View Full Version : New Species and a Legal Butt, Finally! Vietnamese New Year - Monday 1/26/09

01-26-2009, 06:36 PM
So the "Boss" was feeling generous... and/or lazy, and decided to close the stores and give all the employees the day off to celebrate the Vietnamese/Chinese New Year. :Dancing Banana: So I slept in until ten o'clock and decided what's a better way to celebrate the New Year than doing one of the things that I love to do the most... being out in the surf, fishing. :Big Grin:

Took a nice leisurely drive over the hill on Kanan to hit one of my favorite local spot. Made the first cast around eleven. The plan is to spend a couple of hours relaxing in the surf and then go have some Pho at my buddy's restaurant. :Cool:

Conditions: Clear & sunny skies, outgoing tide, moderately rough surf in washing machine conditions, mild on-shore wind, water clarity excellent with lots of annoying loose eel grass.

Beautiful, secluded stretch of beach. No other fishermen in sight, only a few beachcombers and locals taking their strolls.
I knew that it would be a challenge fishing this area during an outgoing low tide. Natural reef line with lots of underwater structures and boiler rocks to contend with. This is what I call finesse surf fishing.



Started out dropshotting in between submerged boulders wherever I can see a sandy patch.

Water so clear. I can see schools of baitfish darting around and a few predators chasing them, a very good sign. :Twisted:

Ten minutes into it and tap, tap, thunk... the rod loads up... set the hook and the fish is on!

A little shortie... I was thinking to myself, here we go again with the short Butts. :LOL:


Got a couple more bites but it was too difficult to dropshot with so many underwater structures. Lost three rigs and was tired of re-tying the pain the butt DS rig, so I made the switch to the LC FM110 Skeleton Sardine... it was a good call.

Standing on an elevated rock formation I made casts and worked the LC thru a maze of submerged boulders. The water was crystal clear and I could see the LC wobbling its way thru the underwater obstacle course. It's almost like sight fishing for Halibut, but you couldn't see the fish until it lifted off the sand to strike. If you have never visually witnessed a Halibut LC strike, it's something amazing to see how aggressive these Flatties really are when they're on the chew. :Shocked: I saw a couple of small Flatties shoot up from the sand as the LC was traveling over its head and take a swipe at the lure. Little clouds of sand as they propel themselves upward. One missed and a couple (maybe the same one) turned away at the last second. Then on one cast, I saw a nice size Butt shifted itself and move a few feet to look at the LC as it passed by... I keyed in on the fish as it laid there in the sand in about three feet of water, trying hard not to lose sight of it as the surf washes over it. I lobbed a cast about twenty yards behind it and worked it past the fish again with a slow & steady retrieve... nothing. I made a couple more cast and as the lure went by the fish, it would move slightly towards the LC but wouldn't commit. I reached for my dropshot rod in the 3rd Grip holster only to find that I didn't re-tie the damn thing after the last snap off... forget that. :mad: On the next cast, I worked the LC right above the fish and stopped the lure, twitch, twitch... the fish launched straight up and hammered the lure. :!!!: After the first furious run, I fought the fish to the left, hopped off the rocks onto the beach and worked it onto the sand. I was facing strike three, but was able to get a base hit with my first legal Flat Boy of the year. :Big Grin: Now if I don't get another nibble for the rest of the outing, I don't care... mission accomplished!




Continued to work the area for the next couple of hours for two more short Butts and some other species, including a new one for me. :Wink:





I like working boiler rocks, even though it's quite risky. Lost two LC's today. :Neutral: You never know what's lurking near those big immovable objects. :Twisted:


A surprise catch working the boiler rocks! A weird looking LMB. :LOL: :Wink:


New species! I need help identifying this Perch that hit the LC. :Shocked: I did my best to carefully remove the deeply imbedded trebbles, but I hope his upper lip will grow back. :LOL: I think it's an Opaleye, Buttermouth or Rubberlip Perch, but the tail markings threw me off. Gotta be one of the three I would think. He's a big boy, I didn't measure it but probably around 10 inches.

Fish count (all released):
(4) Halibut 14" - 18" - 19" - 22"
(1) Calico Bass
(1) New species Perch.

Hopefully, getting a legal Hali on Vietnamese New Year is a good omen. :Wink:

What a fun day, now back to the grind tomorrow. Take care everybody! :Envious:

Arthur (Wingnut)

"Before you climb the ladder of success, make sure that it's leaning against the right building."

Some local bullies... easy now fellas, I'm just passing through.

Fishing the rocks in rough conditions is challenging. Always keep your eyes on the surf and NEVER turn your back to the sea. Move back to a safe distance from the surf if you need to re-tie or work on your rig. Watch your footing, very slippery.

The 12th Commandment "Thou shall not fear..."


