View Full Version : Best Weekend Of My Life... WFO with a BASS Pro

11-23-2008, 09:05 PM
First off I'd like too apologize for not posting any pictures with this report. I know that will discourage a lot of people from continuing reading but you should because this weekend was awesome. I simply didn't have time for pictures because we were filming a TV show and it was just a major hassle. soon I'll have it all on film:Envious:

So anyway, the show that I got to be part of is called " Going Coastal with Byron Velvick" Yes, Byron Velvick, as in the Bass Master Elite Series Pro, needless to stat I was stoked. Turns out he and my boss, Mike Gardner are old friends and Byron wanted to have him and Mike fishing together as one of the first episodes of his new show. I was way happy just to get to tag along.

Saturday found Mike and I on the road early so that we could meet Byron down in San Diego Bay at 6:30. It was way foggy down there and the water temps were down 4 degrees form two weeks ago, but that did't slow the bite at all. We fished Gulp! Shrimp and grubs in mostly New Penny and Nuclear Chicken. I also did very well dropshotting an Optimum Wacky Shad. one good thing about the fog was that we could fish our favorite shorelines for longer than ten minutes without getting chased off. We ran all over the bay gettin a ton of footage for the show and ended with what i would say conservatively was 140 mixed fish, 95% of them were Spotties, but we also got Calicos, Sandbass and a few little Halibut.

Day two, Sunday. We launched with the guys out of Sunset Aquatic Marina in Huntington Harbor. The plan today was to go outside and try to get some bigger fish. Well, we hit the rigs first por nada but a major mack attack. We ditched the rigs and ran to some shallow hard bottom spots. Right about then the tide started to swing and the bite went wide open. Unfortunately, all small fish again. We booked it down to the power plant and I pulled a fast one on my first cast with a crank. I cast it before the boat even stopped, cranked hard and got it down deep. I felt my bait bounce off one rock and right away my rod loaded on what would be the big fish of the day. A nice fat lil calico, probablly around 4 lbs. I put my crankbait away and went back to the plastics, it was really funny seein the expression on Byron's face after he watched me one up him with what he considered to be a total freshwater bait. We picked off a few more, then headed to find the Pipe with zero fish on it. We had to call it pretty early because Byron and his guys had to get over to Catalina to film another episode. We went back to the hard bottom for maybe twenty more mixed fish and called it about noon. Today between Mike Byron and I we had somewhere between 80 and 90 bass and a few shallow water rockfish.

This was one the best times I've ever had fishing. Not necessarily the fishing because I've had days with more and definately much bigger fish, but we still did well considering the conditions. Plus, I get to be on tv:Big Grin:. Byron is an absolutely incredible fisherman and a great guy to be around. I learned so much watching him and talking to him. We had a LOOONGGG talk about swimbaits for LMBs and I think I'm definately gonna be more successful with the advice he's given me. I wish him all the best on the Tour and I hope I can fish with him again soon.

Hope you guys enjoyed, again sorry about no pictures, just watch it on TV:Big Grin:

11-23-2008, 09:09 PM
What a great experience, congrats on an awesome day! :Cool: :Big Grin:

calico killer kevin
11-23-2008, 09:32 PM
Wow what a great experience. Can't wait to see it on tv.

11-23-2008, 09:39 PM
Niceeee! Byron slayss the greenies. Im glad to see some more media exposure for our socal inshore bass fishing scene!! Be on the look out for Ike's City Limits show on VS Network for his LBC/LA stop! It will be airing in the upcoming season.

11-23-2008, 09:48 PM
Sweet deal .... nice report and what a awesome experience. Good job slayin bass.

Not to familiar with the show, do you know what Time and Channel it will show on?? Would like to cheek it out.

Thanks for the report. :Beer Toast:


11-23-2008, 10:01 PM
the show is gonna be brand new, this will be one of if not the first episode. i think it airs on Sun Dec 28 on espn2. it sucks cuz its eastern time so nine am there but that means six here. I'm gonna get a dvd though so im pretty stoked.

11-23-2008, 10:52 PM
Very cool! Congrats!


11-24-2008, 11:50 AM
Nice, we look forward to seeing the footage..

Congrats on the catches and the television op..

11-24-2008, 05:02 PM
Wow! Mike's your boss!? I used to fish with and against him and his brother Pete and a bunch of others members all over the state way back in the 1970s when we were in an Inglewood-based Bass Club called the "California Lunker Club" (CLC). Mike's a great fisherman.

11-24-2008, 07:08 PM
Haha yeah he always tells me about his glory days of professional fresh water fishing. Its a kick to fish with him and I have for over four years now. I like Pete a lot too, there really funny when they fish together. Mike has taught me more than i could have learned in a lifetime, and so have all the other great people I've gotten to fish with because of him, like Byron:Big Grin:

Cow Patty
11-24-2008, 08:17 PM
We seen you guys out at the pipeline Sunday. You were in tight towards the beach. We were out toward the end of the pipeline in deeper water. Conditions were better more current better grade of fish. Your a star now. See you on TV soon.

11-24-2008, 08:22 PM

11-24-2008, 09:00 PM
Byron is a super cool guy, he is a friend of mine, I have had quite a few adventures with him over the years fishing all over the west. I will call him tomorrow and give him crap.

Thanks for the report. I am glad im not alone in my feelings about how much fun Byron is to fish with, hell, do anything with really.

11-24-2008, 09:07 PM
Ask him bout my crank bait fish haha. Yeah, we worked tight to the beach but we had fish in other spots and not a lot of time to look for fish. It was still a great day even though we sucked on the Pipe

11-25-2008, 12:34 PM
By chance was the crankbait fish on one i advised you to buy?? And what about the new swimmer how did that work?

11-25-2008, 01:05 PM
Haha black and red DD22, but no love for the big swimmmies. It was awesome watching Byrons and how he worked those big baits, there just apparently weren't any big boys to eat them

11-25-2008, 01:20 PM

11-25-2008, 01:46 PM
Awesome report John. Sounds like a blast. A TV star you are.