View Full Version : Perch, Yellowfin and Spotfin fishin' in the OC 10/03/08

10-03-2008, 07:39 PM
Wild, wacky and weird was the weather at the beach this week. We started out the week with south wind, a modest south swell and rain. Then the sun broke out and the wind turned howling offshore—and that was just the first hour!:LOL:


I took some time at the midmorning high tide to gather sand crabs and was happy to see t they were still around.http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii148/bvloans/BIGSOFTCRAB1008.jpg

Later that day at low tide, I stopped by my favorite clam spot and picked up some beautiful little neck clams for bait.


This week’s surf fishing took up exactly where last week left off—with fish biting almost everywhere in Orange County. I started fishing a spot where rocks meet sand and found a nice eddy current that was rapping around the rocks and heading out to sea. With crabs at first for bait, the bite was fantastic on perch….both barred and walleye…



Fantastic on crabs for big yellowfin croaker too…


But crabs weren’t the only bait in my arsenal so it was time to slap on the clam and take a stab at floating a bait down the current. I cast out and caught the current just right. My Carolina rig floated to the bottom and then began to make it out into the current. There wasn’t a nibble or bite here but just a pull of the line and I knew I was on!


Fought this spotfin from one side of the rocks all the way around to the other side and then back again. After twenty minutes I knew there was no way I would be able to bring it up on the rocks so I carefully made my way back down the rocks to the safe sand of the shore. After another five minutes of fight, the fish swam away from the rocks and into the open water. I knew now that I had a chance. It wasn’t long and she was on the shore.


I was lucky my new friend “John” was there to take my picture. I asked him to take a shot of me and he gladly agreed. He stuck his rod into the sand and began to take my pic when his rod went bendo. He was now hooked up too, and once he finished taking my picture he reeled in a nice 13” perch—a great reward for being such a good guy!

Caught and released these guys to fight another day. There’s no doubt this day was clamtastic!

With such good fishing this week I expected Friday and the weekend to be great. Unfortunately, nature had a different plan that included huge surf and a coming front. Well, I guess I’ll have to wait until next week—but that’s ok the fish need a rest!

10-03-2008, 07:47 PM
Sweet report. Those guys look like a lot of fun to catch. How do you hook those sand crabs? Thanks

10-03-2008, 07:47 PM
:Not Worthy::UDaMan::Cold Fishing:

The fish in OC are your beyotches:LOL:

ghetto dad
10-03-2008, 07:48 PM
NICE job man....nice croaker!!


10-03-2008, 08:13 PM
:Not Worthy::UDaMan::Cold Fishing:

The fish in OC are your beyotches:LOL:

I own those mo-fo's! Ok, I actually rent them cause I have to let them go!:LOL:

10-03-2008, 08:27 PM
Sweet report. Those guys look like a lot of fun to catch. How do you hook those sand crabs? Thanks


I use a thin wire #2 Gamakatsu split shot hook. From the top of the crab I push the hook through its tail (the back 1/3rd) all the way to the hook's eye. Then I turn the crab over, twist the hook forward and push the sharp end back up into the body near the head (actually through the little digger where their chin might be). This hides the hook and gives the crab a natural look in the current or on the return. Eventhough the crab moves backwards as you retreive it--this seems to give it the best presentation.:Secret:

Sinjin Kim
10-03-2008, 08:30 PM
Nice spot. I wish spotfin croakers would bite artificials more frequently. I just can't get myself to "bait and wait" on a regular basis. I get bored easily.

10-03-2008, 08:32 PM
very nice looking spotfin! great job

10-03-2008, 08:35 PM
wow! those are some quality fish you got there bill! what an awesome day in the surf. :Envious: since catfishing is pretty much over i think ill head back to the surf for a bit. :Razz: thanks for the great report and pics.

10-03-2008, 08:37 PM
Those are some very nice looking surf fish.

Thanks Bill.

10-03-2008, 08:43 PM
Nice spot. I wish spotfin croakers would bite artificials more frequently. I just can't get myself to "bait and wait" on a regular basis. I get bored easily.


That's why I bring a book with me!:LOL:

I know, it seems that very few are caught on artificials. I guess the exception would be Nanette who has caught some monsters on large gold or silver kastmasters down near the Santa Ana River. I sometimes feel the way you do about artificials vs bait. I don't want to make 200 casts to get one bite. But that's the thing, if you feel confident with your lure and know where the fish are you don't have to wait--no matter what bait you are using.

