View Full Version : Marina Del Rey w Hiro and KPN-long version-long day

12-08-2008, 03:43 PM
Went to Marina Del Rey REAL early Saturday morning…..got to the 1st spot about 1:15- 1:30am, it was Hiros Birthday officially at midnight so off we went, looking for a birthday slay !

Got to our 1st nighttime spot…..5 minutes…………………………and

Hookup ! a short halibut feels my steel !.....the gulp alive minnow slays again !

Another 10-15 minutes………..another !...................

Hookup ! this time it’s Hiro but unfortunately another short. Da gulp is da shiznat !

We fished on for a few short bites but no other fish for a while.

We left our spot for other avenues for nada but returned to it again….

This time, the trolling motor (hand control mounted on the curvature of the bow) was hanging out of the boat and slightly angled down…as we approached a dock, I thought it might hit…I said…”that sucka may be low…I think it might hit”
But right after that, the sabiki rig on another pole was flying around, distracting Hiro and I…….

Crack !!!! the motor hits the dock.....SNAP ! the trolling motor breaks off the clamp on apparatus……Dayam !!!!

Oh well….things happen !....we fished on !

KPN had agreed to meet us there around 5:30 am so we picked him up at the dock around then.

We decided to try the T-jetty on the outer perimeter, it was a little slow going but slowly but surely we all started getting bit.

I think KPN was first to deliver the gulp steel to a short calico bass….

Then hiro drilled one with the ¼ oz jighead…another short calico

I was next with a sandbass…probably legal but back in the drink he goes….we’re searching for da toads !!!

We all proceeded to land several fish over some time but the bites were far apart and we really worked extremely hard with no toads showing up to play…

We probably got maybe 5-6 keepers that whole time

The morning wore on and we probably had 5-8 calicos each or more and at least 2-5 sandbass each….we kept searching out the toads

During this time, the outgoing current was real strong and instantly kept pulling us near the jetty if we weren’t under power….remember, our trolling motor was broken at this point so we had to keep the gas motor running and bump it with that…..

Not too hard of a chore normally…..IF THE MOTOR KEEPS RUNNING !

It started stalling out….a few times here and there then every few minutes…!

We were all trying to fish and Hiro & I took turns trying to keep the boat in position all while re-starting the motor…this was REAL stressfull and we were wearing down plus Hiro and I did not sleep….I think I suffered from delirium at one point cause I think KPN put a sailors hat on and started singing Spongebob squarepants!!!!!....

Hiro, not wanting to be left out started into a dancing rendition of the love boat all while I tried to keep the motor running !

I began to entertain the thought of a abandon ship call and the brisk swim to shore that would follow…

This delirium was all put to an end by 3 Large Dolphins cruising by on the outside of the jetty (at least I think I saw Dolphins ! could have been the sleep depravation !)

We struggled on with the motor…as I drove the boat, bumping the motor, trying to keep the position !

Hiro opened up the motor and started dinking with it !...he started messin with the fuel mixture and my thoughts of having to swim back really started to return….I didn’t even look at him….just kinda let him roll with it…maybe sleep deprivation is a good thing at this point…I didn’t care….anything was better than stressing the way we were…..

THEN…..the motor fell OFF !!!!!

No not really….had ya going…Hiro was smoking and the gas line ignited !
No no…that wasn’t it either !

Hiro managed to get the motor adjusted and we no longer were stalling out…

Woo hoo ! we now had less stress and fished on….BUT….

The fish didn’t want to cooperate…..

We totally changed gameplans and headed for the inner bay searchin out the toads !!!

On the way in, KPN and I trolled and managed 4 hookups and landed 3 somewhat larger model cudas….but still short
A bit bigger than they’ve been recently (maybe 21”to 24”).

We went to another 2-3 spots for nada….

Hit this one nice spot that had a rack of small smelt around, we obtained a few of them and fished a little with the live…..

I laid down for a quick 10 min powernap and Hiro hooks up a short Halibut…..this sparked my attention and I went for a live line as well…

Hiro hooks up again !!! he’s on a roll…another short Halibut…

Now KPN is on…..another short Halibut…..by the way…KPN is the Smelt master !
This guy schooled us down in obtaining these lil live smelt !..

