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02-04-2009, 01:28 PM
They seemed fairly scientific in their tests, interesting to look at the pics anyway:


I haven't needed all of these styles, but regularly use some of these knots.

02-04-2009, 05:38 PM
Thanks for posting up.:Cool:

02-04-2009, 06:01 PM
Yep, can't beat the double san diego knot. Izor has a competition at the Fred Hall show every year where they bring their line tester and you tie your knot and put it to the test. Time and time again the Double San Deigo or the Double Uni knot has usually been the number 1 and number 2 knot's

02-04-2009, 06:06 PM
Different types and line ratings require different knots.

There is no #1 "best" knot for every single type of fishing line, IMO.

02-04-2009, 06:29 PM
double uni ftw!!!lol....thats the only knot i know to join 2 lime together :Crying:

Nessie Hunter
02-05-2009, 09:25 AM
I say it all the time....

Palomar or Trilene, to the eye..
Uni to Uni, line to line...

Most line failure while fishing (real life) comes from eye to line wear, stress etc.. Thats why I like the double eye wrap of Palomar & Trilene knots..

My 2 cents.............

billy b
02-05-2009, 04:42 PM
How many of you use it? ... or do you just tie a regular knot? ... or use a swivel?

02-05-2009, 05:09 PM
One of Art Berry's accilades includes winning many knot contests...he uses the Double San Diego for EVERYTHING!! At least that is what he shared with us. He said most if not all tour pros use that exclusively. I started using it.....HUGE difference for me.

02-05-2009, 05:18 PM
One of Art Berry's accilades includes winning many knot contests...he uses the Double San Diego for EVERYTHING!! At least that is what he shared with us. He said most if not all tour pros use that exclusively. I started using it.....HUGE difference for me.

I agree its a great knot....but for thick line.

It's my understanding the double SD comes in to play at 40# and above and where chaffing is an issue. I tie it occasionally when lobbing jigs in the SW, and especially so if I'm straight spectra. Some even recommend a single uni at the end tag if your going using a thick rated spectra to lure connection (b/c of slippage concerns.)

Edit: I'm not even trying to second guess a world class bass pro! Art Berry is the "real deal" as far as LMB guides as far as I can tell. I'm just parroting/sharing what I've been taught and used myself re: double SD.

02-05-2009, 05:21 PM
I use the improved clinch knot for everything . Works fine for me.

02-05-2009, 05:42 PM
Sometimes I feel like a Trilene, sometimes a Palomar, never had any problems. Just started playing with braid for the first time and have been using the Slim Beauty to attach a flourocarbon leader to that- so far, so good. For terminal connections to braid, PowerPro recommends the Palomar:


02-05-2009, 08:03 PM
SD Jam for everything. I have never fished with any mono more than 60lb, so I don't have too much experience with the Double SD Jam except from what I've seen in line tying contests. It has won those contests.