I remember a guy fishing the rocks near me who told me he would rather cast 200 times and catch one fish than use bait. After watching me catch 30 fish, and himself nothing, he finally asked me for some tips on rigging and some bait. It's all about what your confortable with. And that's whats so great about surf fishing and fishing in general--there are a million ways to catch fish--and they're all the right way!:LOL:

Zombie Bass ATTACK
10-03-2008, 08:48 PM
Nice job out there bill!! you pulled off a nice day even though that tide wasnt so great!! Me and my buddy got some nice bsp at bolsa chica use the gulp camo 3in..and i lost a nice bsp pushing 3lbs on a freshwater rapala xrap.


10-03-2008, 08:51 PM
Sounds like you know what you are doing! Keep up the good work!

Sinjin Kim
10-03-2008, 09:19 PM

That's why I bring a book with me!:LOL:

I know, it seems that very few are caught on artificials. I guess the exception would be Nanette who has caught some monsters on large gold or silver kastmasters down near the Santa Ana River. I sometimes feel the way you do about artificials vs bait. I don't want to make 200 casts to get one bite. But that's the thing, if you feel confident with your lure and know where the fish are you don't have to wait--no matter what bait you are using.

I remember a guy fishing the rocks near me who told me he would rather cast 200 times and catch one fish than use bait. After watching me catch 30 fish, and himself nothing, he finally asked me for some tips on rigging and some bait. It's all about what your confortable with. And that's whats so great about surf fishing and fishing in general--there are a million ways to catch fish--and they're all the right way!:LOL:

Nanette (Warrior Princess) is one helluva angler (surf fishing - long range). Although she is a woman, most men I know don't have Nanette's fishing knowledge. Her steelhead rod, light braid, 3" Big Hammers and Kastmasters has done some real damage in the surf (especially those yellowfin croakers).

As far as lures vs. bait, fishing bait (regardless what type of fishing I am doing) is my last option if I can't catch them on artificials. Fishing artificials is more of a proactive approach to surf fishing and at times requires more elbow grease, but I think fishing with artificials is more of a sport than fishing with bait. This is probably why tournament bass fishermen are not allowed to use natural baits. Imagine Kevin Van Dam flylining a shad? What a funny site that would be. :ROFL:

There are certain fish such as corbina, SFC and sharks/ rays that are easier to catch on natural baits and natural bait does have its advantages but I personally think fishing artificials have more pros than cons whereas I feel the opposite about natural baits.

With artificials, you don't have to be dependent on "making" or purchasing bait. What happens if you want to target corbina and can't find any sand crabs, mussel, clams, ghost shrimp, sand worms etc...? Probably have to get back in the car and head to a bait shop. Artificials allows you to cover more water and generally find fish quicker. A lot of "dead" water is eliminated. In the long run it may be cheaper if you are one who spends a lot of money on bait at the bait shop. I know first hand how expensive buying lug worms can be and I always seem to buy more than what is needed.

I can go on and on, but to keep things in short, I want to be as mobile and clean as possible. I really don't want to carry a bait knife for mussels and clams, worry about ghost shrimp dying, sand crabs crawling in dark places (lol/ jk) and especially gut hooking fish. I wonder how many BSP and YFC are gut hooked by bait fishermen and released simply to end up as food?

I am not saying one is better than the other. This is simply my view on surf fishing and fishing in general.

I've been surf fishing well over 20 years and during the earlier years, the only artificials that were known were C-Rigging plastic grubs, spoons and one of the first SW swimbaits known as Worm Kings.

With today's technology found in the fishing world, there are literally hundreds of lures that can be presented efficiently in the surf and taking advantage of today's technology can and will result in more and larger catch. Just look at the fish that are being caught with the Lucky Craft Flash Minnow 110 (sometimes I wonder had I never mentioned it, if people today would still only target halibut with livebait, swimbaits and spoons). Not only halibut, but large BSP, YFC, Corbina, Stripers, sharks/rays, calico & sand bass, and even a salmon!

If we were to meet one day, I would be more than happy to share with you some lure presentations I've been working on the past few years.

I guess fishing techniques are just like cars. Some older cars that are decades old are considered classics and are valuable today. However, most of society will move on with technology and purchase new cars.

