View Full Version : Marina Del Rey Harbor sun 11-16

11-17-2008, 11:55 AM
Took a late Sunday trip to Marina Del Rey Harbor in search of a Halibut quick fix.

I really wanted to get there for the nice high level morning high tide but I was way too tired out from Saturdays DVL foray

Got on the water about 6pm, right at low tide turning in…not too bad of a time so….off I went on a solo flattie search…

My 1st spot produced 1 sandy about 12-13” – 12.3 ft deep

2nd spot….Nada

3rd spot found me fishing a new zone that I’d metered several times where the current coming from the open ocean pushes around the jetty in an “S” pattern and up and creates a real nice sandbar that deviates the depth from about 20’ to 12’…seemed like a real good spot for the flats to hunt, I thought I’d nail some there for sure but no go…..after 1 sculpin I moved on…

4th & 5th spots…Sandbass !……dayam…I’m hunting halibut…. I kept doing my drift thing attempting to locate them, I got another Sandbass….these zones were at around 10-13’ deep

I worked it real hard and thoroughly… up and down the zones….

The flatties didn’t want to party at this time….bumma !

I met fellow FNN’r Deadroots out there with his buddy and discussed the gulp alive minnow and how to fish them, I gave them each a ¼ & 3/8 jighead and began my searches again, soon on in passing I saw them nail some fish on the gulp emerald shiner 4” (my choice as well by the way).

After a while I wanted a little mo action so off I went to spot #6 the other end of the jetty for 3 calicos ranging from 11-13 inches. 10’-19’ deep here was key

Had ta return to the hunt….

Off to spot #’s 7 & 8, #7 it was SLOoooW……but just as I was going to move, I REALLY slowed my attack method down and got bit…..

a short flattie hits the boat.. ….way short but at least I’m finding some flat activity…..

I continued the hyperslow presentation…..

another short flat…..AND…followed by another..

15.8 feet of water seemed to be the key but unfortunaly no big legals this evening…spot #8 did not produce anything other that 2 mack bites on top..

I ended up catching:
3 halibut (shorts)
3 Calicos
3 Sandbass
1 Sculpin

Water temp was 58 degrees by the outer jetty and 60 degrees in the shallower inner reaches of the bay

All in all it was slow but always a good time, I’ll return again soon….

didn’t take too many photos as these fish weren’t anything to really get too riled up about….I’ll post the few pics I have a little later..

Nice meeting ya out there Deadroots..


11-17-2008, 12:02 PM
I wanna nail some 'butts real soon. I still gotta fulfill my flattie quota this year. Thanks for the report.

11-17-2008, 03:44 PM
I wanna nail some 'butts real soon.lets keep our personal information to ourselves....:LOL:

Nice job Gary....You gotta kill some Flatties G!

11-17-2008, 03:55 PM
lets keep our personal information to ourselves....:LOL:

Nice job Gary....You gotta kill some Flatties G!
Hey One-leg....I'll have to admit that you left your end "open" on this one !

11-17-2008, 04:02 PM
Hey One-leg....I'll have to admit that you left your end "open" on this one !
lol i hope your "pun" was intended...hahahaha

11-17-2008, 04:05 PM
If I ever go on an "open" charter I will NOT be catching anything!!!

11-17-2008, 04:14 PM
You had a better day than I did in the salt on Sunday. :Cool:
Thanks for wearing Bob out on Saturday, he was too pooped to fish with me on Sunday. :LOL: :Wink: :Envious:

11-17-2008, 04:59 PM
You had a better day than I did in the salt on Sunday. :Cool:
Thanks for wearing Bob out on Saturday, he was too pooped to fish with me on Sunday. :LOL: :Wink: :Envious:
Trust me Arthur, you were better off anywhere else other than castaic, I live 4 minutes from the upper lake and the wind was hell on wheels out there, I sorta doubt you would have been allowed to launch and even if you did that wind would have made for a difficult day on top of the fire complications...

Poor Bob, I rode to DVL with him so he got stuck with taking me on the 50 cent tour THROUGH THE MOUNTAINS AND DESSERT and just when we got out to the dessert area out by palmdale (his internal auto pilot probably said...YES WE'RE HOME !) HE HAD TO TURN BACK AND TRECK BACK TO CASTAIC !!!!
Poor Bob, we did have a taxing days drive and commute..

At least you got out on the water, I wouldn't say my day was better though, the 3 flats I got were'nt more than "Danks" in the halibut world....almost embarrassed to report them and I had ta fish the hell outa that bay for what I got !

As for wearin Bob out...heh heh heh....I had to....if you 2 would have hit castaic, there would have been none left for my b4 work attacks this week.... : )

Like I said, castaic was nowhere to be yesterday, otherwise I would have made a run (the long 4 minute drive) up the hill...

I might have to return to the Marina this week after work for another Flat attempt...they kinda got me pzzzzed right now...REVENGE !!!!!


11-17-2008, 09:32 PM
It was great meeting you as well bud! Thanks for the quick lesson. It was slow although I did hook my first Ling. But all in all, the jig n fish combo works wonders my buddy I caught some sculpin, some cali's, some bsb, and the Ice Blue Ling. No bugs that night for us. I look forward to seeing you out there again, hopefully we'll both have some hali's!!:Beer Toast:

11-17-2008, 09:35 PM
Thanks for the report you have that place down i need to take my Valco up there one of these days.