Driving back home on PCH. 2:30pm

Parting shot.
Look how smart Wingnut Pug is.
I'm holding a piece of treat in my left hand. While the other two Pugs are staring at the treat, WP is looking right at me. She knows that it's up to me, where the treat goes. :Wink: :Cool: :Idea:

01-26-2009, 06:42 PM
Awesome report as always, Action shots are the best!!

01-26-2009, 06:46 PM
great job out there bro!!! way to put in work on your day off :LOL: i show my girl the pic of those pugs and now she's asking for one :LOL:

BTW that perch is a buttermouth

01-26-2009, 06:50 PM
Very very cool Arthur, looks like it was an awesome day to be fishing!!

01-26-2009, 06:52 PM
The bendo shot with the spray is sick! What's nice about the areas you fish is that they tend to look incredible. I have got to start looking for halibut in places without the white sea bag and various other man made trash. Even though you've heard it before, great job on the flatties and on another incredible report!

That comment about losing LCs just reminded me to put my Ultimate Lure Savers on mine. You should look into them since you fish areas filled with lure eating rocks often.

01-26-2009, 07:26 PM

Wow those spots look so clean and fishy! Looks like the Mediterranean almost with the lack of waves and the aqua clear colors...

That's some good juju getting your legal on Tet!!

01-26-2009, 07:48 PM
Man I can't believe you just let your pluton hit the sand like that :EyePop: LoL do you ever go out and not catch a flattie? haha I hope your having a great new year, I on the other hand made it out but did not get anything but a giant smelt....by the way what test are you using? Congrats on your first legal of the year, a very nice omen with many more flat boys to come.

01-26-2009, 07:51 PM
Keep the reports coming!!!!Nice legal hali.


01-26-2009, 07:58 PM
Congrats of your first legal Butt of 09! Pretty good halibut hunting for you today. Awesome pic's!

01-26-2009, 08:02 PM
Thanks for the pics and report very nice legal Arthur.My pug goes nuts for treats he tries to talk to me for them and if i don't give him one he barks at the treats till i give him one lol.You have a cool Dog/Son Arthur.


01-26-2009, 08:48 PM
nice day out there, that water did look killer!!! good catch on that mix bag!!

seng love's them perch do you think the next one can seng have them?

he eats about five a day!!! j/k buddy. LOL.


01-26-2009, 08:53 PM
Way to go on the new species...

01-26-2009, 08:54 PM

Congrats on the first legal of 2009!

Also, I see that your gear is sandy?! What are you doing to get the sand off? Are you just simply dumping the reel in the water?

01-26-2009, 09:15 PM
Congrats on another fine day buddy!
When you called me and said "Guess what?"
I knew you scored that first legal!
Kinda funny that I caught my first buttermouth on the beach just north of your spot about 30 years ago with my pops but I got her on fresh muscle!

Can't wait for our next assault. The fish don't stand a chance!

I might sneek out in the morning for a few hours. High tide isn't until about 10 ish or so.

Be safe on your trip to the Super Bowl.

01-26-2009, 10:25 PM

Good job on your new hook ups.
Last year you caught a steelhead from the surf. What month was that.

01-26-2009, 10:26 PM
What did I tell you!! haha
First legal on New Year day WTG!
Awesome, awesome report I felt like I was there fishing.. Thanks for the report.

01-26-2009, 11:07 PM
The 12th Commandment "Thou shall not fear..."

If that's the 12th commandment, what is #11?

Nice work as usual Art, hitting the surf on consecutive days, must be nice. How was lunch at Tyler's restaurant? :Cool:
Happy new year my friend.

Santa Fe Eric
01-26-2009, 11:12 PM
Nice work my friend!

Action Spray shot was great!

01-26-2009, 11:33 PM
Always love your IN LIVING COLOR reporting Art. makes it seems like i'm right there fishing next to you. :Cool: What great karma to catch a legal on new year. The gods are definitely looking out for you my friend. :Wink:

01-27-2009, 12:11 AM
WTG on the fish and happy new year bro.

01-27-2009, 12:47 AM
Beautiful pictures Arthur, I sure miss some of that area...that shot driving along PCH brings back some great memories. Congrats on the legal hali, I coulda sworn "my vision" included another legal...maybe that is your next trip out! :LOL:

Happy new year,


dirty girl
01-27-2009, 03:49 AM
Thanks for Sharing!

Dirty Girl

01-27-2009, 04:17 AM
OUTSTANDING!!! skills and detailed play by play

01-27-2009, 06:56 AM
Happy new year arthur. Like always, a great report. Will have to name this thread .year of the hali! See you out there ,one of these days.god bless, and peace out............... Mike the pmb...

01-27-2009, 06:58 AM
Great job as always buddy!

Happy New Year.