Hiro nails another short flattie….

I got bit about 3 times but all short bites….
It was getting late so we buzzed back to the dock….BUT…

Not before I didn’t redeem myself with a couple more feesh !

I high speed trolled a Pointer to manage 2 more short cuda….I couldn’t keep a straight face as I hooked up (sleep depravation delirium !) as Hiro went 5 mph, I laughed as I cranked and pumped on this sucka !....Hiro says Excitedly ! “ya got something ?” I just laugh and laugh and don’t answer…I kept pumping till that sucka got in sight…land it !

Throw the lure back out…..instantly….another CUDA ! right there 100 yards from the ramp….as we docked I battled it to the boat, laughing at the whole ordeal…

Hiro bring da trailer round….I drive da boat up on it…we pull out……we look at the trailer…..FLAT TIRE !.....on the trailer !

SHEEET! I start a changing it without missing a beat !

The spare is on !......Pssssssssssssss Psssss!....The spare goes flat….Dayam !!!!!

This day has been one of the most challenging….I have KPN run me to the store for fix a flat……after 2 doses of fix a flat, we finally get underway….heading home…eyes heavy still laughing….we had a great time but not without it’s stresses…

Happy Birthday Hiro, it was a great day regardless of the fact that our day was riddled with mishaps and unexpected challenges..

We all caught many fish just not the huge models we searched for…they all cant be toads…I had an awesome day….

I just wish you and KPN didn’t wear those speedo’s out there !...ha ha ha ! aha!

We didn’t take many photos…I don’t know why, we had the time, I think we were all holding out for those “braggin fish!” I wish I had taken more it was a day to remember..

Till next time..

12-08-2008, 04:10 PM
Nice shorties.
Exciting report.

12-08-2008, 04:58 PM
Man, that's a long read. :Cool: :Big Grin:
Way to keep with it and got some action gents.
Sounds like you guys caught every species out there.
Happy belated birthday Hiro. :Envious:

12-08-2008, 06:33 PM

Sounds like a long and sometimes a frustrating night!!!!! With all of the bad luck with the equipment I would have thrown in the towel!!!!

Sounds like an episode of the Deadliest Catch!!!!!!!

Thanks for another report. And I thought I sometimes type way to much in my reports!!!!!


12-09-2008, 02:37 PM
Momma told me there'd be days like this!!!

Great job on making the best of it!!

Native Gal
12-09-2008, 10:37 PM
Wow what a B-Day to remember, glad you guys were o.k. in the end.
Way to get on them fish despite the fishing conditions, what a read.
Thanks for an exciting report.
:Big Grin:


12-10-2008, 09:45 AM
Gary & Hiro,
I think that was the best birthday Hiro will never forget....Having 2 flat tires at the same time :ROFL:.
With all the trouble we had, we still having fun. We caught lots of fish.....NOt skunk there buddy......"I'll be back" :ROFL:. I'm still laughing when I think about....."get da net" hahahaha......
Good fishing with good friend & having fun....priceless!


12-10-2008, 10:19 AM
Gary & Hiro,
I think that was the best birthday Hiro will never forget....Having 2 flat tires at the same time :ROFL:.
With all the trouble we had, we still having fun. We caught lots of fish.....NOt skunk there buddy......"I'll be back" :ROFL:. I'm still laughing when I think about....."get da net" hahahaha......
Good fishing with good friend & having fun....priceless!


Thanks for the night and day out guys!

I'm sure my wife will remind me if I do happen to forget it...lol


I should have taken a picture of Garyfeelthedeck sleeping on the dock with a fishing pole in one hand & line in water. I'm not sure if it was a power nap for Gary or for the fish looking at his motionless jig for 30 minutes...lol

12-10-2008, 10:50 AM
to bad about the mishaps.. still cought some fish though!!
a new school of boneheads came in, there a tad larger..
the bubble hole still gets turned.. the stacks were
blowing smoke the other day.
