View Full Version : my 1st cabo loco tour expirence

10-07-2008, 07:18 PM
well this was my first time out of the country so why not make it a fishing trip to mexico
in san jose de cabo. got to the aiport just b4 9am and checked in and all that good ish. met
up with vic and his girl and waited to get on the plane. we flew and flew til we got there
around 12:30 or so i think. didnt care what time cuz we were finally there. got all our stuff
after waiting in line to show our passports. the whole group of like 40 people met up outside
where the shuttles would take us to our hotel "el presidente". got there, checked in and off
to get some grub and drinks. first place was the snack bar they called it. nothing special but
hey it was free. got some taco's, quesadilla's, nacho's, margarita's, daiquiri's, ect. after
that just walked around the place to see everything they had. went back to the room for
some R&R til 8pm til we had some dinner set-up by our group. this place was called napa. the
food was good but just smalllllll portions like at a fine dining spot...basically elf food ;x after all
that went back to the room to get my set-ups together for tomorrows fishing. ordered my box
lunches for myself and the pangadero and lots of drinks and water.

1st day fishing

got up around 5:30am and was down at the lobby somewhat b4 6am with some of the people
in our group. was expecting to have my box lunches waiting for me when i got down there, but
nopes they werent there. i dont understand why u place an order for them the night b4 for them
not to be there when u get there. basically i had to wait for them to scrounge up what they had
left. didnt evenget what i had ordered with right drinks and so on. ended up finally finding where
the ice machine was and filled up my cooler. then we took the taxi down to the marina. vic and i
got a late start to fishing due to our panga guy was late. so in all we were the last out it seemed.
we got our bait which was $20 for some decent sided sardinas they call them. so we head out to
our first stop and throw out our baits. within minutes i hook up first to something big but it comes
up buttoned. line snapped. owell it happens. we start fishing some more and then we both hook up
at the same time. a lil fight for a few minutes and with both ended up with skipjacks in the 15-20lb
range. stayed there for a lil while and took off to another spot. basically after that we moved to a
few spots and i ended up landing a nice sized dodo. vic also hooked up a nice sized dodo but finally
got it to the boat and the pangadero some how when he went to gaff the fish snapped the line. :Rolls Eyes:
after that bite just died. towards the end of our time on the water the guy gaves us some trolling
feathers and we set em out. i would say about 200 yards vic get slammed on his and ends up bringing
in a big dodo. i would say at least over 10lbs. after that we went in. got our fish cleaned and packed
in our ziplock bags. thomas who runs the place asked us if we wanted the same pangadero the next day.
vic said yes so i was like ok. :Head Bang: so after that we head back to the hotel. they took our catch
and put in there freezer they have just for fish. gave us a ticket with our room # so they knew who's fish
was who's. after that went to the room for a nap.

got up a few hours later and vic, myself and
our gf's went to go get some dinner. wasnt much to choose from since 2 resturaunts where open. so
we went to this one i dont remember the name for some lame tex mex buffet ;x only like 6 things to
choose from and a salad bar. desert & drinks were the highlight of the dinner :Rolls Eyes::LOL: after that
walked around a lil and went back to the room. so since the box lunches sucked ***, i decided to order
room service since it was only a $2.50 service charge for them bringin it up to your room. so i order like 4
club sandwhiches, some panela cheese fingers and some other stuff. also order a bunch of beer, soda and
water too. put all the food in ziplock bags in my cooler with ice. i hate that they charge u and extra $2.50
for every 6 beers. i swear always trying get more money out of you. :Rolls Eyes: anyways went to sleep
hoping for a better day of fishing.