01-27-2009, 08:33 AM
Nice report as usual Arthur ... nice pics and great job on your first legal of the year. Thanks for the report.


01-27-2009, 08:56 AM
Judging from all that vegetation/structure in the first two pics, the size of the perch, the shape/structure of the lips, i would say its a black seaperch

The markings and coloration can throw you off because from past experiences, i've notice that they can slightly change pigmentation--especially when under stress. The light verticle bars and the enlarged scales between the pectoral and pelvic fins are giveaways. And because of their diet, they have a slightly fishier smell than the common Barred Surfperch. You can also find these in the bays also, but the coastal ones living by rock and vegetation structures typically grow to be bigger than their bay cousins!



Nessie Hunter
01-27-2009, 10:32 AM

I have heard of ripping lips off, but that has to be a classic... :EyePop:

I see some Pluton work in the near future???? :Cool:

Good job as usual...... !!!!


ghetto dad
01-27-2009, 11:11 AM
WOOOO HOOOOO!!!! Great job man, its about time!!!! :LOL:


01-27-2009, 11:19 AM
nice surf calico! great report

01-27-2009, 11:33 AM
Hi Wingnut,

Great report and pics. Lots of fun for sure. 2 LC's gone !! Yikes !

I had a great spot for shallow-water Sculpin fishing near (well 40 minutes) my home. When I lost more than my share of of Rapalas, etc. as the spot was fairly rough, so few fished there, I was sure to hit the spot a day or so later at low tide. Half the time the bait had washed up and was caught on something on the back-side of rocks and or low spots !! The greater the difference in tide and time, the better my luck was !!

Cheap~skate !! You bet ... in Japan ... even the cheap baits were $12 going to $40 !!


Granny Fish
01-27-2009, 11:42 AM
Congrats on the first legal of the year Arthur. Sending Wingpug puggy love.:Cool:

If that's the 12th commandment, what is #11?

I think #11 is "don't turn your back to the sea". :Wink:

01-27-2009, 12:14 PM
Great reoprt Arthur, congrats on the new species. You got a nice mix of fish with a new years legal out the "BU":LOL: Awesome pix, thanks for sharing.:Cool:...Happy New Years!

01-27-2009, 12:38 PM
Congrats on your first legal of the year. Thats not a bad start considering its only been 26 days. :LOL: Didnt get my legal last year til Dec. 27. :Sad: Thats an awesome looking spot too. Looks kinda dangerous but awfully fishy at the same time. Thanks for the report man.

01-27-2009, 12:56 PM
Great report as usual, congrats on your first legal flattie i'm sure it is the first of many to come. I guess you're going to the super bowl, be safe and have a great time, tight lines, john

calico killer kevin
01-27-2009, 02:22 PM
Chuc mung nam moi!

01-27-2009, 03:09 PM
Nice going Arthur. Dig those pics. Congrats on the legal.

01-27-2009, 05:03 PM
Congrats on your first legal of 2009 my friend! AWESOME!

Here I sit and my two surf fishing buddies (Wingnut & City Dad) were out fishing on a weekday in my area and I get no invite! How dare you guys! LOL! J/K! :Razz:

It pains me to see that Pluton get salted! :Head Bang:

Make sure you keep the one Im buying from you safely in the original box! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Nice work and great pics Arthur.... lets hit the Ramp this week.


01-27-2009, 07:38 PM
Damn Arthur!!!!!

If I knew you were off on Monday I would have had you out in NPH for some Spottie Action!!!!!!

Glad to see you get some more extra time out to yourself and get on some more of the great variety you always seem to hook into!!!!!!

I guess I will save my LC'S to catch my first until we get together again since I can't seem to make them work for me and learn it from the MASTER!!!:Wink:

Considering that some call them Rubberlip or Buttermouth I would say that one was a Buttermouth since his lip did not go back into place!!!!!!:ROFL:

Congrats on the first "09" Legal and the new Species!!!!:UDaMan:


01-27-2009, 08:20 PM

Can you give more info on the new port spottie tournment on Feb 7


01-27-2009, 08:38 PM
Arthur, Love those custom lures you use. That must have been awesome to witness the butt bite. I hope someday i can be so lucky to see something liek that. Amazing report and pics .. Props

01-27-2009, 08:54 PM
where is this exactly, i would like to go there?

01-27-2009, 11:32 PM
Your timing is impeccable as always bro. Getting your legal on Vietnamese New Year's Day, that's is so lucky you just don't know!!! Some people are just born lucky, and you're definitely one of those. Congrats, those action pix are just awesome. :Big Grin:

Native Gal
01-28-2009, 12:05 AM
CONGRATS on the legal on the Vietnamese New Year, personally I think you purposely planned it that way, :LOL:, heehee.
Sight fishing for those Hali's sweet, the water looked so clear I bet it was fun to watch the LC attacked by those Hali's.
The action shots with the water sprays were too cool.
Thanks for the report.

:Big Grin:

p.s. what did WNPug get with all those red envelopes?

01-28-2009, 12:48 AM
Happy Lunar New year and thanks for the great report WingNut!
they as fantastic as ever!
I always look forward to your reports.

I notice you have the carrot stixs there. how do you like them?

also what length and weight of the rod are you using for the surf?


01-28-2009, 01:51 AM
Awesome report as always, Action shots are the best!!
Thank man. :Cool:

great job out there bro!!! way to put in work on your day off, i show my girl the pic of those pugs and now she's asking for one

BTW that perch is a buttermouth
Thanks for the Perch ID Seng. Valentine's Day is coming up bro... A Pug would be the perfect gift. :Wink:

Very very cool Arthur, looks like it was an awesome day to be fishing!!
Thanks John, the weather was near perfect, a little breezy, but not bad.

The bendo shot with the spray is sick! What's nice about the areas you fish is that they tend to look incredible. I have got to start looking for halibut in places without the white sea bag and various other man made trash. Even though you've heard it before, great job on the flatties and on another incredible report!

That comment about losing LCs just reminded me to put my Ultimate Lure Savers on mine. You should look into them since you fish areas filled with lure eating rocks often.
I do prefer pristine and scenic areas when I hit the surf most of the time. I try not to follow the crowd, take for example like LB, when you see a few nice fish being pulled out of the surf, people flock down there. It's cool to chase big Flatties, but dodging oil slick, pulling bags & cans out of the surf and stepping on broken glass isn't much fun. I'd rather go somewhere that if the fishing happens to be slow, I can always check out the wildlife, take in the scenery and enjoy the clean air. :Cool:

About losing lures... that's part of the fun don't you think? Just like riding a motorcycle, the risk is part of the fun of living on the edge of the envelope. :Wink:


Wow those spots look so clean and fishy! Looks like the Mediterranean almost with the lack of waves and the aqua clear colors...

That's some good juju getting your legal on Tet!!
One of these days Rich, when you're willing to take the drive North, I'll take you there. Your rusty old Krocs will make a killing there. :Wink:

Man I can't believe you just let your pluton hit the sand like that :EyePop: LoL do you ever go out and not catch a flattie? haha I hope your having a great new year, I on the other hand made it out but did not get anything but a giant smelt....by the way what test are you using? Congrats on your first legal of the year, a very nice omen with many more flat boys to come.
I don't worry too much about my gear. They're tools of the trade and meant to be used, not pampered. Of course I don't advocate destroying your gear every chance you get, because if you take care of your equipment, they will take care of you when you need them most. But there's no need to be overly protective of your gear and treat them like prized possessions. I'd rather concentrate on the job at hand and focus on the "real" prize... in the surf. :Cool:

About your question on the line. On my spinning (dropshot), I use #8 Seaguar InvisX Fluorocarbon. On my baitcaster, I use the same line in #10 or #12.

Keep the reports coming!!!!Nice legal hali.

The reports will keep coming, as long as the fish cooperates. :LOL:

Congrats of your first legal Butt of 09! Pretty good halibut hunting for you today. Awesome pic's!
Thanks man, one of the better days for sure.

Thanks for the pics and report very nice legal Arthur.My pug goes nuts for treats he tries to talk to me for them and if i don't give him one he barks at the treats till i give him one lol.You have a cool Dog/Son Arthur.

Lucas, where have you been hiding out kid?!? Why haven't we seen any reports from you lately? Have you been neglecting your FNN fishing duties??? :ROFL:

nice day out there, that water did look killer!!! good catch on that mix bag!!

seng love's them perch do you think the next one can seng have them?

he eats about five a day!!! j/k buddy. LOL.

Ha ha, Seng would have a blast slaying the saltwater Bluegills.
You guys should have a Panfish tournament in the surf one of these days. :Wink:

Way to go on the new species...
The species that I'm really after is the saltwater Linesides. :Twisted:


Congrats on the first legal of 2009!

Also, I see that your gear is sandy?! What are you doing to get the sand off? Are you just simply dumping the reel in the water?
I carry a small bottled water in my pack. A quick rinse & it's good to go. :Wink: Now if it's a hot day and I drink all the water, a quick dunk in the surf would have to do (sorry Nessie). :LOL:

Congrats on another fine day buddy!
When you called me and said "Guess what?"
I knew you scored that first legal!
Kinda funny that I caught my first buttermouth on the beach just north of your spot about 30 years ago with my pops but I got her on fresh muscle!

Can't wait for our next assault. The fish don't stand a chance!

I might sneek out in the morning for a few hours. High tide isn't until about 10 ish or so.

Be safe on your trip to the Super Bowl.
We should hit up that spot together Mike, even though the "real" entertainment in that area has long been outlawed. :Secret:


Good job on your new hook ups.
Last year you caught a steelhead from the surf. What month was that.
It was on Memorial Day 2008. Not a Steelhead, but a Coho (Silver) Salmon, two of them.

What did I tell you!! haha
First legal on New Year day WTG!
Awesome, awesome report I felt like I was there fishing.. Thanks for the report.
Ha ha, you called it man, thanks.

If that's the 12th commandment, what is #11?

Nice work as usual Art, hitting the surf on consecutive days, must be nice. How was lunch at Tyler's restaurant?
Happy new year my friend.
The 11th Commandment is "Thou shall not quit."
Tyler's Pho was excellent as usual, Happy New year Vincent. :Cool:

Nice work my friend!

Action Spray shot was great!
Thanks Big "E", the surf got me good a couple of times. :LOL:

Always love your IN LIVING COLOR reporting Art. makes it seems like i'm right there fishing next to you. What great karma to catch a legal on new year. The gods are definitely looking out for you my friend.
You know me... all luck, little skills. :LOL: Glad you enjoyed the report Binh.

WTG on the fish and happy new year bro.
Thank you, Happy New Year! :Cool:

Beautiful pictures Arthur, I sure miss some of that area...that shot driving along PCH brings back some great memories. Congrats on the legal hali, I coulda sworn "my vision" included another legal...maybe that is your next trip out!

Happy new year,

I like your "visions" Aaron... if you ever make your way back out here again, hit me up, we'll hit the surf together. :Cool:

Thanks for Sharing!

Dirty Girl
Thanks DG, I agree, not a bad way at all to start the Lunar New Year. :Big Grin:

OUTSTANDING!!! skills and detailed play by play
Thanks FS, hey, we need another report from you soon man.
We wouldn't want City Dad to carry the lone burden of providing the Perch reports around here. :Wink:

Happy new year arthur. Like always, a great report. Will have to name this thread .year of the hali! See you out there ,one of these days.god bless, and peace out............... Mike the pmb...
Year of the Hali... I like that Mike. One of these days, our roads will cross in the surf. :Cool:

Great job as always buddy!

Happy New Year.

Thanks Khanh, see you soon buddy. :Big Grin: Good luck at the Striper Bowl.

Nice report as usual Arthur ... nice pics and great job on your first legal of the year. Thanks for the report.

Thanks "J". :Cool:

Judging from all that vegetation/structure in the first two pics, the size of the perch, the shape/structure of the lips, i would say its a black seaperch

The markings and coloration can throw you off because from past experiences, i've notice that they can slightly change pigmentation--especially when under stress. The light verticle bars and the enlarged scales between the pectoral and pelvic fins are giveaways. And because of their diet, they have a slightly fishier smell than the common Barred Surfperch. You can also find these in the bays also, but the coastal ones living by rock and vegetation structures typically grow to be bigger than their bay cousins!


Very cool Andrew, thanks for the links... we can always count on you being helpful. :Big Grin:
"Under stress..." yeah, I would be a little stressed too if I was missing half of my lips. :LOL:


I have heard of ripping lips off, but that has to be a classic... :EyePop:

I see some Pluton work in the near future????

Good job as usual...... !!!!
I feel really bad about that, but better to live without an upper lip than to die in a frying pan. :LOL: The poor "Sea Kitten" actually did most of the damage on its own by flopping around so violently. I did my best... now Poseidon will do the rest. :Wink:
Work coming soon Frank... very soon.

WOOOO HOOOOO!!!! Great job man, its about time!!!!

Ha ha, "It's about time..." sorry to keep you waiting Steve. Sorry that I didn't catch and post more Perch pics this time man. :LOL:

nice surf calico! great report
Thank you, the Calico was a surprised bonus.

Hi Wingnut,

Great report and pics. Lots of fun for sure. 2 LC's gone !! Yikes !

I had a great spot for shallow-water Sculpin fishing near (well 40 minutes) my home. When I lost more than my share of of Rapalas, etc. as the spot was fairly rough, so few fished there, I was sure to hit the spot a day or so later at low tide. Half the time the bait had washed up and was caught on something on the back-side of rocks and or low spots !! The greater the difference in tide and time, the better my luck was !!

Cheap~skate !! You bet ... in Japan ... even the cheap baits were $12 going to $40 !!

Thanks, do you do any surf fishing? I've always enjoyed your saltwater boat reports.
I've found my share of artificials working the surf at low tide.
Didn't realized that the baits were that expensive overseas. :Shocked:

Congrats on the first legal of the year Arthur. Sending Wingpug puggy love.:Cool:

I think #11 is "don't turn your back to the sea".
"Thou shall not quit." 11th Commandment.
Wingnut Pug sends puggy love right back at ya Tammy. :Cool:

Great report Arthur, congrats on the new species. You got a nice mix of fish with a new years legal out the "BU" Awesome pix, thanks for sharing...Happy New Years!
Thanks James, Happy New Year to you too bro.

