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06-07-2007, 10:25 PM
Just picked up a collapseable 3# anchor from Sport Chalet for my tube... Got a couple questions for the group.

What's a good knot to secure a line to the anchor?

How long of an anchor line would you suggest?

If it helps, I do most of my tubing in the local lakes as well as the Sierras.

Thanks in advance for any help!

06-08-2007, 07:04 PM
Try a Perfect Loop note. You may have to search for it on the internet if you don't know it. It makes a loop that WILL NOT slip. Vaery easy to tie although books never show how you thread it through the eye of the hook or in your case anchor.


06-08-2007, 08:48 PM
Try a Perfect Loop note. You may have to search for it on the internet if you don't know it. It makes a loop that WILL NOT slip. Vaery easy to tie although books never show how you thread it through the eye of the hook or in your case anchor.


Is this what you're reffering too?

Perfection Loop

http://www.animatedknots.com/perfection ... m#Overhand (http://www.animatedknots.com/perfection/index.php?LogoImage=LogoGrog.jpg&Website=www.animatedknots.com#Overhand)

06-09-2007, 12:32 PM
Hi guys! Thanks for the help. I can see how the Perfection Loop can work for this application although I would never thought of using it to secure an anchor.

I had heard about/seen some sort of braided connection to an anchor, but wasn't sure how to do it. So I figured to ask and see if anybody here knew.

At any rate, thanks for the suggestion! If I find out anything else, I'll post it here.

Tight lines!

06-12-2007, 12:53 PM
Tony, Yes that's the one. Thanks for the web site, very cool.

T-Rob, You will need to pass the eye of your anchor under and into the loop in detail #3 and pass the tag end of the line through the eye. After you make the rest of the knot, pull the anchor which in turn will pull the tag loop through as shown in details 7 & 8. I would suggest using a couple of links of chain if you will be in ROCKY areas.


06-16-2007, 11:48 AM
For those that were interesting in knowing, I'm going with a 50' piece of nylon rope for the ocassion. It's cheap, strong, durable and the length will give me plenty range along the shoreline.

As far as rigging, I'm looking to attach the rope to the front end of the anchor initially and forming a loop with a zip tie on the other end to hold the rope down. The reason, in a normal drag and drop it's business as usual. If the rig happens too get stuck in the rocks or whatever else down below, I can break the zip tie with a good pull and have a better chance of pulling the stuck anchor in the opposite direction of the set.

Anyway, thanks to those who responded!

Tight lines!