View Full Version : Marina Del Rey Harbor w-Bucketbay & Bassmaster818 11-19

11-20-2008, 10:32 AM
It was a quick after work school night bite !~

Bucketbay, Bassmaster818 and myself got on the water about 8pm.

The tide was far from optimum and full on low with the peak low at 10pm so I forwarned the guys that this probably would not be an epic bite but we all aggreed to let it roll anyway..


Didn’t take too long to get a lil some some started (no pun here guys please)

1st cast….I get a nice slow heavy bite….let ‘em mouth it a bit and WHAMO ! drive da steel and let ‘em feel the peel !
a Halibut hits the net…..saweet…..”SKUNK SHAKA !”

I think it was 15.2’ of water in this zone…the ¼ oz gulp alive strikes again !
I thought this would follow the traditional pattered behavior I usually experience around there and we would catch a few more in that zone but after 2-4 other short bites… no fish prevailed so it was off to the next spot….

After about 5-10 minutes there, Dwayne hooks up !
Another halibut hits the boat….Bucketbays skunk has been shaken…Saweeet…
They love that gulpo !!!!
About 15.6’ in this area !

We fished it there for another 45-60 minutes with a few bites but no more flat activity…

SO……off to the outer jetty zones to see about more action..

Geordy get his skunk shaken !…….Oh yeah….. always nice ta shake mr skunky !


The bite was a little slow in this zone and no halibut materialized there but we scratched a few sand bass and I think I got a sculpin there as well…


At this point we did not continue taking photos, we caught a few more SB and the bite sorta slowed so we moved to the Calico country……

We enjoyed a steadily increasing bite there for about an hour and caught many Calico Bass each, most were short but we caught several between the 13 to 16” range.

After many jigs lost to the rocks and after Geordy slammed his fishing pole into my face on his backcast (right between the eyes too OUCH !)

We decided to hit our 1st halibut zone 1 more time and leave since it was late….
SO…off we went back to spot #1.

Nothing else materialized at this point and off home we went….late.. but satisfied at a nice evening fishing trip…

Geordy….I still have a headache from the freakin fishing pole nailing my face……

Good time guys….great fun…

Til next time,

11-20-2008, 10:40 AM
Wow, Geordy, I cannot believe that you actually hit Gary in the face.
I'll have the $5 I owe you when I see you.

Nice job leaving some for me you guys. :Wink:

Thanks for the report.

11-20-2008, 10:45 AM
Good job out there guys.

Gary.............Ouch! I told you to watch out for Geordy :ROFL:.


11-20-2008, 11:52 AM
lol,,,sorry bout that G u know that was an accident and alan owes me $5...hahahaha.....damn that sucked...u basstard advertising....lol....it was a good day though!next time we'll kill all those big flatties!!!

11-20-2008, 11:55 AM
No Smack = Less Fish

11-20-2008, 01:47 PM
Good job guys. Ill have to get out there this weekend.:EyePop:

11-20-2008, 02:55 PM
lol,,,sorry bout that G u know that was an accident and alan owes me $5...hahahaha.....damn that sucked...u basstard advertising....lol....it was a good day though!next time we'll kill all those big flatties!!!

Not sure what this message says due to the double vision I'm now experiencing !....

Could be a good thing though...If I catch one legal...it will appear to me as 2.......

11-20-2008, 03:23 PM
No Smack = Less Fish

thats bull**** lol...you told me i'll catch more fish without smack talk...Well you my friend,were WRONG!!!HAHA!:ROFL:

ghetto dad
11-20-2008, 04:38 PM
Great job guys.......


Bucket bay
11-20-2008, 07:32 PM
Good times out there last night fishing with you guys, it was fun catching those Calico bass and Halibut on light spinning especially trying to keep those calico out the kelp and rocks we shall do it again reel soon.

Good times good people.