Congrats on your first legal of the year. Thats not a bad start considering its only been 26 days. :LOL: Didnt get my legal last year til Dec. 27. Thats an awesome looking spot too. Looks kinda dangerous but awfully fishy at the same time. Thanks for the report man.
Thanks Fish Killa! I predict that you will get your legal much quicker then that this year. But that big Flattie that you got in LB was worth the wait, beautiful fish! As for the spot, a little risky but "No guts... no glory." :Wink:

Great report as usual, congrats on your first legal flattie i'm sure it is the first of many to come. I guess you're going to the super bowl, be safe and have a great time, tight lines, john
Thanks John, have fun & good luck this Saturday at the Striper Bowl!

Chuc mung nam moi!
And to you too Kevin. May the fish Gods be kind to your this year.

Nice going Arthur. Dig those pics. Congrats on the legal.
Thanks Juan, you go out there and get yourself a few too buddy.

Congrats on your first legal of 2009 my friend! AWESOME!

Here I sit and my two surf fishing buddies (Wingnut & City Dad) were out fishing on a weekday in my area and I get no invite! How dare you guys! LOL! J/K!

It pains me to see that Pluton get salted! :Head Bang:

Make sure you keep the one Im buying from you safely in the original box! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Nice work and great pics Arthur.... lets hit the Ramp this week.

The Godfather is always welcome to fish with us anytime, no appointments required! Thanks for the call today, the New Year brings lots of pleasant surprises. :Wink: Let me know what day you want to hit up The Ramp. I'm really looking forward to the Sierra event as I am for the Surf event this summer. :Cool:

Damn Arthur!!!!!

If I knew you were off on Monday I would have had you out in NPH for some Spottie Action!!!!!!

Glad to see you get some more extra time out to yourself and get on some more of the great variety you always seem to hook into!!!!!!

I guess I will save my LC'S to catch my first until we get together again since I can't seem to make them work for me and learn it from the MASTER!!!

Considering that some call them Rubberlip or Buttermouth I would say that one was a Buttermouth since his lip did not go back into place!!!!!!

Congrats on the first "09" Legal and the new Species!!!!

Shoot Steve, a day in the harbor sounds great too. Yeah, it was great to be able to get lost in the surf again.
About the Perch, imagine the stories he's gonna be able to tell all his friends, with a lyspe of course. :ROFL:
Hope to see you soon my friend.


Can you give more info on the new port spottie tournment on Feb 7

Shoot him a PM, Steve will get back to ya pretty quickly.

Arthur, Love those custom lures you use. That must have been awesome to witness the butt bite. I hope someday i can be so lucky to see something liek that. Amazing report and pics .. Props
Seeing the Halibut chase your lure really gets the adrenaline pumping that's for sure. Thank you and good luck out there at the Vine. :Cool:

where is this exactly, i would like to go there?
First of all, welcome to FNN. :Big Grin:
I'll make you a deal, you post up a couple of detailed reports sharing your surf fishing experience and I'll give ya the spot, okay? Looking forward to your reports and contributions. :Cool:

Your timing is impeccable as always bro. Getting your legal on Vietnamese New Year's Day, that's is so lucky you just don't know!!! Some people are just born lucky, and you're definitely one of those. Congrats, those action pix are just awesome.
It's all about the luck brother. The funny thing about luck is that it usually comes to those who never rely on it. :Wink: Happy New Year!

CONGRATS on the legal on the Vietnamese New Year, personally I think you purposely planned it that way, :LOL:, heehee.
Sight fishing for those Hali's sweet, the water looked so clear I bet it was fun to watch the LC attacked by those Hali's.
The action shots with the water sprays were too cool.
Thanks for the report.

:Big Grin:

p.s. what did WNPug get with all those red envelopes?
You're right NG, I was quietly hoping to score a legal on that very day... perfect timing.
Being able to see the Halibut chasing the lure really adds a new dimension to the game, very exciting.
WN Pug got enough gift money to put down on a new dog house... hahaha.
Take care and I hope your PT is going well.

Happy Lunar New year and thanks for the great report WingNut!
they as fantastic as ever!
I always look forward to your reports.

I notice you have the carrot stixs there. how do you like them?

also what length and weight of the rod are you using for the surf?

Thanks Byron, Happy Lunar New Year to you also.
The Carrot Stix that I mainly use in the surf are the Boyd Duckett Gold Series.
Feels great, very sensitive and well balanced.

