View Full Version : The Lone Grubber

City Dad
11-16-2008, 03:31 PM
I found a few unspoken-for hours on my hands this morning and decided to make a run for the beach. Arrived at my usual spot to find calm swells, an incoming tide... and an un-broken picket fence of fishing rods stretching down the strand as far as I could see. Looked like some sort of club - or maybe Nevada - had scheduled a get-together there. I didn't bother stopping.

It's not that I don't like people... I've just got this thing about crowds. All of the worst things that ever happened to me happened in one wretched sea of humanity or another; Being stranded in an airport on Christmas, getting stuck on a broken-down subway, Disney land in August, that Oakridge Boys concert my folks dragged me to... bad times indeed. So I suppose that's why I tend to seek out solitude, especially when I'm fishing.

A drove down the coast a bit and eventually stopped at a spot I'd fished a couple times before. As I mentioned, the water looked good, very fishable with almost no salad to speak of and the tide was just about to peak.

Probed around a bit with c-riged crack for a couple dinks. Noticed a good number of crab beds still showing and picked up a few. Got a couple hand-sized perch on the meat. Then I switched to the MORF and found a steady bite of eight-inchers that lasted until I left at about eleven thirty.

Also scared the bejezus out of one very large corbina still in the skinny. Passed another angler who'd had similar luck with the perch.

Overall, a nice morning. Lots of fish... but little size. Last night there was a big, three-quarter moon. Perhaps it was too big. In any event I'm thinking I should try this spot again in the next couple weeks... if no one's around.;)

11-16-2008, 04:54 PM
Glad you found some time to get out in the surf Tim. :Cool: I shoulda joined ya today. My original plans to fish Castaic fell through and I headed North this morning with dismal results. :Neutral: You will be happy to hear that the big Perch is starting to move in getting ready for the spawn. :Wink:

BTW - Who invaded my old stomping ground?!? :Angry: :Envious:

11-16-2008, 04:59 PM
Nice job on the perchy CD, sounds like you enjoyed yourself out there!


11-16-2008, 05:07 PM
City Dad,

In your mind, do you picture Barred Surf Perch as a salty version of Tilapia, and hence the pathological fascination? :ROFL:

See ya around!!

11-16-2008, 05:46 PM
Nice perchin'.
I don't do well around many others either. I woulda kept driving too..

11-16-2008, 07:31 PM
Yeah I feel ya on the crowds. Just before moving here I lived in
Humboldt county: 128,000 people, 36 people per square mile

And now I live in orange co: 3,000,000 <---- this is nearly 10% of the total population in California with a density of ~3800 people per square mile

At times I love it. Other times I sure miss walking those dunes where the forest meets the ocean. Long-wind swept beaches where the dunes are so high you realize that those aren't little trees growing on the top of the dunes - they are 100' tall trees that were slowly covered with sand. Dang....I might have to take a vacation soon.

11-16-2008, 08:48 PM
Damn, must be some kinda gathering because the only time I see that many people fishing together is on the piers.

ghetto dad
11-16-2008, 08:54 PM
I hate people....lol

Great report CD.....thanks


11-16-2008, 09:15 PM
Solitude is always nice. Way to get out there and get some feesh.

City Dad
11-17-2008, 09:34 AM
BTW - Who invaded my old stomping ground?!? :Angry: :Envious:

I dunno... saw a lot of sandspikes though...

Solitude is always nice. Way to get out there and get some feesh.

yeah, I only fish with 57er's;)

I hate people....lol

Again, I don't hate people... I just don't want them near me... or looking at me... or within eyesight... or... hmm, maybe I do hate peolpe...

Yeah I feel ya on the crowds. Just before moving here I lived in
Humboldt county: 128,000 people, 36 people per square mile

And now I live in orange co: 3,000,000 <---- this is nearly 10% of the total population in California with a density of ~3800 people per square mile

At times I love it. Other times I sure miss walking those dunes where the forest meets the ocean. Long-wind swept beaches where the dunes are so high you realize that those aren't little trees growing on the top of the dunes - they are 100' tall trees that were slowly covered with sand. Dang....I might have to take a vacation soon.

I too know that trail of tears, Coffee. I moved here from Okanogan County. It's the largest county in Washington state and home to one of the largest indian reservations in the nation... and it boasts one stop light in the entire thing... which is okay because the population density is about eight people per square mile... and at least half of them are either at the lumber mill or the Shorthorn tavern at any one time. So, a crowded day of fishing would mean you noticed a set of tire tracks less than a week old near your favorite hole.

In your mind, do you picture Barred Surf Perch as a salty version of Tilapia, and hence the pathological fascination? :ROFL:

:Rolls Eyes: C'mon Rich, everyone knows that surf perch are the pumkinseed sunfish of the ocean.

11-17-2008, 10:27 AM
Nice shark bait. I waited to post cause I didn't want to be part of a multi-quote.

11-17-2008, 11:37 AM
Hey Tim....

If you're fishing where I THINK you're fishing...... call me next time you go and Ill leave early...... that way the beach will be COMPLETLY empty when you get there! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Nice BSP!.......... we'll head out soon.


City Dad
11-17-2008, 12:31 PM
Hey Tim....

If you're fishing where I THINK you're fishing...... call me next time you go and Ill leave early...... that way the beach will be COMPLETLY empty when you get there! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Nice BSP!.......... we'll head out soon.


10 4 on both of those ;)

11-17-2008, 03:03 PM
Nice perch! Looks like the cover of the light line revolution.