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01-22-2009, 12:50 PM
Went to Ivine recently with a few buddies and didn't do too bad. We forgot the camera so the photo came from a cell phone. It took forever to figure out how to get the picture off the phone. The largest fish weighted in just under 9 pounds. At first, I thought no more than 6 pounds. He made 3 strong runs but my butter smooth stradic1000 drag was awesome.

We fished all over the lake but the most productive spot was along the bouy line in front of trout island. My limit came from nightcrawlers with swiss cheese scent ( my own recipe ). My buddies caught all their fish (2 each) on various powerbait.

01-22-2009, 12:53 PM
Nice looking bow

01-22-2009, 01:39 PM
Congrats to all of you.

You're right though, it does only look like a 6 lb.er. :Wink:

01-22-2009, 01:43 PM
Nice job...great piggy!!

01-22-2009, 02:04 PM
Congrats to all of you.

You're right though, it does only look like a 6 lb.er. :Wink:

You really didn't have to agree with me on that one. Just kidding. I 've never caught any trout bigger than the park stockers so I said it's only 6lb to be on the safe side. My buddies were more excited than I was. I am still dreaming of a double digit LMB.

Andre had a "calibrated" BassProShop scale that we used in the boat. He said it was calibrated at work. I have no idea how he did it.

Finally, All fish was donated to Jerry 's cousin, who owns a Peruvian restaurant. He weighted it on his kitchen scale and confirmed it.

01-22-2009, 02:11 PM
That trout is a beauty. You did a great job landing it if all you have ever caught is DFG stockers.

What kinda line were you using?

01-22-2009, 02:16 PM
Nice Fattie. I would love a D/D, but that is one nice rainbow. Congrats! Cindy:Big Grin:

01-22-2009, 03:05 PM
That trout is a beauty. You did a great job landing it if all you have ever caught is DFG stockers.

What kinda line were you using?

4lbs test Berkley - can't recall the exact name. The only thing I could find at Walmart the night before.

01-22-2009, 03:22 PM
Nice looking fish Vman, looks like you had a good day out on the water. Were you drifting the crawlers in front of the dam or still fishing? Thanks for the report and feedback. Care to share the swiss cheese recipe? Always cool to hear when someone's own concoction puts fish in the boat!

See you on the water,


01-22-2009, 03:51 PM
Nice looking fish Vman, looks like you had a good day out on the water. Were you drifting the crawlers in front of the dam or still fishing? Thanks for the report and feedback. Care to share the swiss cheese recipe? Always cool to hear when someone's own concoction puts fish in the boat!

See you on the water,


We were anchored up on the west side of trout island, along the buoy line. I would say a good 70 yards from shore and about the same distance from the tip. 7 of our 9 fish came from this spot.

The swiss cheese recipe is really not a recipe. It 's just actual swiss cheese slices balled up and fished with night crawler like a powermouse (but with swiss cheese instead of powerbait). Ofcourse the night crawler is inflated to keep the whole thing off the bottom.

I can't say if the cheese made any difference but I certainly got bit more than my buddies.

01-22-2009, 04:01 PM

TD Loves him some white power bait!

01-22-2009, 04:03 PM
Lots of nice fish coming from boats anchored in that area.

Does Velvetta make a Swiss Cheese Flavored product?

I would use it.

01-22-2009, 05:12 PM
Vman, Nice going on that lunker trout from Irvine Lake :!!!::!!!::Cool: SWEET :!!!::!!!:

Congrats on landing that monster and the rest of the trout you guys landed.

Thanks for your report and willingness to share what worked for you ( Bait ) Not many do that nowadays. My hats off to you :!!!::Wink::Cool:

01-22-2009, 06:14 PM
Vman, Nice going on that lunker trout from Irvine Lake :!!!::!!!::Cool: SWEET :!!!::!!!:

Congrats on landing that monster and the rest of the trout you guys landed.

Thanks for your report and willingness to share what worked for you ( Bait ) Not many do that nowadays. My hats off to you :!!!::Wink::Cool:

"ditto" :Wink:


01-22-2009, 07:14 PM
very nice.......~~~~~> heading to the store for Swiss Cheese........OFG

01-23-2009, 10:26 PM
Congrats on the nice fish !!!!!!!!!