View Full Version : Sm 10/4 am

10-04-2008, 09:05 PM
Plan was to meet with Lei (luvseaside) at 6-ish and hit SM by 7. Was getting into the car at 5AM from S.OC, get a call from Lei saying its raining up by where he was, what should we do? I got a free pass from the wifey to go fishing so I say let's go anyway. Drizzled in a few places on the 405. By the time I arrive at Lei's place it was dry. We pack up and head to SM.

Got to the beach around 7 after coffee and gas. Rigged up with one rod on c-rig with MORF and the other with LCFM. Lines wet soon after.

Left my Reef sandles on the sand and worked the beach barefooted, well, I never saw those again. I left them way up and away from the water so I think someone has a new pair of Reefs tonite.

After 20 minutes, decided to switch to crack, turns out it was a good choice, I get this guy soon after...


Another 30 mintes or so goes by and this little guy comes in....


Made a couple of more moves up and down the shore and all is quiet. On one of the return trip, get yet another little guy...


Things get slow at this point so I'm just casting, move and repeat.

Lei and I started thinking we need to start walking back, on our way back, Lei goes bendo and fights for 30 minutes. It was quite a fight on 6# line and we were both excited to see what it was. We were hoping for a butt...it was a foul-hooked Mr. Wiggles. Here's Lei working to bring it in...


I know its only three little perches but it was nice to be able to fish and neither one of us got skunked.

Lei, it was good fishing with you my friend, a very enjoyable day indeed. Let's do it again soon.

Thanks for reading.

10-04-2008, 09:22 PM
Sounds like a nice outing, good job on the catch.
Don't you hate those SNGF... they're good for the fight but you're always disappointed when you see them come out of the surf instead of a big Hali. :Wink: Thanks for the report. :Cool:

10-04-2008, 09:24 PM
I've lost plenty of stuff at the beach. One time I even left a disposable camera up on the sand and two guys walking by picked it up without me knowing and snapped a few pics and set it back down. I had a pretty good laugh when I got the film developed. At least you beat the skunk though.

10-05-2008, 09:29 PM
Some nice BSP's and pics.

Thanks for the report and too bad on the Reefers!!!!


10-06-2008, 03:51 PM
Good job on those perch, nice.