View Full Version : Surfin' Perch in the OC 12 05 08

12-05-2008, 08:25 PM
This week started off and ended with clear warm skies. Small surf, that made surf fishing look promising on Monday, was over by late in the week as a big Southwest swell pounded the shore.


I took some time to collect some sidewinders knowing that this time of year they work great for the spawning perch.


I also like to use mussel now and rig it two ways. The first is by doing what everyone has done forever—clumping a wad on the hook and sending it out to sea. The other way is by finding the bigger mussel and using the lip only. I like to thread the lip up the hook just as I would do with a worm. This seems to give the bait a more natural presentation because it moves across the bottom like a worm rather than just spinning through the surf. I’ve had some good luck with it and have even caught a few halibut using that technique.


I switched off between baits, mussel, clams and sidewinder and hooked into a few nice perch. Although it was a tough week for surf fishing I was glad to have a few to pull on.

Check out this guy's weird hunchback...

I even had some luck with one of the biggest walleye I’ve ever caught. You know it’s big for a walleye when you can lip it for the pic.


The tidal movement this week had a lot to be desired. Luckily, next week has some great tides—astronomical in fact—so that should lead to some great fishing—unless the surf’s ten foot!!!:ROFL:

I would like to thank Fisherman57 for posting my “help wanted” for volunteers to move clams from the Talbert Inlet into the newly renovated Talbert Estuary (You’ll find it posted on “Team 57’s Official Blog”). I have some good news to add to the flyer. The State Parks have granted our volunteers free parking for the day. You just need to show a copy of the event flyer at the Magnolia/PCH entrance and you’ll save the $10.00 parking fee. The renovation of three miles of estuary along PCH from Beach Blvd. to the Santa Ana River will be completed in the spring and is guaranteed to make the Bolsa Chica to Santa Ana River corridor the best surf fishing in the State. Thank you everyone for your help!!:LOL:

12-05-2008, 08:37 PM
great report, i just wish the beach was a bit closer and that ididnt have to pay the 10 bucks each time i went. :Razz: im going to look into volunteering for your event. :Cool:

*edit* wont be in town next weekend. argh. maybe next time.

12-05-2008, 08:58 PM
nice job man, those are some nice size perchies. Hopefully i will run into a few tomorow.

12-05-2008, 11:45 PM
Another excellent report Bill. Looks like something took a bite out of the Walleye at one time. :Shocked: The bigger Perch are going to start showing up here pretty consistently. Just want to remind eveyone to release the big preggo females during the spawn. :Big Grin: :Cool: I'm gonna try really hard to get out in the surf this weekend myself. :Wink:

12-05-2008, 11:53 PM
Thanks for the report Crabman, just a note some of the perch look beat up around the sides.

12-06-2008, 08:53 AM
Thanks for the report Crabman, just a note some of the perch look beat up around the sides.

I believe those darker colors on the bottom and ocassionally on the top side of the fish are their spawning colors. One surf fisherman, who I really respect, tells me they are from what the fish are eating--???:Secret:

12-06-2008, 10:44 AM
great report, i just wish the beach was a bit closer and that ididnt have to pay the 10 bucks each time i went. :Razz: im going to look into volunteering for your event. :Cool:

*edit* wont be in town next weekend. argh. maybe next time.

You should consider buying an annual pass for the parking lot. This is a State lot (as opposed to city, which starts on the other side of Beach) and an annual pass gets you not only into the State lots on PCH (they stretch from Beach to Brookhurst) but most of the State Parks as well. The pass is like $120 and is good for a rolling 12 months so it doesn't matter when you buy.....although most like to buy at the beginning of a month instead of the end so you get the extra 30 days. I hit the beach much more often now, sometimes just to look and kick it in the truck, since I got the pass. It's already paid for itself and I have like 8 months left on it.

12-06-2008, 03:14 PM
Nice slabs, Bill!!

HEy, when you are grabbing those sidewinders, do you wear a glove to stop from getting pinched? Whats your technique?:Confused:


12-06-2008, 05:54 PM
Nice slabs!! Thanks for the report

12-06-2008, 10:30 PM
Nice slabs, Bill!!

HEy, when you are grabbing those sidewinders, do you wear a glove to stop from getting pinched? Whats your technique?:Confused:


Hey Coto,
The best place to find the crabs is under small (shoe box) size rocks. Go down to any area at low tide and turn over a few rocks and you'll most likely find them. You can also find them on jetty rocks but they are a bit harder to catch by hand so try a can on a string with some bait on a piece of hardware cloth inside. Let the can down between the rocks and lay it on its side. Come back in twenty minutes and pull it up by the string and viola you got crabs.:LOL:

I don't use glove but sometimes I should! At times they really pinch you and when you go to pull them off their claw breaks off and is still pinching you---I hate it when that happens!:ROFL:

12-08-2008, 09:48 AM
I knew I should have used some crabs last trip down!
Would have saved me a trip to big fish and $7.75 for a bag of "crack"!

It would seem I could use another surf lesson or two. :LOL:
Good work on the interestingly colored perch. Never seen them with black like that before. Cool stuff Bill, thanks for the report and pics :Cool:

12-08-2008, 03:47 PM

Thanks for another excellent reportas always.