2nd day fishing

same as the morning b4 got all my stuff together but as i was doing this i noticed that they left a note
on the doors or slid it under saying that the box lunches u could order that one was free and that all the
others where 2.50..i was wtf??? we pay all this money and u trying to charge us more??? so after reading
that i headed to the lobby and got ice and off to the marina. this time the 2nd taxi there. but didnt matter
if we had got there 1st or last, cuz our pangadero was late again :Rolls Eyes: got bait and headed out. he
told us the day b4 that we were gonna head out to cabo san lucas to fish. but it didnt look that way and
no reason why. so we head out and on the way there we see people catching fish left and right. he circles
them and says oh just bonita and takes off to this spot that the day b4 was catching tuna. what a big
mistake. he should have stayed there cuz i ended up finding out from the guys who had fished t here they
started to catch bonita first, then humbolts came in and last but not least the tuna came in right after the
squid. basically the whole day was kinda slow. i lucked out and got 1 tuna and 1 dorado. vic didnt fair so
well. we caught alot of small bonita and some other fish that starts with a "C" that was edible. vic caught
like 4 and i caught a couple. gave mine to vic since he didnt get much this day. so same as b4 we ended up
trolling the last 30 minutes or so. i got hit hard by something but it was very brief so left the trolling feather
out. so after a lil while i end up bringing it in to come find out it was gone. whatever it was (the pangadero
thinks wahoo) snapped thru the line which had to have been at least 80-100# test. so set up again on one
of his feathers and we trolled back in for nada. got my fish cleaned and headed back to the hotel. gave the
fish to the guy to freeze and up the room to relax. i was like damn all that fishing and only 2 dodo's and 1
tuna??? not what i expected from fishing out there.

so relaxed for a lil and my girl and i decided to walk around. then decided we wanted a lil sumthing. so went
to the snack bar and vic and his lady where there already. so just relaxed and drank a lil. vic then says u
wanna go fishing tomorrow i was like hell yes but that was gonna be up to my girl since we hadnt really spent
alot of time together. thats what the extra day was supposed to be for. after a lil talk we ended up getting
the go to go fishing the next day. all we had to do is have the desk call the place (thomas) and hope they
had available boats. vic ended up speaking to him and told him our situation. basically thomas hooked us up
and got us on a a 26ft panga or cruiser i believe. this guy who's boat is called "mata tuna" is one of the best,
so it looked good. so after that we ended up relaxing and decided to go to cabo san lucas for some food and
fun. got some grub at this one place across from cabo wabo. dont remember the name. maybe vic can say it
if he remembers. food was good but damn expensive. lots of drunk people there and fine ladies at that ;x :LOL:

after that we ended up at a strip club :LOL: so much eye candy. i had 2 strippers come up to me asking
for lap dances but my lady wasnt having. to bad that one of them that asked me was the finest stripper
there. vic on the other hand got one :LOL: he was gone for 30 minutes or so. by then it was time to head
back since it was midnight already and we had to be at the marina at 6:45am for fishing. headed back and
off to sleep.

3rd day fishing

got my stuff ready and off to the lobby. got ice again and waited for a few other people who also decided
to go fishing the 3rd day and we all ended up heading down there together. got our stuff down to the boat
and waited for the guy to get some gas and off to get bait. this guy was top notch. had garmin electronics.
took a lil ride up the coast. saw all the scenic parts that we couldnt see on the other boat since he was
always traveling far out. we got to our first spot let the bait soak for a lil then hook up i got on my 1st YFT
and brought it up. so it was a good sign...a lil bit kater by other pole goes off and vic gets this one. finally
got his 1st yft. after that the pangadero takes one of my other poles and puts it out and a lil while later we
are hooked up on our 3rd yft and i brought that one in. after that the bite slowed down big time. saw some
peope hooked up here and there but it was the same as the days b4..early bite and then bite died down.
what i liked about this guy he didnt sit around in a spot for long period of time. he was always on the look out
for fish unlike the other guy. since it was slow on the yft and dodo bite i decided to pin on sardina and put it
down for some bottom fish. i ended up pulling up a trigger, pargo, and 2 other bottom fish (not sure what the
names) back to back to back to back. then vic got in on the action after me and caught 2 bottom dwellers.
pargo and some other fish...then the bite stopped since i think we drifted off the spot. after that we trolled
around a lil and ended up getting 3 dodo's. 2 for me and 1 for vic. after that we ended up going to a spot
that some guy he knew said the yft were biting. but when we go there. there were only 2 other boats and
nothing was biting. so after staying in that spot for awhile it was time to head in. i thought we would have
stayed out a lil longer and try for some more bottom fish but i guess he didnt want too. owell cant complain
since i caught more than i did the other 2 days combined. so headed back in and got our fish cleaned and sealed
up and headed back to the hotel.

i ended up going back to the room and knocking out. vic texted me sometime after saying that there was
a shuttle he found out that went to cabo san lucas but it was leaving in 5 minutes. even i was up i would
have missed it probally cuz of such short notice. so ended up staying the room til 8pm and then went to
dinner. after that we walked around and ended up at the beach on one of the hammocks they had and just
relaxed there. ended up going back to the room and relaxing. watched some tv which sucked ;x i mean come
on i know we are in mexico and all but almost everything is in spanish??? :Rolls Eyes:

check out day

well plan was to wake up early order breakfast since we packed almost everything the night b4 and washed
all my gear down and reels. but that didnt happen. woke up around 8am and was up for a lil but then ended
up knocking out again til like 10:30am lolll so with everything else to get ready and all didnt have time to order
that room service breakfast i wanted. sucks i never got to try the breakfast menu there. owell. got all our stuff
together and took it down to the lobby and met up with vic. we told the guys we werent leaving til later so we
were able store our stuff in where they keep the fish freezer while we headed into town that was 5 minutes
away to walk around and look at things. basically souvenirs. we ended up going to the snack bar to get some
grub and drinks since i was hungry and everyone else was too. so after that we got a cab and went to town.
walked around and i had people complimenting me on my dodger hats and asking us where we were from. even
had some guy asking me to trade them for anything in the store :LOL: the one place i liked was the tequila
store they had there. got to try some good ish for free. so after that we ended back at the hotel cuz we still
had a couple hours to waste b4 we had to go to the airport. my girl and i ended back at the snackbar to get
some more drinks and look at some the souvenirs they were selling at the place. i ended up getting this baseball
bat hand carved and painted like the mexican flag. very nice craftsmenship.

after that we ended up back in the lobby and decided time to head to the airport..got our bags and loaded
up the coolers with our fish and offto the airport. man i was kinda pissed that when we were checking in
our stuff they decided to charge us for our rod tubes. i was like wtf??? i told the guy that alaska said the
airline tubes are free and that my checked item is my cooler. thats how it was on the way there. he was like
as of may 1st that alaska changed it and so on. i wasnt gonna argue with him but i made my point with him a
couple times that i didnt pay when i came over. they did the same thing to vic but the person told him they
changed it last month. i was like wtf??? these fools just trying to find a way to come on people money. i was
like owell wtf can u do. so went thru all the lookin thru bags and bull they do and finally relaxed til we ended
up on the flight and on our way back to the states. well heres our trip hope u enjoyed the read...if not here u
go :Finger: ;x :ROFL:

here are the awaited pictures


10-07-2008, 07:30 PM
I read every word Jason, I swear. I am glad you guys both got on some tuna.

Thanks for the report and congrats to you both.

10-07-2008, 07:58 PM
Sounds like you came back with alot of fish. Hope your time was relaxing. Are you thinking about going back next summer?

10-07-2008, 08:16 PM
thx alan

yea dean it was relaxing homie. not alot of fish but enough to last me for a lil bit. it wasnt the bite they said it was like the past 2 years. plus we missed the bite i guess by a week. definatly relaxing and not having to worry bout anything. i will go back next year but just dont know about to san jose de cabo. i want to go to la paz or stay over in cabo san lucas. mostly la paz :LOL: u should roll...make it a BBFC outing. you, steve, vic, juan, g$ and everyone else. plus our ladies and have fun fishing, drinking and eating. :Cool:

10-07-2008, 09:12 PM
It was good meeting u guys down there! man i had a blast! fishing could of been better but still had a great time.

10-07-2008, 09:25 PM
same here man :Cool: pleasure meeting u...yea it was fun for sure...just relaxing and fishing...not @ its best but hey we got to fish :LOL:

10-07-2008, 09:34 PM
picz are up..maybe more people will comment ;x :ROFL: about a hundred views and only a few homies comments :Rolls Eyes: :ROFL:

10-07-2008, 09:47 PM
Nice report jason. I couldn't stop laughing,sorry. Atleast you guys caught some fish. You didnt try surf fishin down there?

10-07-2008, 09:53 PM
Oz, very nice report. Like Alan, I read every word.
I have something to admit to you though...I was there last week.
What a difference in story a week makes!! Dude, too bad about the fishing.
I personally would have complained about the pangadero being late and I would have told the organizer to change pangaderos. That's not rude to do. Since you're paying, if you're not happy, tell them! If my observation is correct, there are enough pangas that he could have said "f*** off" and you could have offered the same amount to any of the other 50 pangas to take you out!

