View Full Version : Nph 2-15 again

02-16-2009, 09:41 AM
I am sure you guys and girls are getting tired of my NPH reports, but I am on a mission to catch a 3lb or better Spottie, so here goes!

Decided to put in a half days work Sunday (Sunday was my Pres. Day Holiday since I am off on Monday anyways). Anyways, I got to NPH about 1730, trying to beat the Southerly winds that were forecast for the evening. When I arrived there was about a 5 mph wind out of the southwest which as great putting the wind at my back. I started off at 15th St again throwing a Booyah Spinner Bait, got no results after numerous casts. Changed the rig to a Berkley Gulp Nulcear Chicken Jerk Shad on a small darter head. Threw it around 15th as well with no results. Decided to work my way towards 10th st. Dont actaully remember where I was when I picked up my first fish. Nothing huge.

Look Steve, Berkley Gulp!!!!!!!!!

Kept working south and got another on the same bait.

Got another on the Berkley GB. Pretty close to 12th st.

A decent fish.

Was not long after the last fish that the wind was shifting to the south and making casting into the right spots more difficult and I lost my Gulp bait to a dock. Again I was bummed since the one I was using was my very last that I just happened to find in a zip lock in my back pack.

Hmmmm, was not sure what to try next so I went with a 3 in. BH Halloween on a 1/4 oz red lead head.

By now I was on my way back up to 15th where I parked. Hitting all the same spots on the return trip. Ended up getting this one at the same spot as the one in the last pic, could be the same fish for all I know!

Nicer fish non the less.

When I got back to 15th st, I decided to throw a few more cast there. Near the docks just south of 15th I hooked up on a nicer fish, spottie? Halibut? Will never know, it started taking drag and took me under the dock towards a piling, I was using 8lb line so the minute the line touched the piling that was all she wrote. I was bummed and cursed the 8lb line for a few miutes.

Once again, besides the fish in the last paragraph I missed or lost many other fish. Lots of short bites and short hook ups, rod would go bendo then they would pop off!

I was done and back in my truck heading home at 2100 with the mission not accomplished.


02-16-2009, 10:11 AM

I've always wanted to use the Booyah Spinner at NPH!! Is this your first attempt at it? I wonder if it'll be more effective during spawning to induce a bite from the territorial spawners. Heres an interesting link i found online: http://www.plasticnavy.com/spinnerbaits-for-spotted-bay-bass.htm

Thanks for the awesome report, as usual. Its great to see a consistent update on NPH. :Cool:


02-16-2009, 01:53 PM

I've always wanted to use the Booyah Spinner at NPH!! Is this your first attempt at it? I wonder if it'll be more effective during spawning to induce a bite from the territorial spawners. Heres an interesting link i found online: http://www.plasticnavy.com/spinnerbaits-for-spotted-bay-bass.htm

Thanks for the awesome report, as usual. Its great to see a consistent update on NPH. :Cool:


Andrew, I have been using some spinner baits called "Salt Runners" available through Bass Pro, they are much smaller than Booyah, it is a 1/4-3/8 oz lead head with a small spinner. They were working great, with most catches being the larger fish. During the SWBA Cabin Fever Reliever the larger spinners such as Booyah and some others were the baits of choice for the anglers who have been fishing the series, and they seem to produce the larger fish as well.

02-16-2009, 02:01 PM
"I am sure you guys and girls are getting tired of my NPH reports, but I am on a mission to catch a 3lb or better Spottie"

As a fisherman and I'm sure I'm not alone on this, I would never be tired of someone's fishing reports! Especially when one is trying to get a PB on a certain species. So keep em coming! WTG on the spots!

02-16-2009, 06:27 PM
I am one who is getting tired of you NPH Reports as I again was not there to enjoy it with you Partner!!!!:Bawling:

Keep up the pursuit of the PB!!!!!:Big Smile: Hope to be there when it happens!:whistle:


02-16-2009, 07:49 PM
Great job as always.....I never get tired of Newport reports. I'm gettin the itch to put my tube on the water or at least walk the docks. Wingnut and I have been planning our assault!
Keep up the good work and keep the reports comming. Oh......And I really appreciate you sharing your techniques. I love to FW LMB fish and I love the salt too but I really don't have much experience spottie fishing.Do you ever dropshot for spotties or is that not effective?

02-16-2009, 09:50 PM
Thanks for the info Eddie. I'll definitely give that a try! Looks like i have something new to use my pile of bass assassin' shads on :Cool:

Do you ever dropshot for spotties or is that not effective?

i think its fair to say that anything that works on freshwater LMB would most likely work on Spotties. Thats why ive always been curious as to whether the Booyah spinner would produce in the bay. I never got around to trying it (castability from shore) but from what i know through a kayak fishing forum is that it works!

Native Gal
02-16-2009, 11:10 PM
I enjoy your NPH reports, sooo keep them coming, :Big Grin:.
Personally, I love the battle reports, :Envious:.
Good luck on the PB.


02-17-2009, 02:11 AM
Thanks for the pics and report. Keep up the reports I always look forward to reading them.


02-17-2009, 08:00 AM
Great report Eddie!!! That stretch of the harbor holds a ton of spotties...and I know for sure a few 3+lbs.


02-17-2009, 02:42 PM
bitchen report, i need to try out some of those nuclear chicken gulps, ive never caught a spottie, ur just throwin that out on a small leadhead deal huh? anyways cant wait to see the pb spottie report... besta luck

02-17-2009, 03:43 PM
Keep em comin. Every post I read makes me wanna hit NPH. I have lived so close to there for so long and never fished there!!!! So thanks for including us in your outtings!