11-21-2008, 04:28 PM
Very nice guys.......Call me stupid but I've never fished for flatties at night. You guys just inspired me to think outside the box.....LOL
Good to see that Bucketbay is rockin the saltwater again. Keep up the great work Gary. Is it just me but when you lived down by the ocean Gary.......We always saw alot of reports from the lagoon and the west ramp. Then you move up by the lake and NOW your always on the salt. I don't even know what ever happened to your panty collection dude......LOL

11-21-2008, 05:14 PM
Very nice guys.......Call me stupid but I've never fished for flatties at night. You guys just inspired me to think outside the box.....LOL
Good to see that Bucketbay is rockin the saltwater again. Keep up the great work Gary. Is it just me but when you lived down by the ocean Gary.......We always saw alot of reports from the lagoon and the west ramp. Then you move up by the lake and NOW your always on the salt. I don't even know what ever happened to your panty collection dude......LOL

Fishing the flats at night can be real productive, I've probably caught at least30% of my flats at night in my years, they are very nocturnal...just gotta locate them buggers...trial and error is key and persistence..and sheer will...

Think about it...bass feed at night !...baitfish dwell at night...all makes total sense, the halibut (in theory) are not all that different from the saltwater bass when you look at feeding patterns, not in the same exact manner that they obtain their prey or attack it or exact habitat (not too different though)but in the mannerisms relative to patterns i.e. tides bait congregations, depths etc. find the bait.....find the active fish

I'll be attacking again tomorrow morning on them at 3am....gotta strike while the iron is hot and before the water temps plummit (water currently 58-60 degrees) and the feeding grounds change to deeper patterns...I love slaying those suckas on light line and shallow water

As far as your observations about the salt and fresh...your right...kinda funny how that works...I always let myself gravitate where my chances are best to land some toads and right now the salt is a good bet....I'll begin fishing those lagoon mossbacks again real soon now that the the summer doldrums have subsided (they came real late this season at the goon because of the water influx and then it stopped etc.)

I actually took a long break from the salt for the better part, I stopped for at least a year or more, it was time to give it some due and now that I've found a remedy for my seasickness it's "Game on" for the open salt species, it's just ashamed I found the remedy late in the season and missed the exotic action....next year I'd feel sorry to be an open ocean fish cause I have allot of revenge to be had for all those years that I missed out on...
Ya never know where I'm gonna be...soon on here I'm gonna take me a little exploratory trip for those wipers at Elsinore and see what they have to offer.

As for the panties....know this...it is not a "Collection" it is a rotating supply that must be renewed and made "fresh" only then the panty luck will prevail...call it my secret weapon, call me twisted...doesn't matter....I don't fix it if it aint broken and they seem to bring me good luck...woo hoo hoo hoo....ha ha ha ha !

Till the next drag peel !

11-21-2008, 05:54 PM

OH ALAN.....I think you need to edit out that link....Not to kewl with Dana I'm sure.

11-21-2008, 05:56 PM
Done..... you are right Mike. The voice of Reason!!!

11-21-2008, 06:06 PM

OH ALAN.....I think you need to edit out that link....Not to kewl with Dana I'm sure.
818...please edit that link out of ur post as well if you would be so kind....

11-21-2008, 08:54 PM
818...please edit that link out of ur post as well if you would be so kind....whose that???i'm geordy and you are my son,,,lol,,,

11-21-2008, 09:05 PM

11-21-2008, 11:27 PM
Nice Flatties & Bass gents. Hey "G", you look like coal miner with that light strapped to your forehead. :LOL: :Envious:

11-21-2008, 11:48 PM
Nice job guys, lotsa fun fishing the salt at night...especially with results like yours! Keep up the good work. You guys take your boat out Gary? Thanks for the report and pics.


11-22-2008, 10:25 AM
Nice Flatties & Bass gents. Hey "G", you look like coal miner with that light strapped to your forehead. :LOL: :Envious:
nice!!!:LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
damn Arthur!lol...i bet wingpug came up with that one....:Envious:

11-22-2008, 08:58 PM
way to go on the night hunt ,but Gary what happend to the blood???????, naw thanks for the pics...always great

Santa Fe Eric
11-23-2008, 04:41 PM
Nice Work Men!

Good to see Bucket Bay in the Bay!