7' 6" Baitcast - Medium (CG-76M-C) 12-25lb test
7' 2" Baitcast - Medium (CG-72M-C) 12-20lb test
7' 3" Spinning - Medium (CG731M-S) 6-12lb test

Good luck out there.

01-28-2009, 07:27 AM
Slick butt keeper Arthur! dig'n the photo/playbyplay story too! the pugs are always a kewl shot ending- hilarious--- soon!

01-28-2009, 04:34 PM
I do prefer pristine and scenic areas when I hit the surf most of the time. I try not to follow the crowd, take for example like LB, when you see a few nice fish being pulled out of the surf, people flock down there. It's cool to chase big Flatties, but dodging oil slick, pulling bags & cans out of the surf and stepping on broken glass isn't much fun. I'd rather go somewhere that if the fishing happens to be slow, I can always check out the wildlife, take in the scenery and enjoy the clean air. :Cool:

About losing lures... that's part of the fun don't you think? Just like riding a motorcycle, the risk is part of the fun of living on the edge of the envelope. :Wink:

Yeah, I know what you mean about LB. I have nearly stepped on needles there too, but it is one of the few areas where you can sightfish for big halibut AND it's not in front of sewage treatment plant! It's also an area that's close by for me, which is the main reason I go there. I hope to hit SB soon, but that will be a vacation.

It's not that fun when you can't afford to buy a new $20 lure every week because you are a jobless student! Swimbaits are what I use in rocky areas.

01-28-2009, 05:31 PM
Nice fish winger. When that pluton is so full of sand it doesnt work anymore, ill dispose of it for you.. :LOL:

Way to kick arse!

Gung hay fat choy! my friend!

01-28-2009, 11:30 PM
Slick butt keeper Arthur! dig'n the photo/playbyplay story too! the pugs are always a kewl shot ending- hilarious--- soon!
Thanks Hubert. :Cool: I expect Team T.O., Kewly & Blackwater to take home the Striper Bowl trophy this Saturday. :Twisted:

Yeah, I know what you mean about LB. I have nearly stepped on needles there too, but it is one of the few areas where you can sightfish for big halibut AND it's not in front of sewage treatment plant! It's also an area that's close by for me, which is the main reason I go there. I hope to hit SB soon, but that will be a vacation.

It's not that fun when you can't afford to buy a new $20 lure every week because you are a jobless student! Swimbaits are what I use in rocky areas.
I hear ya about losing the expensive lures. I've been there and done the college thing too. Scraping by on student loans, surviving on hot dogs, macaroni & cheese and Cup O' Noodles. :LOL: Hang in there, someday it will be worth it. The hardship builds character... and believe me, there are many justifications for a higher education. :Wink:

Nice fish winger. When that pluton is so full of sand it doesnt work anymore, ill dispose of it for you.. :LOL:

Way to kick arse!

Gung hay fat choy! my friend!
The Plutons are heading for a complete overhaul very soon. :Shocked:
And thanks for the well wishes Bing... close enough. :Wink: Funny, you don't look Asian. :LOL:
Have fun at the Striper Bowl, looks like the bite is picking back up again. :Cool:

01-29-2009, 02:52 PM
I hear ya about losing the expensive lures. I've been there and done the college thing too. Scraping by on student loans, surviving on hot dogs, macaroni & cheese and Cup O' Noodles. :LOL: Hang in there, someday it will be worth it. The hardship builds character... and believe me, there are many justifications for a higher education. :Wink:

Right now college IS the goal, and most of my cash is going towards it. I definitely am going to go, but it's still a ways off.

01-29-2009, 04:06 PM
Happy Lunar New Year!!

Always enjoy reading your reports and pictures of the pups!

01-30-2009, 07:29 AM

01-30-2009, 04:51 PM
JUST A GREAT REPORT Wingnut , beautiful water . I tried fishing long ago from shore in the salt and it kicked my butt , thats why I scuba dive with a spesr gun now , ha . // db

01-31-2009, 01:00 PM
3 pugs?!?!

Congrats on the catch. How many nieces/nephews/whatever little kids to you get to gift money to this year?

02-01-2009, 02:37 AM
Good to hear you got your first legal of 09 out of the way. I know I have mentioned this in the past but halibut respond extremely well to ripped jerkbaits.

Jerry G

02-01-2009, 07:40 AM
Hi Arthur and Happy New Year!

Beautiful fish in tough conditions. The action shots are great, and the results are very impressive.


02-01-2009, 08:38 PM
Hey Arthur, Happy New Year !!! Nice going on the surf :!!!::Cool: Thanks for the report and pics.

02-02-2009, 12:29 AM
Right now college IS the goal, and most of my cash is going towards it. I definitely am going to go, but it's still a ways off.