10-03-2008, 10:12 PM

There was definitely some wacky weather in the south land today, as well as all week in the mountains.

Congrats on the good day again and the technical info as always.

And another super Spotfin as well.


10-03-2008, 11:05 PM
Excellent job again Bill. I'm sure there are a lot of members who really appreciate your detailed reports and bait techniques. I for one, admire and have the utmost respect for an angler who exudes patience and spends his or her time making their own bait and perfecting the presentation technique to catch fish. Even though I prefer to use artificials just about 100% of the time, I know that the work that you put in to perfecting your craft is no less impressive than ANYONE that throws artificials. Keep up the good work!

BTW - Did you see any bait barges out there lately? :Wink:
I got the latest copy of the Fish Taco Chronicles in the mail today, nice article Bill. :Cool:

10-03-2008, 11:06 PM
Nice variety of surf fish, man you always manage to produce fish, nice job!

10-03-2008, 11:25 PM
Excellent job again Bill. I'm sure there are a lot of members who really appreciate your detailed reports and bait techniques. I for one, admire and have the utmost respect for an angler who exudes patience and spends his or her time making their own bait and perfecting the presentation technique to catch fish. Even though I prefer to use artificials just about 100% of the time, I know that the work that you put in to perfecting your craft is no less impressive than ANYONE that throws artificials. Keep up the good work!

BTW - Did you see any bait barges out there lately? :Wink:
I got the latest copy of the Fish Taco Chronicles in the mail today, nice article Bill. :Cool:

Thanks Arthur for the nice words. I certainly enjoy catching fish any way I can with bait or lures. But the entire experience of finding bait, figuring out how to use it and catching fish with it is fun for me. Some of my surf fishing knowledge was passed from my grandfather to my dad and eventually to me. I was fortunate in the late 1960's to work for Fred Oakley collecting bait for tackle shops. He held four surf world records, two that still stand, and I have to admit that I did drag a few secrets out of him! Everyone has their own way of doing what they enjoy most so for me it's good to know that if the world goes to hell and all the tackle shops and stores close up I can still go down to the beach and live off the land.:Wink:

The bait boats and the birds have not been in the Hunt Beach area for more than a week. I'd like to know where they have gone!:Secret:

I'm glad you liked Fish Taco. I think my editor lost the pics!!:Crying:

10-04-2008, 12:19 AM
In less than a year, you go from soaking cut anchovies for stripers to a full fledged artificial only type angler. The power of the hard bait, lol.

Yes, and I will never forget where I came from, how I got to where I am, realizing that I still have a long way to go, and most importantly, remembering and respecting those who helped me along the way.

BTW - Why are you always deleting your responses?!?

10-04-2008, 12:23 AM
WOW! nice fish Bill!

Yes, and I will never forget where I came from, how I got to where I am, realizing that I still have a long way to go, and most importantly, remembering and respecting those who helped me along the way.

arthur you trip me out, you have accomplished so much in the short period of time that you been surf fishing,..your not human bro....lol

10-04-2008, 12:27 AM
WOW! nice fish Bill!

arthur you trip me out, you have accomplished so much in the short period of time that you been surf fishing,..your not human bro....lol

Imagine that... and my feet are still firmly on the ground. :Wink:
If you love to do something... you usually will do it well, unless it's golf. :LOL:

10-04-2008, 12:29 AM
I reread what I post and at times, I wonder if someone may take what is written out of its original context. Thus the reason behind deleting what I write - preventive drama procedures if you will.

Trust me, I have a very open mind. I can handle anything if it's presented in a constructive manner. :Cool:

10-04-2008, 03:33 PM
Awesome report, nice croakers

lurk 182
10-04-2008, 06:16 PM
that thing looks like a baby Lousisiana redfish. croakers are way cooler than perch if you ask me. that's a pretty cool new spot they built us. you were right about the south swell. the 6'2" squashtail was the rig of choice for me today.

10-08-2008, 04:17 PM
SWEET surf perch and AWSOME croaky

10-25-2008, 07:56 AM
You da man Bill! You da man....

10-27-2008, 08:47 PM
Great job i love bait fishing,especially jigging it,,,

10-28-2008, 12:31 AM

I for one really appreciate you reports, but more importantly, the support you give to the website via surf seminars and what not.

In my opinion, you are an asset to any fishing board as you openly share what you know. With that in mind, I sure hope you do not let a couple detractors sour your presence here.