View Full Version : Painful Day of Fishing - BUT We were still out there fishing for Butts !

12-29-2008, 07:15 PM
Alex Here...

This posting is rather late. However, I guess its better late than never. On Christmas Eve, Sam and I decided to hit the local waters.

We hit the Cherry Beach and Huntington. We almost made it to Newport, then decided that "It Simply was a Bad day for Fishing". The Conditions were just aweful. Record rain falls in recent days, dark clody day with low pressure, cold winds and high waves just told us that we were in for a rough outting.

Dark Clouds Tells Days Story :Twisted:

We ended up at Cherry Beach around 7:30 AM. We ended up with number of hits but we knew that they were all short. My friend landed this one and few other ones.

Short Butt by a Friend :Big Grin:

After a quick breakfast, we headed out to Huntington (you know where). We work the place for about 3 hours. I had a one light hit and a one solid hit. Unfortunately, they both got away. I am sure that the one that gave a solid hit was a legal hali (you just know).

Lite Bite by Short Butt :LOL:

Sam Working LC

After about 3 hours of working it, we decided to take a break. As Sam and I were resting, I picked up my camera and decided to take snapps of everything. I love nature! I ended up taking shots of our gears.

Ammos Used for the Day

After Resting, I decided to take some shots. I tells you guys, I rather suffer in Cold while fishing then in teh comforts of my office.

Peaceful Scene. :Cool:

Crane Stalking a Perch - He had better Luck than US ! :ROFL:

Crane Swallowing a Perch after a Sucessful Catch :EyePop:

Anyway, nothing exciting to report, but hey "We were out doing what we love"! That is a good day...:Razz:

12-29-2008, 09:15 PM
I'd say you did good despite the cloud cover, low pressure, etc...

It seems odd to see that sand on that side of the jetty. That sand has covered up some awesome structure. Sure hope it empties back out by next spring or summer.

12-29-2008, 10:11 PM
Anyway, nothing exciting to report, but hey "We were out doing what we love"! That is a good day...:Razz:

Amen to that! Part of fishing is being outdoors and enjoying what nature has to offer... and that's exactly what you were doing. :Big Grin:

Thanks for the report, you'll get the Flatties next time. :Wink: :Cool:

12-30-2008, 12:40 AM
I'd say you did good despite the cloud cover, low pressure, etc...

It seems odd to see that sand on that side of the jetty. That sand has covered up some awesome structure. Sure hope it empties back out by next spring or summer.

Hey John,
The state marine biologist has told me that they will begin dredging the bolsa inlet in Jan and it should continue for up to two months. They plan to put a pipe over the south jetty and place the sand about 1/4th mile down the beach toward the Huntington pier. The land trust has plans to dredge the inlet every two years but this will be their first attempt and don't know exactly what to expect. The South jetty may be closed for some time but they haven't made that decision yet. Generally, the dredge contractor makes that determination so we should know soon. If they do close it for a while that will be ok--cause if you fish near the end of the exit pipe you can be assured that all the churned up clams, worms and crabs will attract all sorts of fish.:LOL: Hope to see you guys down there!

01-01-2009, 02:17 PM
that crane is actually a great blue heron.just thought i'd tell you.
Looks like you still had a nice day at the jetty.

01-02-2009, 07:03 AM
that crane is actually a great blue heron.just thought i'd tell you.
Looks like you still had a nice day at the jetty.

thx for the info. I thought it was small for Crane.