View Full Version : Repost from old server Spitfire 10-19

10-30-2008, 11:51 AM
Went out on the Spitfire along with Cappo. Headed out around 6am and once we passed Redondo trolled for Bonito. Stood around and did nothing. Finally after the second stop decided to fish.

Cappo decided to teach me how to finally cast on a conventional reel, so we take place on the bow and what do you know... Cappo hooks up and brings in a nice sized bonito. Not to long after, i hook up, and not to far from the boat. Snagged him nicely on its back :Shocked:. Once the bite slowed down, we headed on out and continued our troll.

Now let me just take one minute to complain. Turns out the reason why we weren't catching `em as fast is because the two foolios trolling weren't bringing in the catch fast enough to get the school to follow :mad:. So the captain decides to let the deck hands troll so they can get us on fish.

Not to long after, Debo Derrick (the cook) yells hook up and brings that bad boy in. Still learning how to cast, Cappo and myself take the bow yet again. On my second cast out... whoooosh birds nest :Embarrassed: good thing it wasn't a big mess cause damn it all, there's a fish on the other end. Cappo tells me to leave the mess to fix later and bring in the fish. So obediently I reel it in. What a fight! Oh yah, forgot about Cappo... He brought in 2 more somewhere in there..

Once the bite died down we head on and continue to troll. Again, the two dumbletards are on the troll and you know the story. Finally at 10:30am, the captain heads on out towards Malibu for some rock fishing. Aaaaah finally, need to stock up on some sculpins.

On the way over to Malibu, Derrick decides to play a dirty trick on some jerk off giving him a hard time. So let me paint this picture in your mind. You know that vent where you can smell the hamburger grease? Well jerk off was sitting right underneath it on the step eating his bread. He was pretty much lounged and relaxed with his legs stretched out in front of him. Along comes Morgan (one of the deck hands) over to Cappo and myself, tells us to watch the guy under the vent. Next thing you know, you see a huge cloud of steamed pickle juice surround him. The guy looks up and makes a sour face, pissed and books it away from the vent.:LOL: Cappo turns around and starts bustin up while Morgans runs towards the bow crackin up in tears :Idiot: . Aaaaah comedy... you gotta love it :ROFL:

We finally get to our destination and drop our lines. Not two minutes later i hook up on a nice sculpin. One by one, everyone gets their fill and the bite dies down. Starting the engines yet again, we head on out and look for a better spot. Finally we land a little before Malibu pier and drop our lines. After about 20 minutes, we see boil... BONITA! So everyone's bringing in their line to switch out gear. Damn, I'm snagged. Oh wait... I've got fish on the other end. This sucker was a fighter!... Took me all the way to the bow. Grrrrrr. Finally we get sight of it and its a bat ray. OMG that thing took the breath out of me.. :Tired:

After a few more stops and more sculpins we head on in on our journey back towards Manhattan. In the interim I decided I had enough and set my head down in a nice long nap. So I guess I missed the last stop, oh well.

Here are a few pics from our date :Romance:. Sorry the report was long, but I guess I got excited when Cappo said I could write it.


Check out my new boots



Ok... so we stop so the crew has time to fillet our fishes. Cappo and myself are hangin out waiting our turn. I look over and see the most unusual thing.... Do you see what's wrong with this picture?


Hope ya'll enjoyed my report... this is ~larissa signing off

10-30-2008, 04:25 PM
That pickle prank was hella funny! Guy probly got what he deserved. Those birds nest can be a real pain especially on braid. The last pic was pretty funny as well. Kinda defeats the purpose. Thanks for the laughs

10-30-2008, 04:50 PM
I threw back all the calicos i caught. I swear.

10-30-2008, 07:32 PM
Fun report to read! Thanks! I think Cappo just lost his report writing privileges...

10-30-2008, 08:51 PM
that guy's reel is done(the one using the hose)

God Bless


10-30-2008, 09:35 PM
Nice haul... I've heard good things about the spitfire. I'll have try it one of these days. Thanks for the report!

10-31-2008, 11:54 AM
Hi ~larissa,

Great report. If that's how you write ..... the heck with cappo's efforts !! jk !! Nice Bass boots !!

Good for you on the conventional reel business. Want leverage ?? .... use a conventional reel !! IMNSHO Do you know the technique that will more than half the effort needed to un-do a birdsnest ? You should know it and practice it until you've got it down pat.

Also ... if you're planning on throwing a jig or plastic for a while (on a trip), have a second rod rigged and ready for when a birdsnest would take too much valuable time to unravel. This is especially critical on Tuna trips.

Ganbatte .... give it your best effort,


11-01-2008, 02:08 AM
Cool report !