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View Full Version : No luck duct!

01-11-2009, 09:53 AM
So I decided to take my son back out to the duct after returning from a family ski trip at Mammoth. We hit the duct off of Golf Course Rd. and were the first ones there. We had a strike about 5 minutes after getting there on an anchovie I was soaking. Anyway, five other people showed up together. A man and maybe one of his sons and his son's friends I imagine. The kids were probably 18-20 years old. Right from the get go they were using profanity like you wouldn't believe. Every other word was F**** this or Mother F**** this. Now, normally I wouldn't mind it so bad, but my son was there and it was just too much. Then I overheard the Father tell the kids to "not get stingy with the green when you start." Now, if you couldn't tell by my screen name I have a little knowledge about that sort of stuff. :Rolls Eyes: Anyway, they started drinking beer and I noticed them passing their blunt around. :Angry: Enough was enough, so I asked them as a nice as I could to leave. Needless to say they left. There was no reason to have my son around that stuff as we were trying to enjoy fishing. If you prefer that sort of thing, fine, do it somewhere else and don't subject my kid to that stuff. Anyway, another nice gentlemen showed up and we had a nice conversation. He had one hit on a white bullet jig, but that was it. We decided to leave after awhile and try other spots. My son later had a hit, but I believe it was a carp and not a stripey. Anyway, we smelled like skunks on the way home. Like Striper Bill said, maybe the quake had something to do with it. Every spot we tried no one had any luck. Oh. well better luck next time. Thnx for letting me blow some steam off!

01-11-2009, 10:08 AM
Just curious..did you have to 'flash your badge' in order for them to leave?


01-11-2009, 10:21 AM
wait did u smell like skunk on your way home because you didnt catch anything or because of what the other people were doing? LOL

Nessie Hunter
01-11-2009, 10:37 AM
Good stuff, Good job, and I agree 100%... Thanks..

01-11-2009, 11:42 AM
That sucks about those kids. Good job booting them... ha ha

trail blazer
01-11-2009, 12:57 PM
WTG on keeping the kids out and away from that enviroment.

Golf course gates have been tough lately.
Next time you,l make up for the skunk!!!!

01-11-2009, 01:00 PM
Thnx for the Positive feedback everyone!! And yes, I had to show them my "Business Card!"

01-12-2009, 07:37 AM
Idiots !! You said the father was there ? Nice parenting huh ? The golf course gates, is that in bako ??

01-12-2009, 02:46 PM
Between Bako and Taft

01-12-2009, 02:52 PM
Thnx for the Positive feedback everyone!! And yes, I had to show them my "Business Card!"

Nice one, I bet they left real quick. :Twisted:
Bummer about the Skunk, you'll get them next time. :Wink: :Cool:

01-12-2009, 03:08 PM
Idiots can deffinately ruin an outing. At least you got some father son time in!! BV is over fished and you'll have better luck next time fishing other spots!!
