View Full Version : Quick little perch expedition @ Leo Carillo w/ DFG (no pics)

12-15-2008, 06:26 PM
A friend of mine wanted to surf fish. She had never done it and I wanted to make sure we caught some fish, so I figured we'd target some perch with some Gulp CSWs. I knew we would have at lease SOME success. For surf fishing the past I always used a 12lb.+ carolina rig, but this time after trout fishing I wanted to try out a lighter setup, so I did 6lb. test with a smaller hook. I wasn't even going to try for anything larger than perch, so I figured this would be perfect.

Picked up her and her boyfriend and got to the beach around noon and it was a nice day. Got my friend set up, asked her if she knew how to cast (she said yes), and we headed down to the waves. Turns out she could cast, but not that well. I cast out and within a minute got a smaller sized BSP. She's still casting out, but not that far and it gets washed ashore pretty quickly. I ask her if she wants me to cast out for her and she says no. She's a trooper :)

So we're fishing and I see a DFG guy up on the hill looking at us and he's starting to walk down towards us. I've never been stopped by a warden before in all my years fishing. I have my license but she never fishes and I didn't even think about getting a day pass since she rarely fishes and I've never seen a DFG before. I tell her to get close to me. He gets up to us and says "You guys have licenses?" I had my license tied to my shorts and he says "You do" and then looks at my friend. Now, my friend is Chinese and can play a FOB no problem. She's just like "ooooooo. ooooo no" and I'm like "I'm really just teaching her to fish" which is pretty much true. Anyway, he turned out to be a pretty cool guy. He told me the fine in California now is $800. He said its been raised. Is that true? So yeah he let us off the hook. I was always kinda hoping I'd get stopped by DFG so I could finally show my license, but I never thought it would be when I was doing something illegal. 99.9% of the time I fish alone.

Anyway, I'll wrap this up. I caught about 4 more perch, her boyfriend caught 1, and she got skunked. I did end up casting for her a few times, but she just wasn't getting bit. Oh well, we had fun.

12-15-2008, 08:35 PM
Her & her boyfriend kept fishing after being warned... :LOL: brave souls, eight hundred bucks is pretty steep. :Shocked: Happy to see the wardens making their rounds. :Big Grin:
Glad you guys got something, thanks for the report. :Cool:

12-16-2008, 08:56 PM
While fishing the "Spots For Tots" tourney a guy was caught without his license and there was no HO HO HO!!!!!!!! Spirit on behalf of the Wardens. At least his team won I believe $245 for a limit of one and smallest fish, and Bag, but picked up the Mystry Weight, and Directors Weight.

Most setups cost more than the license.
