View Full Version : 11/24 S OC very short session

11-24-2008, 11:57 PM
Really wanted to get a session in before taking the family to New Mexico for the week. Had an hour to kill so got my gear and headed to the sand, got there about 2pm. Overcast, about 68-ish. The sun did come out for a few minutes, water was not too bad, but got cold towards the end. Water was clear, no salad.

Threw BH 3" for about 30 minutes, no action. Decided to put on the crack just to see if I can kill the skunk within the little time I had left. Scored five smally BSPs.

Recently, I feel a lot more relax when I'm out there. Not sure what it is, maybe I'm just starting to really appreciate the ocean and what it can give us if we allow ourselves to see/feel it.

Have a great thanksgiving everyone.


11-25-2008, 08:45 AM
thats exactly why i try to go out any time i can ... peaceful and relaxing. Have a good holiday also.