With that being said, at least you didn't come home with an empty cooler that you had to pay $25 for!!


Oh screw it...I wasn't gonna post these...
Here's my pic from the exact same docks...
1st day:

2nd day:

10-07-2008, 10:09 PM
thx man...yea as fishing goes sometimes its great like when u went and then not when we did. just the luck of the draw i guess.

on the pangas victor was there b4 me the first day so he actually was gonna go into a different panga but the guy said no no to him or something and ended up with that guy. so i dunno...guess its a learning expierence. wont make the same mistake twice.

i wish i got my cooler for $25 :ROFL: but nah i had the cooler i took for a couple years already. next year is la paz for me i think.

Oz, very nice report. Like Alan, I read every word.
I have something to admit to you though...I was there last week.
What a difference in story a week makes!! Dude, too bad about the fishing.
I personally would have complained about the pangadero being late and I would have told the organizer to change pangaderos. That's not rude to do. Since you're paying, if you're not happy, tell them! If my observation is correct, there are enough pangas that he could have said "f*** off" and you could have offered the same amount to any of the other 50 pangas to take you out!

With that being said, at least you didn't come home with an empty cooler that you had to pay $25 for!!

10-07-2008, 10:10 PM
Nice report jason. I couldn't stop laughing,sorry. Atleast you guys caught some fish. You didnt try surf fishin down there?

you would laugh :Rolls Eyes:

nopes...theres nothing being caught in the surf or at the marina jetty's

10-07-2008, 10:42 PM
Nice detailed report, sounds like you enjoyed yourself regardless of the lass than stellar fishing....Baja can be like that I guess. Never been to La Paz, but I can suggest Rancho Buena Vista South of that.....excellent accomodations, amazing homestyle food and no BS captains showing up late at the docks. Thanks for the report and pics....very well done!


Granny Fish
10-07-2008, 10:54 PM
The fishing was a lot better last year, but it was still fun. Sorry to hear you got dinged for the rod tube. Someone should have told you they were exempt since we booked before May. At least you got home with your fish. Almost all of ours was taken by customs because it wasn't frozen after 2 days in the hotel freezer. :Finger: I think the group is talking about going to Loreto Mexico next year.

BTW - that was a good report of your first long range trip. Hope you have many more. Great seeing you guys out there.

10-07-2008, 10:57 PM
I knew we should have switched captains...but it seemed like everyone was doing the same and captain Gustavo made some false promises.Yeah....Fishing was slow, but we still managed to have a blast! Cant wait til La Paz next year!

10-07-2008, 10:59 PM


10-07-2008, 11:35 PM
great report and some nice pics. Sorry to hear about the slow fishing but I'm sure you know how fishing goes regardless of where you are.

10-07-2008, 11:46 PM
great report man, too bad about all the crap you had to deal with. i cant stand dealing with that kind of BS, especially when there's so much of it. at least you guys hooked into a few. thanks for the great pics and report. :Cool:

10-08-2008, 01:38 AM
Nice repoert. Was this a reel anglers group trip ? Thanks for sharing with us on FNN.:Big Grin:

10-08-2008, 01:52 AM
The fishing was a lot better last year, but it was still fun. Sorry to hear you got dinged for the rod tube. Someone should have told you they were exempt since we booked before May. At least you got home with your fish. Almost all of ours was taken by customs because it wasn't frozen after 2 days in the hotel freezer. :Finger: I think the group is talking about going to Loreto Mexico next year.

BTW - that was a good report of your first long range trip. Hope you have many more. Great seeing you guys out there.

i dont think the guy cared that i told him that i wasnt charged on the way there or not...they checked your cooler after u got off the plane??? was that what that line was for when they put packages threw a xray machine again??? i guess i somehow got passed it if so :LOL: sorry to hear u got alot of your catch taken. i dont understand why they would being its only fish caught out the ocean. its not like its fruit, vegetables and other stuff they had on the paper we filled out.

yea i hope we go somewhere else next year or who knows maybe next year it will be better. we will see what happens for next year.

10-08-2008, 02:00 AM
great report man, too bad about all the crap you had to deal with. i cant stand dealing with that kind of BS, especially when there's so much of it. at least you guys hooked into a few. thanks for the great pics and report. :Cool:

yea just alot of disappointment on certain things but owell i was there to have a great time and fish. did that even tho the fish didnt cooperate like i have seen in the past years reports :LOL:

10-08-2008, 02:08 AM
seriously man thats a bummer. thats what i worry most about going on ANY fishing trip. its always good until you fish it. lol im sure you'll slay them next time! :Envious:

ghetto dad
10-08-2008, 07:55 AM
NICE report oz!! Too bad about the bad experiences man...at least you got to get away for awhile homie. LOL at Vic in that hat!!! Looks perfect for him!! Nice pics too man!!!
I hate when you expect certain things and are told certain things, and they dont happen....

Thanks oz and vic, great read......


10-08-2008, 08:13 AM
By the way Oz,

I read your report and I was in stitches laughing as the story unfolded!! It was almost like the 2 stooges in Baja!! Very funny!!

Nessie Hunter
10-08-2008, 08:21 AM
Hey dude!!!
It was great meeting up finally and getting to wet a line & party with ya..

Ive done this trip several years now.. This was the worst bite I ever had. I only brought home one YFT and a Beak from a Squid...
Last year was less then stellar, and my Son & I brought home 120# of dodo fillet alone.

The hotel seemed to have some staffing problems due to the economy (???) Things were off a bit for sure.... I had quite a few arguments with Mngrs and staff about a few things....

My Cam got drowned the firsts evening at the Jetty Rooster fishing (ended up falling 2 times on the low tide snot rocks and getting banged up pretty bad also).. So no pics for me at all.. Pretty sad, im a pic nut..... :Sad:

I still had an awesome time.. The fish is just a bonus for me... The company, new and old friends and fun times will last a life time...........

There was some talk of Loreto next year for this group?????? Who knows.. Sometimes a little change is good....

The weekend before this (reports posted) you see that Othan, Billy, Winnie, Jerry etc wacked em pretty darn good..
Othan even won the Governors Cup contest and got 1/2 interest in a brand new Panga with Capt Pina...... Dont get much better then that.....


Granny Fish
10-08-2008, 08:50 AM
i dont think the guy cared that i told him that i wasnt charged on the way there or not...they checked your cooler after u got off the plane??? was that what that line was for when they put packages threw a xray machine again??? i guess i somehow got passed it if so :LOL: sorry to hear u got alot of your catch taken. i dont understand why they would being its only fish caught out the ocean. its not like its fruit, vegetables and other stuff they had on the paper we filled out.

yea i hope we go somewhere else next year or who knows maybe next year it will be better. we will see what happens for next year.

It was before we left Mexico at the airport check in, not actually customs. The rules say the fish needs to be frozen. Only 20# of fish in the freezer for two days, should have been frozen. :Angry:Some of the people had fish caught the same day and didn't have that happen, but they put their fresher fish at the bottom and frozen on top. We really didn't have that option since we had so little fish to begin with and most of it was not frozen. I should have taken some of Ken's tuna heads to put on top. I think he paid an extra $50 to take them back.

This was our second year and everyone was complaining last year that it was nothing like it used to be in previous years.

10-08-2008, 09:41 AM
great read my friend.
cool pix

hopefully your idea for next year works out and WE ALL get on lots of big fish

thanks again for sharing...fish or no fish...I wish we were there hangin with ya!!


10-08-2008, 10:00 AM
Hey dude!!!
It was great meeting up finally and getting to wet a line & party with ya..

Ive done this trip several years now.. This was the worst bite I ever had. I only brought home one YFT and a Beak from a Squid...
Last year was less then stellar, and my Son & I brought home 120# of dodo fillet alone.

The hotel seemed to have some staffing problems due to the economy (???) Things were off a bit for sure.... I had quite a few arguments with Mngrs and staff about a few things....

My Cam got drowned the firsts evening at the Jetty Rooster fishing (ended up falling 2 times on the low tide snot rocks and getting banged up pretty bad also).. So no pics for me at all.. Pretty sad, im a pic nut..... :Sad:

I still had an awesome time.. The fish is just a bonus for me... The company, new and old friends and fun times will last a life time...........

There was some talk of Loreto next year for this group?????? Who knows.. Sometimes a little change is good....