Although I don't know Wing personally his positive outlook and the inspiration he provides to others gives me and idea where he has been. Hang in BSP, the finish line is closer than you may think and well with in your reach. Having paid to finish that race myself I know how tough it can be however the great feeling of accomplishment and the experiences which come as a result of this achievement are well worth the sacrifices. I recommend fishing as often as your schedule allows. Fishing can play a critical role in maintaining your sanity through it all.


02-02-2009, 02:48 PM
First of many, many legals I'm sure. When things calm down a little with the business I'll try to get back out there to the surf with you. Glad to see the reels we all pitched in to get you for Christmas are paying dividens!
Are you back from Tampa yet? See you in a couple of weeks.

02-02-2009, 08:06 PM
Although I don't know Wing personally his positive outlook and the inspiration he provides to others gives me and idea where he has been. Hang in BSP, the finish line is closer than you may think and well with in your reach. Having paid to finish that race myself I know how tough it can be however the great feeling of accomplishment and the experiences which come as a result of this achievement are well worth the sacrifices. I recommend fishing as often as your schedule allows. Fishing can play a critical role in maintaining your sanity through it all.


Thanks Jerry, that last sentence is definitely true.

02-02-2009, 09:37 PM
Great work on the legal!

02-02-2009, 11:01 PM
Right now college IS the goal, and most of my cash is going towards it. I definitely am going to go, but it's still a ways off.
Good luck kid, some of the best memories that I can recall were of my college years. :Cool: You can look forward to fraternities, toga parties, little sisters... you know, all the things that your parents love to pay for as part of your college education. :LOL: :Big Smile:

Happy Lunar New Year!!

Always enjoy reading your reports and pictures of the pups!
Glad to entertain ya FB, Happy Lunar New Year to you and yours. :Cool:

Bob, you shoulda let me put in a bet for ya on the big game! :Wink:
Sorry that I couldn't make the Striper Bowl my friend, but I knew you would understand. :Cool:

JUST A GREAT REPORT Wingnut , beautiful water . I tried fishing long ago from shore in the salt and it kicked my butt , thats why I scuba dive with a spear gun now , ha . // db
I remember my first few trips out in the surf... pretty harsh and took a bit of getting used to. Maybe its time you gave it another go? :Wink: But the spear thing sounds fun too. :Cool:

3 pugs?!?!

Congrats on the catch. How many nieces/nephews/whatever little kids to you get to gift money to this year?
I only have one Pug, Wingnut Pug... the other two belongs to friends of mine, I was just babysitting. :LOL:
I only have one niece, thank goodness. But took care of a few kids that belongs to my closest friends. :Wink:

Good to hear you got your first legal of 09 out of the way. I know I have mentioned this in the past but halibut respond extremely well to ripped jerkbaits.

Jerry G
Yes you did Jerry, and thanks for the tip. One of these days I'm going to catch a Halibut throwing a lipless LC Wander 110. Benn trying from time to time, but can't seem to get the action just right yet. :Neutral:

Hi Arthur and Happy New Year!

Beautiful fish in tough conditions. The action shots are great, and the results are very impressive.

Hey Scott, Happy New Year to you too my friend. I know there's a lot going on lately, but if you need anything, just pick up the phone. Hope to get out there with you & Fishyboy sometime soon. :Cool:

Hey Arthur, Happy New Year !!! Nice going on the surf :!!!::Cool: Thanks for the report and pics.
Thanks Patrick... by the way, you don't look like the "Mall Cop". :LOL: :Wink:

Although I don't know Wing personally his positive outlook and the inspiration he provides to others gives me and idea where he has been. Hang in BSP, the finish line is closer than you may think and well with in your reach. Having paid to finish that race myself I know how tough it can be however the great feeling of accomplishment and the experiences which come as a result of this achievement are well worth the sacrifices. I recommend fishing as often as your schedule allows. Fishing can play a critical role in maintaining your sanity through it all.

Very well said Jerry... us "older" guys know what we're talking about. :Wink:
And yes, fishing is a great equalizer to rigors and hardship of everyday life. :Cool:

First of many, many legals I'm sure. When things calm down a little with the business I'll try to get back out there to the surf with you. Glad to see the reels we all pitched in to get you for Christmas are paying dividens!
Are you back from Tampa yet? See you in a couple of weeks.
Just landed this evening Phuong, glad to be home. :Cool: I wished that I could say business was so good and I was too busy to to go fishing too. It's a good position to be in with this economy and I'm happy for you my friend. :Big Grin: I will wait to wet a line with you and the fish will wait too. :Wink:
Those Plutons are great... laid claim to my first legal Hali with their help last weekend. :Cool: See you later this month for the poker tournament.

Thanks Jerry, that last sentence is definitely true.
I echo that sentiment... :Cool:

Great work on the legal!
Thanks Steve! :Big Grin: