know you'll be there when it does happen....I'll be right there as well..

Stay on 'em thats the only way ta know when it begins....looks like a fun day regardless...

Nice perch though...sweet...congrats on that...

Fishin is always rewarding even if it's rewards aren't what you wanted...you take away a great days memory..


Granny Fish
02-23-2009, 11:43 AM
Looks like you all had a great day regardless of the lack of fish caught. Sometimes the fish need to win. Looks like it was their turn on this day. You really are human!! :LOL: Thanks for sharing.

02-23-2009, 01:08 PM
Wake up my little Lucas and stop sharing your dreams with the board!
Everybody knows that Viagra is BLUE!

To clarify what the little red pill is.....It's a centrum endurance which is the only nutrition you get before you walk miles while fishing with Arthur. Steve called it "Combat fishing" today!
I couldn't say it better!

I like to share lol.It's ok if you put your pills in food dye.:Secret:


02-23-2009, 01:29 PM
The long awaited Wingnut skunk report. :LOL: That's ok bro, you handled a skunk with more class than most people do on their best fishing day. You'll get them next time, I KNOW you will! :Twisted:

City Dad
02-23-2009, 03:15 PM
no joy in Mudville...;)

02-23-2009, 04:35 PM
A small blemish in an otherwise impeccable recort Arthur. :Wink:
Had fun Saturday night, I left after I got knocked out, sorry that you didn't cashed. Gee, overall a pretty bad weekend for you buddy. :LOL:

02-23-2009, 04:48 PM
WOW Arthur 1st the Carrot Stix snaps now a skunk :Shocked: :EyePop: Did you do something to make Poseidon angry? :LOL: We all have one of those days. But I think you'll have another a great report to post up very soon! :Wink:

02-23-2009, 06:29 PM
Art, I get skunked so many time I don't even count them anymore. :LOL:
As a matter of fact, Saturday I got skunked at LNL, but Tyler did catch a nice 6lb trout, we're going to cook it up at the restaurant. :Big Grin: We saw quite a few Team 57 peeps out there, including Hittson. :Cool:

btw, WN pug always looks so animated, she almost look like a cartoon character. :Shocked: :Wink:

02-24-2009, 01:41 AM
Thanks for the report. Too bad about the skunk... at least now maybe you have it out of your system!!
I knew that the day would eventually come that I would roll snake eyes in the surf... but it was a good run. I know that I've been luckier than most. :Wink:

Thanks for the report Arthur, Too bad about the skunks but at least you guys had a lot of fun and i am sure a lot of laughs together. My pug is going nuts over the last pic lol...Better luck next time and i think that is Viagra.lol

Next time, you come out with us okay Lucas? We did have a lot of fun working the surf together. Tell Dino the Pug he should come by for a visit. :Wink: Viagra?!? :ROFL:

To be honest ....If I had to choose between getting skunked by myself or enjoying your's and Steve's company while being humbled by mother nature.....Hell....That's a no brainer!
Your guys company was a pleasure and definately takes the sting out of being beat down two days in a row!
Just payin the dues THAT'S FOR SURE!.......I realize all of the time that butt hunting isn't as easy as some people think. Especially in the northern region which is a harsher and less forgiving element.
When I think about it.....We have put down some serious miles of surf beating to locate our primary target species.About 4 or 5 more degrees up north and it's game over!
As soon as Samo bay calms down a bit and the swell decays......Enough said!
Gotta always stay positive.......A guy named "Wingnut" taught me that!
Mike, my grandfather once told me, "The price one pays for success is the inevitability of failure." He is so right, you cannot fully enjoy and appreciate success without experiencing failure and taste defeat from time to time. Paying our dues as you so appropriately stated. :Cool: We sure gave it a good go on Sunday though didn't we? An "A" for effort as they say. I really wanted to see Steve get his first Hali from the surf, that would have made my day. We'll get them next time, talk to ya soon.

Wake up my little Lucas and stop sharing your dreams with the board!
Everybody knows that Viagra is BLUE!

To clarify what the little red pill is.....It's a centrum endurance which is the only nutrition you get before you walk miles while fishing with Arthur. Steve called it "Combat fishing" today!
I couldn't say it better!
Extra strength Viagra comes in red pills Mike... not that I know anything about that. :LOL: "Combat fishing" lol, you & Steve kept up pretty well... not often that I go fishing and be considered the young one of the bunch. :Wink:

The only thing a skunk means is you are one trip closer to the one you will never forget....fishing with friends regardless of the amount of fish caught is still a good day in my books!

Thanks for the report Arthur,

Any day that I get to go fishing is a good day Aaron, regardless of the catch ratio. And you're right, being in good company makes it that much better. :Cool:

Thanks for the report Arthur. Sorry it was a tough day for you guys. I think it takes a day of "skunk" to appreciate your "Catches" even more. It looked like it was actually pretty nice out there. Steve just does not look right in the water for some reason, must be because I am used to seeing him "on" the water not in the water.

Yes, a day like this reminds me that the Fish Gods has been very kind to me for the past year or so. Steve did great in the surf, much better than the first time I dragged him out there... I think that I got much wetter than him this time around. :LOL: Hope to get out there with you & him one of these days Eddie. :Cool:

Thanks for the report arthur!

Its tough writing skunk reports, but it still looks like you guys had a good time. The Santa Barbara/Ventura coastline looks so scenic and pristine :Envious: even with the stranded boat!

I got a chance go head out for the first time this year for a short two hour session in the surf further south, but didn't fare too well either. Water quality was terrible, no baitfish around...a lot of short bites but no real players...oh, and a lot of the southern beaches are still in the clean-up process from storm run-offs and debris. Hopefully, the bite will pick back up once the weather and water conditions stabilize :Wink:
No kidding Andrew, much more fun writing a sucessful outing, that's for sure. But I have to practice what I preach and being humbled once in awhile helps build character. :Wink: You're right, when conditions improves and the baitfish moves back in, we'll be making up for lost time out there.

Never forget guys......

When your out in the beautiful open, natural surroundings with good friends......... "Catching fish is just a bonus"!!!

All three of you did excellent.. I can tell by the smiles!!!

Well said Frank... it takes more than an off day in the surf the wipe the smile off my face. :Big Grin: Been really busy, but I'll send out those reels to ya very soon. :Wink:

you'll get em' next time...those fish cant hide from you very long
They have to eat eventually Seng... and I'll be there to feed them a Lucky Craft sandwich. :Twisted:

well i couldnt tell from those great smiles and beautiful faces that there was a skunk going on. looks like the best times to me!
thanx for the report and pics!
keepin it dirty,
dirty girl
Well, I can tell you that it was the best time I've ever had while getting skunked. :LOL: The smiles always comes easy fishing with friends. But you already know that fishing with the Team 57 crew at the Vine. :Cool:

Nothing unleashes the fishing fury in someone like getting skunked. I feel sorry for those surf fish come your next outing. There will be blood. :Twisted:

I went out Saturday to show a friend and his kids how to surf fish. I figured I'd start off putting them on some perch, and then let them try for sharks. None of us could even manage to get a perch on the camo sand worms or even squid. I got two bites, but that's it for about 4 hours. I felt pretty bad for the kids. I got skunked too. :mad:
No revenge being planned Gavin... whatever happens... happens.
Too bad about your tough day, but make sure that those kids don't lose their enthusiasm towards fishing. Hope you have much better luck on your next outing. :Cool:

Sorry to hear about your skunk there Wingnut it happens to the best of us eventually. At least you were out there on the surf with freinds.

Thanks Sean, fishing with friends does help to dull the sting of defeat quite a bit. :Wink:

too bad about the skunky but these conditions are real poor...as you state with the impending warming trend thats just around the corner, somethin's gonna break wide open.....and I know you'll be there when it does happen....I'll be right there as well..

Stay on 'em thats the only way ta know when it begins....looks like a fun day regardless...

Nice perch though...sweet...congrats on that...

Fishin is always rewarding even if it's rewards aren't what you wanted...you take away a great days memory..

It's just a matter of time Gary amd we'll be ready.
That big Perch was Steve's first surf fish caught on the Lucky Craft. He was so jazzed about it... he did it twice! Now he just need to nab that Halibut out of the surf.

Looks like you all had a great day regardless of the lack of fish caught. Sometimes the fish need to win. Looks like it was their turn on this day. You really are human!! :LOL: Thanks for sharing.
Yeah Tammy, the fish "schooled" us on Sunday. :LOL: But we're gonna return the favor very soon. :Twisted:

I like to share lol.It's ok if you put your pills in food dye.:Secret:

I heard that you have some really wild fantasies Lucas. Something about a Halibut, a Mermaid and a midget... :Shocked: :Big Smile:
BTW - I got a chance to check out PaDDy's boat on Sunday... nice!

The long awaited Wingnut skunk report. :LOL: That's ok bro, you handled a skunk with more class than most people do on their best fishing day. You'll get them next time, I KNOW you will! :Twisted:
No use getting all bent out of shape over it... it's a waste of energy. Like they say, it's called fishing, not catching. Won't be the last skunk report I ever post... that's for sure. But I hope they're far in between. :Wink:

no joy in Mudville...;)
If you're referring to the water conditions, yeah... pretty murky in some areas that we hit. Add that with the combination of the lack of baitfish makes for a slow day... should have brought my Perch gear. :LOL:

A small blemish in an otherwise impeccable recort Arthur. :Wink:
Had fun Saturday night, I left after I got knocked out, sorry that you didn't cashed. Gee, overall a pretty bad weekend for you buddy. :LOL:
Perfect in the surf no more. :Envious:
I wouldn't consider it a bad weekend Vincent. I got to play poker with my buddies and go fishing with friends... sounds pretty good regardless of the results. :Wink:

WOW Arthur 1st the Carrot Stix snaps now a skunk :Shocked: :EyePop: Did you do something to make Poseidon angry? :LOL: We all have one of those days. But I think you'll have another a great report to post up very soon! :Wink:
It's called paying your dues to Poseidon... and it's all good. :Cool:

Art, I get skunked so many time I don't even count them anymore. :LOL:
As a matter of fact, Saturday I got skunked at LNL, but Tyler did catch a nice 6lb trout, we're going to cook it up at the restaurant. :Big Grin: We saw quite a few Team 57 peeps out there, including Hittson. :Cool:

btw, WN pug always looks so animated, she almost look like a cartoon character. :Shocked: :Wink:
Yeah Binh, Armando (HittsOn) texted me from LNL telling me that he saw you out there. Make sure that you call me for dinner whenever you guys do cook that thing up at the restaurant. :LOL: Tell Tyler nice job on the Trout, but I heard that he caught it while he was sleeping. :Twisted:
Wingnut Pug loves to take pics, he is always happy in front of the camera. That's because she knows she's going to get some tasty treats afterwards. :Wink: :Big Grin:

02-24-2009, 07:42 AM
I HATE THE SMELL OF SKUNK,,,,,,,,,,,,t/o

02-24-2009, 09:45 AM

I was joking in my PM to you about crashing the sight and low and behold after finally finding some time last night to get on I could not get to FNN!!!!!:Shocked::Big Grin:

Another classic report from you with all the normal details but no fish porn!!:Crying:

Thanks again to you and Mike for a great time out there on Sunday. :Beer Toast:

It was not from your lack of effort.

You will get back in the saddle and rise again in the near future.

He I am sneeking up on Arthur!!!
Need to get all the secrets first hand and when he hits the water he is hard to keep up with as he covers so much ground so quickly.


02-24-2009, 11:41 AM
Now you know how we mortals feel!

02-24-2009, 06:25 PM
Nice write up Arthur. Being humble is part of being a good fisherman. I like to think you "let Steve out fish you". I hit you up when it's time. Mikey

02-24-2009, 06:41 PM
That's what you get for knocking me out of the tournament Saturday night! Ha ha.
Now you know how it feels buddy. Don't worry, it's a only a temporary set back for you and I know you'll be back on those Halibut in no time.

02-24-2009, 07:31 PM
I don't believe what I just read. Skunk? Wingnut? ....

Next thing you know, you're gonna tell me there's no person inside that little Pug costume you claim is a dog.

02-25-2009, 09:56 PM
I HATE THE SMELL OF SKUNK,,,,,,,,,,,,t/o
There's only one sure way to avoid the Skunk is to fish with T.O. :Wink: :Twisted: :Big Grin: Where have you been Bob?!? Give me a ring when you get a chance... :Cool:


I was joking in my PM to you about crashing the sight and low and behold after finally finding some time last night to get on I could not get to FNN!!!!!:Shocked::Big Grin:

Another classic report from you with all the normal details but no fish porn!!:Crying:

Thanks again to you and Mike for a great time out there on Sunday. :Beer Toast:

It was not from your lack of effort.

You will get back in the saddle and rise again in the near future.

Here I am sneeking up on Arthur!!!
Need to get all the secrets first hand and when he hits the water he is hard to keep up with as he covers so much ground so quickly.

Ha ha, don't you know that I have eyes on the back of my head Steve? :Wink: I saw you watching me intently as I was working the dropshot. :Secret: I'm glad that we found some time to hit the surf together again my friend... next stop, NPH? :Wink: Thanks for providing the only fish porn on Sunday, Mike & I were pretty much worthless. :LOL:

Now you know how we mortals feel!
Ha ha, I'm as mortal as they come man... just luckier than most. :Wink:

Nice write up Arthur. Being humble is part of being a good fisherman. I like to think you "let Steve out fish you". I hit you up when it's time. Mikey
Thanks Mikey, we definitely need to hit the surf together when the time is right. :Wink:

That's what you get for knocking me out of the tournament Saturday night! Ha ha.
Now you know how it feels buddy. Don't worry, it's a only a temporary set back for you and I know you'll be back on those Halibut in no time.
You flopped top pair, top kicker... I flopped trips, game over. :!!!: Three more tourneys left, you'll never catch me in the standings Phuong. :Twisted:
Hope you'll be able to find some time to hit the surf with me in the next few months when the bite takes off... it'll be just like the old times. :Cool:

I don't believe what I just read. Skunk? Wingnut? ....

Next thing you know, you're gonna tell me there's no person inside that little Pug costume you claim is a dog.
You read it right Godfather... I got blanked. :mad: Had a few tugs and a brief struggle on the dropshot but no cigar. :Neutral: You should have known that something was wrong when you didn't get a call from me with a personal surf report. :Wink:

Yeah, sometimes I do think that WN Pug is a little human in a dog costume... she's smarter than some people I know. :LOL: :Wink: :Shocked:

02-26-2009, 07:41 AM

02-26-2009, 01:23 PM

Nice report, to bad there were no fish, but a day at the water is still a nice way to spend a day!


Native Gal
02-26-2009, 11:25 PM
:Shocked: Did you say skunk? YIKES!!!
Crap!!, your catch ratio just went down to 99.9%, :Envious::Wink:, that's funny.
Well don't that just suck, you guys were armed for battle and the battle didn't come to you guys. You'll get em next time, for sho.
Hmmm, maybe the carrot stik had the "NEW" smell, :ROFL:.
We just spent most of Sunday sitting around, at Nascar. Was alot of fun, but my good leg is sore & hurting from all the walking and stairs. The heating pad was my friend the next 2 days to get the soreness out of my good leg, :ROFL:, it was worth it.
Can't wait to see the revenge report.
Take care.

:Big Grin:

02-27-2009, 11:42 PM
You were supposed to let me know about those BPS seminars Bob... :Wink:
We need to hook up and kill some Stripers soon. :Cool:


Nice report, to bad there were no fish, but a day at the water is still a nice way to spend a day!

True that Scott. :Cool: Hope you're doing okay... we need to reschedule that dinner with Dana sometime soon... :Wink:

:Shocked: Did you say skunk? YIKES!!!
Crap!!, your catch ratio just went down to 99.9%, :Envious::Wink:, that's funny.
Well don't that just suck, you guys were armed for battle and the battle didn't come to you guys. You'll get em next time, for sho.
Hmmm, maybe the carrot stik had the "NEW" smell, :ROFL:.
We just spent most of Sunday sitting around, at Nascar. Was alot of fun, but my good leg is sore & hurting from all the walking and stairs. The heating pad was my friend the next 2 days to get the soreness out of my good leg, :ROFL:, it was worth it.
Can't wait to see the revenge report.
Take care.

:Big Grin:
Good one NG, we're always prepared for battle when we hit the water... but sometimes there's no one to fight. :LOL:
Glad that you & Mike made it out to the track and please do take it easy on that leg. :Wink:
The revenge report will be this Sunday in the Newport Harbor. :Secret: :Twisted: :Big Grin:
http://fishingnetwork.net/forum4/attachment.php?attachmentid=10611&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1235719429 (http://fishingnetwork.net/forum4/attachment.php?attachmentid=10611&d=1235719429) Now this is funny! :ROFL: I should make it my new avatar pic. :LOL: