View Full Version : May have one spot avail on Pontoon Boat Sat

01-16-2009, 07:42 AM
Howdy! I may have one spot available on our Team Koshaw Pontoon rental boat at Irvine Sat, Jan 17.

Please pm or call me 310-709-4741 as I will be away from a computer by 2pm today.

01-16-2009, 07:48 AM
First question I would have regarding this spot is, how many people gonna be on said vessel?

01-16-2009, 08:06 AM
BTW, I won't be able to join you guys this time. But I thought others might like to know.

01-16-2009, 08:11 AM
Currently FOUR on board.

Mondo, ME, Tracy, and her Mom.

01-21-2009, 04:43 PM
A journey on a team koshaw slay vessel is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Someone should jump on this quickly.

01-21-2009, 05:02 PM
Bing, did you read the date on this post? It says Jan 17th.

Hey Chuck, what were you using when you got that troll fish?

I would like to hear how you handled getting your trout on Saturday.

Shoot me a PM if you feel like telling me the whole story.

Just remember that there is a 5,000 word limit on the size of PM's. :mad: