View Full Version : Inflating a nightcrawler

02-13-2009, 08:57 AM
Can someone give me a rundown on the preferred method to inflate a nightcrawler. I have a hypodermic needle, but I don't feel that I am using the proper technique. I seem to have a hard time getting the air to stay in the worm. How much air do you put in the worm? Do you use a whole worm?

Any assitance is greatly appreciated.

Japo :Envious:

02-13-2009, 09:36 AM
I used to use a needle also but stopped because I thought it made it more difficult to inflate.....the needle is too long and it would poke through frequently so I went with back to the old worm blower. I use the entire worm and hook it with a worm threader through the collar. I then inflate below and above the collar until I actually see the worm puff up a little bit. I then try to remember to check to see if it floats before dipping it in scent and casting my line out. I'm sure there are others out there with a better way as I'm not real successful with crawlers but that's my method.

Peace out...FDS

02-13-2009, 09:44 AM
use a worm blower, inflate it from the end when you stick it in make sure it doesn't poke all the way through or the worm doesn't wiggle off it. you want only 1 hole. if you poke through or the worm wiggles off, then just inflate it from the other end. Once inserted sqeeze the worm blower all the way down to inflate and don't release pressure till after you've removed the needle from the worm.

02-13-2009, 10:48 AM
Thanks guys!

Jim532, I like the idea of inflating through the end of the worm, I'm going to give that a shot. I think that will be my key.

FDS, your suggestions are also good.

Thx all,

Japo :Envious:

02-13-2009, 12:32 PM
I actually prefer the needle over the inflator because the needle is much thinner and it leaves a smaller hole for the air to escape. I never tried going through the end of the worm, i will give it shot.

I do have a little story on inflating crawlers. A few years ago I was fishing with a couple of friends I was having better luck than them using the inflated crawlers, one of them didn't see how I inflated them and asked me how. I told him to put the bud end of the worm in your mouth and blow on it. I said its kind of nasty so I only do it on the once I am fishing with, you got to do your own. The entire time he was thinking about doing it but didn't commit. On the way home he brought it up again and i told him the truth. He said I came sooo close to do doing it. We got a good chuckle out of that.

02-13-2009, 12:39 PM
I bought a plastic worm blower bottle, but there isn't a needle. Do I need something else? The plastic bottle has a dull end - cannot poke the worm with it. More help please.....

02-13-2009, 12:45 PM
I bought a plastic worm blower bottle, but there isn't a needle. Do I need something else? The plastic bottle has a dull end - cannot poke the worm with it. More help please.....

i think your just forgetting to unscrew the plastic top.

02-13-2009, 12:48 PM
I told him to put the bud end of the worm in your mouth and blow on it. I said its kind of nasty so I only do it on the once I am fishing with, you got to do your own. The entire time he was thinking about doing it but didn't commit. On the way home he brought it up again and i told him the truth. He said I came sooo close to do doing it. We got a good chuckle out of that.


I bought a plastic worm blower bottle, but there isn't a needle. Do I need something else? The plastic bottle has a dull end - cannot poke the worm with it. More help please.....

There should be a relatively large gauge metal needle at the end, if not, it sounds like it's broken.

Japo :Envious:

02-13-2009, 12:49 PM
I have always used a syringe and I always stick the needle in from the middle of the worm I then slide the needle a little ways into the body parallel with the worm then try to fill the head up like a balloon on the opposing hooked end. The ballooned end will suspend and wiggle!:Beer Toast:

02-13-2009, 01:58 PM
Try inflating them with oil instead of air. The oil is lighter than water, so it still floats, but it will stay in the worm for much longer, instead of leaking out and sinking the worm. And the best part is that you can also add scents to the oil, he he he. As for where to stick the little guy, right behind the egg sac, about 1/16th" or so deep. Inflate SLOWLY. Canola oil works well. Good luck.


02-13-2009, 02:12 PM
I use diabetic insulin needles very small syringe in fact Skaguy and I nicked named them Barry Bonds or A-rod I just gave a shload of them to Skaguy now everyone thinks we are on the juice

02-13-2009, 02:13 PM
"And the best part is that you can also add scents to the oil"


:Shocked::Cool: This I will have to try! Thanks!

02-13-2009, 02:42 PM
Try inflating them with oil instead of air. The oil is lighter than water, so it still floats, but it will stay in the worm for much longer, instead of leaking out and sinking the worm. And the best part is that you can also add scents to the oil, he he he. As for where to stick the little guy, right behind the egg sac, about 1/16th" or so deep. Inflate SLOWLY. Canola oil works well. Good luck.


That is an exceptional idea Skyler, I'm all over it! That is a great idea. :Cool:

Japo :Envious:

02-13-2009, 03:57 PM
lol funny story indo... did you try that on tony... ROFL

02-13-2009, 04:21 PM
Here is crude attempt at a quick picture of how I do em.. I use half a crawler and thread them. I have both the needle and the blower. Both work but I prefer the needle. As mentioned, dont go through both sides of the worm. Get the needle in to the center. Inflately slowly until the worm starts to leak air or just before once you get the technique down.

Scented oil is an interesting idea too. I have used some of the liquid attractants in worms with success so the right oil based concoction might be worth trying.

02-13-2009, 04:39 PM
Here is crude attempt at a quick picture of how I do em.. I use half a crawler and thread them. I have both the needle and the blower. Both work but I prefer the needle. As mentioned, dont go through both sides of the worm. Get the needle in to the center. Inflately slowly until the worm starts to leak air or just before once you get the technique down.

Scented oil is an interesting idea too. I have used some of the liquid attractants in worms with success so the right oil based concoction might be worth trying.

That's a good diagram, thanks slief!

Japo :Envious: