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View Full Version : Goleta Pier, anyone fish here?

06-06-2007, 01:12 PM
I just moved to Santa Barbara from the Central Valley and was wondering if anyone had some info on Goleta Pier. I now live about 1.5miles away and I have never fished the ocean before. I read a site that said Goleta Pier was one of the best fishing piers in CA, any truth to this?
http://www.pierfishing.com/resources/?i ... oleta_pier (http://www.pierfishing.com/resources/?id=piers:goleta_pier)

I would think more people would mention it if this were the case. Anyway All I have with me is a rod and reel with 20lb spiderwire on it. I have some 1/0 hooks and some mackeral as well. Will this work for pier fishing? Probably going to need some weights, but that is easy enough to come by. Any advice or tips would be great, thanks!

06-06-2007, 03:23 PM
I just moved to Santa Barbara from the Central Valley and was wondering if anyone had some info on Goleta Pier. I now live about 1.5miles away and I have never fished the ocean before. I read a site that said Goleta Pier was one of the best fishing piers in CA, any truth to this?
http://www.pierfishing.com/resources/?i ... oleta_pier (http://www.pierfishing.com/resources/?id=piers:goleta_pier)

I would think more people would mention it if this were the case. Anyway All I have with me is a rod and reel with 20lb spiderwire on it. I have some 1/0 hooks and some mackeral as well. Will this work for pier fishing? Probably going to need some weights, but that is easy enough to come by. Any advice or tips would be great, thanks!

My brother said he caught a shark when he was going to school there (a LONG time ago). Not sure what kind of shark or on what kind of bait, but I'm thinking your setup will do fine. Look for pyramid sinkers. If there's a reef nearby, try torpedo sinkers.

06-06-2007, 03:49 PM
i would bring one heavy and one light cuz u can catch perch and other fish off piers so they heavier line and big hooks wont do as good. mackeral will work if u want to hook up on a shark but for other fish try ghost shrimp, mussels, chovies or squid with like 8lb test and mosquito hooks #4 or #6. for the chovies u can use the 1/0 hooks.

good luck

06-06-2007, 06:27 PM
Used to live in Goleta (Isla Vista) and fished the Goleta Pier a few times. From what I remember the primo spots on the pier had to do something with an underwater pipe. I would go and ask a local, or look to where they are bunched up.

I jumped off of it a few times as well. Enter the water feet together and butt clenched. :wink: :wink:
'Twas my college days... :D


06-06-2007, 09:44 PM
I jumped off of it a few times as well. Enter the water feet together and butt clenched. :wink: :wink:
'Twas my college days... :D
Gives a new meaning to the word chumming. :lol:


06-08-2007, 09:34 PM
Golete pier use to be good fishing, I remeber catching big mackerals there. There's great Halibut fishing by the shore and I've seen some sea bass caught there also. Great shark fishing with mackeral at the end of the pier and on the right side were the kelp is, its good calico bass fishing. PM me i'll give you more details. Use to jump off of the pier there also at nite time after a few beers... Pretty awesome thrill, even jumped from on top of the bathroom.

06-09-2007, 10:48 AM
I went there a little less than a year ago with my cousin, and it was OK at best. We caught about 30 keeper size perch but only kept 10. We actually had a kid get some rope and break off a HUGE chunk of muscles, we would cut the muscles in half, and put our hooks straight into the muscles (they eat out of the shell and eventually get the hook). After about 2 hrs of that, it got boring so we got our heavier tackle and ANCHOR weights and giant hooks for sharks and halibut. We caught one halibut, threw it back, got i hit from a shark but didnt land it.

Now that i think about it... it is a GOOD pier. :D haha.

07-20-2007, 08:46 AM
I was there a couple months ago and WFO mackerel bite at the end w/ a rig setup (the one w/ 4 or 5 little imitation fishes tied to one main line) that was a blast. If you get one mackarel, don't reel it up! let it stay in the water and the others will hit it and before you know it you'll have 5 at one time! This bite isn't consistent though.. you have to kind of hunt for them.

07-20-2007, 09:00 AM
Been there more times than I care to admit Phenomenal fishing (shhh...) ...in fact going up tommorow morning...always welcome new company...pm me holmes!

07-25-2007, 11:06 AM
Used to fish there a lot - it's very inconsistent. One night we pulled in a sting ray, a shovel-nose guitar fish, a smooth-hound shark and too many little white croakers. Many regulars fish for surf perch, and I've pulled in a few sand bass and calicos there as well (out towards the outlet pipe to the west of the pier - you can see the kelp growing off it parallel to the pier).

Never did get a halibut - that's what I was going for...

07-25-2007, 07:38 PM
Funny...I was forced to jump off the pier a couple months back..haha..I live in Goleta (Isla Vista) and have been to that pier a couple times with no luck. The right side of the pier near the pipeline is supposed to be good though. I went crabbign there a couple months back and all i could catch was those Spider Crabs, not the red ones that i was aiming for. Sterns Warf in SB has some good fishing though.

07-25-2007, 09:00 PM
Funny...I was forced to jump off the pier a couple months back..haha..I live in Goleta (Isla Vista)

Alright, I'm no detective, but if you live in Isla Vista, I'm thinking you're a student at the "Harvard of Party Schools". I'm gonna venture a wild guess that you were not "forced" to jump, but were on the receiving end of a dare or a lost bet. Or a few too many pitchers at Woodstock Pizza. :wink:
