View Full Version : LB Harbor 10/27-10/28

10-30-2008, 09:29 AM
Well, I am not sure where this report should go, we fished inside and outside of LB. Steve (Flyngby) met the bro and I around 1500 on Monday and we were off to LB for a night of hooping. We launched around 1700 and had the hoops in the water by sunset. We hooped all night, for one legal. Very slow for us. But we had a great night fishing. Here are some pics:

Eddie with a huge Sandy!

Rich with a nice Sculpin!

Rich with a Sandy!

Steve after a long night of pulling. I put these boys to the grind! Awake for 24 hrs at least!
There were many more fish cuaght, and Steve got some too. He has more pics on his Camera and will add to this.

After a long night of hooping and fishing, we decided we would have to stay out and fish Tue to make up for the lack of bugs. We got a very generous scoop of Sardines from Nacho and a little advice on where to go for some bones. We headed out and south to the comercial mooring area's for the large Oil ships and sure enough the bones were there. We were getting them on Trolled Raps. We got picked up and dropped a few times on the fly lined Dines.

Eddie with a Bone.

Steve with some bones.

After we got some bones for Hoop bait we went back inside to drift for Hali's. Steve started us off with the first one of the day, just short at 21 inches. Then Rich decided it was time for him to catch up with me on the legal flatties and landed this one:

Think it was 27 Inches!

Then he followed it up with this one.

We called it a day around 1500 with the two legal flatties! Steve has more pics to add!


10-30-2008, 10:13 AM
Nice halis thanks for the pics and report.Better luck next time on the Bugs.


10-30-2008, 02:34 PM
Those are some very nice halis! Great report, if you don't mind saying, what were those halis caught with?

10-30-2008, 03:24 PM
damn nice catches....love the flats but I really like those boneheads....MAN, I miss the bonies in the redondo harbor....I've got the same info regarding the troll about 1-2 miles out.

Sweet job, congrats on the catches..

10-30-2008, 03:31 PM
damn nice catches....love the flats but I really like those boneheads....MAN, I miss the bonies in the redondo harbor....I've got the same info regarding the troll about 1-2 miles out.

Sweet job, congrats on the catches..

Gary, the bones are certainly a blast to catch. I think Steve said it had been 28 or 30 years since he pulled on a decent sized bone! It was sure fun watching him. It was even more fun watching him battle a Bone, then a Sea Lion, then two Sea Lions all on the same fish! But he was able to get our Rap outta the dogs mouth!!

10-30-2008, 03:37 PM
Dayam ! you even had the sea dogs giving ya hassle out there ? it used to be a real problem in king harbor....

Steel pachinko balls and a wrist racket......

I actually have an unusual retrieve method I came up with when battling them in when the seal chases 'em down....works about 60% of the time....you'd laugh to see me do it but you wouldn't lagh after you see the seal come up empty mouthed...

10-30-2008, 06:33 PM
excellent guys!!!keep em coming!!!

10-30-2008, 06:46 PM
great day out there WTG

10-30-2008, 06:48 PM
Wow! the expresion on your faces tell me you guys had a blast! keep the reports comin'!

10-30-2008, 07:04 PM
Wow! the expresion on your faces tell me you guys had a blast! keep the reports comin'!

Thats funny....Those guys never smile! They could pull in a 60 lb Halibut and they still would not smile for the camera....maybe they are used to PD mug shots! They are kinda motley crew!

ghetto dad
10-30-2008, 07:08 PM
Wow! the expresion on your faces tell me you guys had a blast! keep the reports comin'!

Originally, i was gonna :ROFL:at that comment....but i didnt wanna start waves....but Hesbros is cool with it...so :ROFL::ROFL::ROFL::ROFL::ROFL:

Nice report man


Sinjin Kim
10-30-2008, 07:12 PM
Nice flatties!

10-30-2008, 09:03 PM
Pretty sure me and Big Red saw you guys right outside of the bouy line. We worked the shoreline hard. There was definately some nasty water in cabrillio and cherry was better but it almost looked like a red tide was moving in. We moved down to 72nd st but by that time the tide was low and slack. Not productive at all for us.Looks like the larger models have moved out a bit since the water conditions have deteriorated recently. I knew I should have done some drifts in my tube!
Nice day for you guys that's for sure. You worked for it that's for sure. You'll get them bugs next time.

Nice pics......Nice flatties.....Thanks for the report.\!

10-30-2008, 09:21 PM
Great looking catches gentlemen, nicely done. :Cool: :Big Grin:

10-30-2008, 09:31 PM
Eddie & Rich

Thanks for another Great Trip on board the HESBROS!!!!:Beer Toast:

To all others,

Originally, i was gonna :ROFL:at that comment....but i didnt wanna start waves....but Hesbros is cool with it...so :ROFL::ROFL::ROFL::ROFL::ROFL:

Nice report man


Yes we did infact have a blast out there even though stone faces would you to believe otherwise!!!!

If you were to look at the HESBROS past 2 posts you will see that those 2 put in some serious time on the water from Sat night thru Tue afternoon. They started Hooping on Sat night and spent a long night in the dense fog hooping, picked up Becky in the morning, fished all day and dropped off passengers and hooped again on Sun night but calling it early like getting home after midnight.

They called me at 10 am to see if I wanted to go out for some hooping and fishing on Mon night. After a night of catching and CPR'ing lots of Calico, Sandies, Chocolate Bass, and Sculpin, and pulling blanks on the hoops all night they decided to give it a try for some more fishing action by getting Bait and heading out.

The HESBROS are sometime hard core on the water and am glad to be an adopted Bastard Child on their ride.

The Hooping was slow butt we took in in stride and made the best of it fishing the night away. When the sun came up it got even better!!

I will try to look like I had a good time next time out for sure!!!!!:Big Smile:

Some pics I took on the adventure.

Rich fishing while the nets soaked.
Eddie with a Calico,
Eddie Sandie
Eddie Sandie again.
Fighting a bone plus the 2 dogs!!!
The Result getting the lure back at least and amazing how to Dogs battled for the meat and avoided getting hooked up.
Rich bendo on a 4 foot Shovel nose.
Eddie metering our next drift.
Rich on Hali # 2
The Capture.

10-30-2008, 10:06 PM

I stand corrected. We were there on sunday. Somewhere along the line I got confused...LOL
Looks like the water was pretty dam good at 2pm tuesday. Gotta luv that pic of that flattie comming up.Perfect way to end the hardcore trip.......Props for sure!

10-31-2008, 09:02 AM
Thanks for posting the additional pics Steve. I love that pic of the Flattie at Gaff! Thank god I did not miss it...LOL. Everytime I get ready to stick one of those big boys, my heart is ready to jump out of my chest!

Yeah we put it in some serious time on the water, and you are always welcome and part of the crew! But you and we know that these marathon trips back to back are nothing compared to what we (you and Rich and I) have done in the past. Same long hours, just opposite condtions, and more relaxing!

Get some sleep mister, days off are right around the corner!


10-31-2008, 10:06 AM
Looks like a fun day for bones, nice looking sculpin. Congrats

10-31-2008, 02:01 PM
nice pics, awsome fishin.

11-01-2008, 12:10 PM
Nice butts ... see people say that the LB water isnt good look at those puppies. Great job!!!


11-02-2008, 05:22 PM
Awesome job guys. I would kill for some action like that...hell just for the sunto shine would make my day!

Rich...Nice butts!

Eddie...nice work.

Steve...a slayer of all species as always. Ohh yeah steve check out http://www.outerbanksboatclub.com/ My brother just became a member and I am talking to him about setting up a trip for this spring and thought maybe you might be interested. But short term...let me know if you will be around over Christmas. Keep up the good work.


11-02-2008, 11:50 PM
nice fish thanks for the pictures