The weekend before this (reports posted) you see that Othan, Billy, Winnie, Jerry etc wacked em pretty darn good..
Othan even won the Governors Cup contest and got 1/2 interest in a brand new Panga with Capt Pina...... Dont get much better then that.....


I couldnt believe the stories Frank was telling me when I spoke to him yesterday. But after reading your report,I'm bummed that you guys had the exact opposite experience than our group of 14 from the week before!
The El Presidente staff was really attentive and acommadating-They upgraded our rooms for FREE and we had the run of the place for the week! Having been on the "cabo loco" trip before,I know its damn TOUGH(to say the least) to manage a group of 50-thats ALOT of different expectations and personalities to deal with..You cant always please everybody,all the time.

Fishing was unreal for the 5 days I fished in Los Puertos-we went BIG and it paid off! 40-50# YFT became an annoyance after watching 140-180# YFT going airborne after 15# YFT footballs-we LOST FAR MORE FISH THAN we landed...2 first timers were loving the 60# fish they were constantly bendo on. Billy landed a 140# class YFt on 40#,several 80#ers and more than enough 60-70# YFT to wear us out..

having the right gear/tackle paid off for us in the end. We prepared after speaking to Tomas and getting the dirt on what to expect.

Thanks for sharing Osito! It felt like I was just there! Headed back in November for a Wahoo tourney..gotta break in my new panga.

10-08-2008, 12:36 PM
whats up homie yea it was cool meeting you. yea i thought this would be one of those trip that the bite was off the hook..just one week to late :LOL: i bet this week its off the hook again :LOL:

wow 1 yft and a humbie...yea i can tell just by everyone getting slim pickings it wasnt good. to me the staff was cool. very friendly but when u called them up and asked them for stuff they would be okays no problem we take care of it and it doesnt happen.

one thing that pissed me off was the first day when they tried to be stingy with the water. they brought out 2 cases of those small water bottles for everyone and couldnt get our lunch box thing situated. i think they shouldnt say no problem to stuff and not deliver. sucked also 2 resturaunts open the whole time we there??? :LOL:

man that sucks u lost ya cam the 1st day...and yea i saw ya bandaged up a lil. i had a good time too. 1st time and not my last. yea i will be on the look out for what happens again for next year. some of the homies are thinking la paz next year so who knows..i could be doing both :Cool:

yea i know...last week the homie joe was there at the same marina on the pangas slaying yft and other fish. thats cool O won half interest in a panga..cant get any better than that.

Hey dude!!!
It was great meeting up finally and getting to wet a line & party with ya..

Ive done this trip several years now.. This was the worst bite I ever had. I only brought home one YFT and a Beak from a Squid...
Last year was less then stellar, and my Son & I brought home 120# of dodo fillet alone.

The hotel seemed to have some staffing problems due to the economy (???) Things were off a bit for sure.... I had quite a few arguments with Mngrs and staff about a few things....

My Cam got drowned the firsts evening at the Jetty Rooster fishing (ended up falling 2 times on the low tide snot rocks and getting banged up pretty bad also).. So no pics for me at all.. Pretty sad, im a pic nut..... :Sad:

I still had an awesome time.. The fish is just a bonus for me... The company, new and old friends and fun times will last a life time...........

There was some talk of Loreto next year for this group?????? Who knows.. Sometimes a little change is good....

The weekend before this (reports posted) you see that Othan, Billy, Winnie, Jerry etc wacked em pretty darn good..
Othan even won the Governors Cup contest and got 1/2 interest in a brand new Panga with Capt Pina...... Dont get much better then that.....


10-08-2008, 12:37 PM
sup GGGGGGG yea next year we all need to roll up there or where ever for some YFT and DODO'S.

great read my friend.
cool pix

hopefully your idea for next year works out and WE ALL get on lots of big fish

thanks again for sharing...fish or no fish...I wish we were there hangin with ya!!


10-08-2008, 12:43 PM
It was before we left Mexico at the airport check in, not actually customs. The rules say the fish needs to be frozen. Only 20# of fish in the freezer for two days, should have been frozen. :Angry:Some of the people had fish caught the same day and didn't have that happen, but they put their fresher fish at the bottom and frozen on top. We really didn't have that option since we had so little fish to begin with and most of it was not frozen. I should have taken some of Ken's tuna heads to put on top. I think he paid an extra $50 to take them back.

This was our second year and everyone was complaining last year that it was nothing like it used to be in previous years.

wtf thats wierd...the guy we got just looked in the cooler and was like ok...i dont think he even touched the fish. yea it should have been frozen cuz i think most of all mine was frozen. that sucks u caught allthat fish and they took most of it...just another way for them to come up on someone elses **** :Rolls Eyes:

looks like the cabo loco tour will be relocating next year :LOL:

10-08-2008, 12:48 PM
I couldnt believe the stories Frank was telling me when I spoke to him yesterday. But after reading your report,I'm bummed that you guys had the exact opposite experience than our group of 14 from the week before!
The El Presidente staff was really attentive and acommadating-They upgraded our rooms for FREE and we had the run of the place for the week! Having been on the "cabo loco" trip before,I know its damn TOUGH(to say the least) to manage a group of 50-thats ALOT of different expectations and personalities to deal with..You cant always please everybody,all the time.

Fishing was unreal for the 5 days I fished in Los Puertos-we went BIG and it paid off! 40-50# YFT became an annoyance after watching 140-180# YFT going airborne after 15# YFT footballs-we LOST FAR MORE FISH THAN we landed...2 first timers were loving the 60# fish they were constantly bendo on. Billy landed a 140# class YFt on 40#,several 80#ers and more than enough 60-70# YFT to wear us out..

yea what a week will do...u guys had the best expierence u could ask for and we ended up with slim pickings and alot of red tape :LOL:

im glad u guys got on some huge fish man..congrats on your win on that panga. im sure u will put it to good use.

next year will be the year..guess have to go thru a non steller expierence to get a great one :Cool:

10-08-2008, 01:15 PM
NICE report oz!! Too bad about the bad experiences man...at least you got to get away for awhile homie. LOL at Vic in that hat!!! Looks perfect for him!! Nice pics too man!!!
I hate when you expect certain things and are told certain things, and they dont happen....

Thanks oz and vic, great read......


its cool homie...theres always next year so im not worried...i had a great time regardless of the things i wasnt thrilled about.

10-08-2008, 06:34 PM
Nce pics! You'll get em next year....

10-09-2008, 11:49 PM
Thanks for the report Oz. Sorry to hear bout the lack of fish man. You still got to finally leave america for the first time though so you should be happy...... hehe... Next year will be the year... Hope I can get a freakin passport soon....... Lets all jump on the native sun saturday????

10-10-2008, 12:37 AM
I am glad that no one got hurt, had their gear stolen, or got skunked.

10-10-2008, 09:02 AM
Thanks for the report Oz. Sorry to hear bout the lack of fish man. You still got to finally leave america for the first time though so you should be happy...... hehe... Next year will be the year... Hope I can get a freakin passport soon....... Lets all jump on the native sun saturday????

yea it was a cool expierence regardless and i had fun besides down parts of the trip. yea hurry up and get ya passport man...i got mine in like 2 weeks after i processed mine @ the post office. if i can figure a way down there. my girls car is down and out right now so cant use that. so not sure how i can get down there :LOL: i wanna go tho.

Granny Fish
10-10-2008, 11:26 AM
i think they shouldnt say no problem to stuff and not deliver.

We are pretty spoiled here in California. We expect things when we ask for it and don't want anyone to waste our time. It's pretty typical when you travel to Mexico or other tropical countries, time runs a little slower than the clock we are accustomed to using. Come to think of it, Florida and Georgia are kind of like that too. :LOL:

10-10-2008, 11:48 AM
We are pretty spoiled here in California. We expect things when we ask for it and don't want anyone to waste our time. It's pretty typical when you travel to Mexico or other tropical countries, time runs a little slower than the clock we are accustomed to using. Come to think of it, Florida and Georgia are kind of like that too. :LOL:

well it was a learning expierence for being my first.

dont forget hawaii and NC :ROFL:

10-10-2008, 02:53 PM
Sucks to hear about the bad trip. However, it's always nice to get away from work and Cabo is a great place to be.

Fishing is generally always good down there, you just have to be prepared to do various types of fishing and adapt to the changes in weather/patterns. It sounds like the trip organizer really dropped the ball on this one...he should have at least given the people going a heads up on the fishing and tackle required prior to leaving on the trip.

You'll get them next time!