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View Full Version : Newport Pier 9/14

09-15-2008, 11:44 AM
Arrived at 4:55 and watched the gate open. Walked to the end of the pier with my brother and my girlfriend to find thirty or so people had hopped the gate and already staked out the end of the pier.

We back tracked and setup on the left side, about 75 feet before the restaurant.

I set up the GF with a 36" double carolina rig with size 10 hooks baited with shrimp. She caught 7 smelt, small spanish mackeral, and sardines in about 10 minutes. Then three seals appeared and the bite died for her.

My brother and I set up two more 36" double carolinas with size 6's baited with squid and shrimp. Set them out about 50 feet and let them soak. No luck on fish. But we caught a crab and 2 starfish.

I break out a sabiki and try my luck with some bait fish. Caught a few smelt and one mackeral. Then nothing for the next 2 hours.

These two asian teenagers park to my left and start casting between the two rods my bro and I had setup. There is only like four feet between the rods. Luckily, they did not tangle with our rods. But they tangled with themselves.

I asked them if they just arrived. They replied, "No" and said they had set up closer to the beach. My girlfriend replied, maybe you guys should go back to your spot instead of messing with our rods. They kind of nodded at each other and reeled in their rods and left them sitting there between my two rods, then left. They left their rods unattended for like 20 minutes before coming back and claiming them.

I don't know about you guys, but i thought it was straight out rude.

A family taking up 2 benches pack up and leave. My Bro and I quickly swoop in and stake the spot. The sun was rising and I would rather have the sun on my back than on my face.

Bite is slow but every 10-15 minutes one of us hits a mackeral.

Father and son, both with sabiki's, pull up 6 inches from me. The son starts casting all sorts of zig zags all over the place.

I tell them that I am casted straight out. Both of them ignore me. Three minutes later the son casts straight over two of my lines. Luckily, there were no tangles.

I remind them that i am casted straight out. The dad gives me a dirty look kind of like, "Don't tell me what to do."

Two minutes later:
The son successfully pulls like a 1080 spinning cast tangling up one of my poles.
Looking at the mess, I dont even want to spend 30 minutes untangling the mess. I cut my line and leave the son with the mess. I didnt re-setup that rod.

5 Mexican guys park up shoulder to shoulder in a 4 foot gap between my girlfriend and the group next to her. They dont speak a single word to her or anything. As time goes on they keep inching over and over trying to push my girlfriend over so they can get more room. She's like excuse me there is a lot of opens spots on the left side of the pier. They ignore her, as if they cannot understand english.

We are both kind of fed up with how disrespectul people are. We decide to pack up and leave. As we are packing up, my brother asks me what should we do with the rest of the squid and shrimp we have. One of the mexicans look over and asks in perfect English if they could have the leftover bait.

I made some type of smart remark like, "Maybe if you werent being douchebags and kept bumping my girlfriend over." We ended up giving the bait to a nice looking family a few benches up from us.

Overall Slow Fishing and lots of jerks.

09-15-2008, 02:25 PM
thats to bad. but at least u got your line in the water.

Zombie Bass ATTACK
09-15-2008, 02:42 PM
thats how newport pier is and has always been..you cant let those asians or mexicans push you around up there..thats my favorite pier and ive been fishing it with my dad since i was 3 ..side spots before the resturant are not so good basically ever i always go to the end on either each point corner spots ..always good fishing there bonita,shovel nose shark,bat ray,halibut etc. and alot of bait fish.BUt when i go to that pier sometimes i come alil late like 8am and sometimes on a sat and its shoulder to shoulder at the end and i always get the spot i want i squeeze in and no one says one word to me...And when people cross my line and dont care i cut it instantly and let them know to move ..and the ones that barely know english i let them know with hand jesters haha ..Basically up there you just have to be mean because they wont listen other wise ..they think everyones rod and reel set up are the same cheap crap from walmart even if they see a nice rod set up like a calcutta on a gloomis rod they still think its from walmart haha.


09-15-2008, 02:49 PM
So this "nice looking family", What were they and how come you didn't mention their ethnicity?

Just wondering because when talking about the rude people you made sure to mention it, for e.g.

"These two asian teenagers park to my left and start casting between the two rods my bro and I had setup. There is only like four feet between the rods. Luckily, they did not tangle with our rods. But they tangled with themselves"

"Mexican guys park up shoulder to shoulder in a 4 foot gap between my girlfriend and the group next to her. They dont speak a single word to her or anything. As time goes on they keep inching over and over trying to push my girlfriend over so they can get more room. She's like excuse me there is a lot of opens spots on the left side of the pier. They ignore her, as if they cannot understand english. "

09-15-2008, 02:51 PM
thats how newport pier is and has always been..you cant let those asians or mexicans push you around up there..thats my favorite pier and ive been fishing it with my dad since i was 3 ..side spots before the resturant are not so good basically ever i always go to the end on either each point corner spots ..always good fishing there bonita,shovel nose shark,bat ray,halibut etc. and alot of bait fish.BUt when i go to that pier sometimes i come alil late like 8am and sometimes on a sat and its shoulder to shoulder at the end and i always get the spot i want i squeeze in and no one says one word to me...And when people cross my line and dont care i cut it instantly and let them know to move ..and the ones that barely know english i let them know with hand jesters haha ..Basically up there you just have to be mean because they wont listen other wise ..they think everyones rod and reel set up are the same cheap crap from walmart even if they see a nice rod set up like a calcutta on a gloomis rod they still think its from walmart haha.


Aren't YOU mexican? :ROFL:

09-15-2008, 04:13 PM
That pier sounds way too stressful. Why don't you try the Balboa Pier? I fish there a lot and have never had a bad experience with people. The parking is close ($1.50/hr$8.00max), the restroom is right there, and crowds are light, even on the weekend. Most people huddle at the end but the real good fishing is from the surfline to the middle...unless you love the mackerel. I've heard too many bad stories of Newport Pier; join us down at the end of the peninsula:Smile:.

09-15-2008, 04:46 PM
I'm Chinese myself. Sorry I didn't mean to make this a racist type posting or anything. The family was asian.

I used to fish Newport Pier like 10 years ago with my dad. I dont ever remembering it being like this. Recently I have been fishing Seal Beach, but we havent really had much luck there.

I was thinking about doing Redondo next time. But now I'm thinking I will look up Balboa.

09-15-2008, 05:02 PM
sorry about all the crap you had to take but thats pier fishing. if i didnt need macks for bait i would never fish a pier. i dont have the time or the patience to deal with all the riff raff that fish the piers.

Zombie Bass ATTACK
09-15-2008, 05:25 PM
Aren't YOU mexican? :ROFL:

NO im not mexican..im german

09-15-2008, 05:37 PM
Odium, Welcome to the board, and thanks for the report! From my past experiences, these types of behavior appears to be pretty common among the pier anglers, nonetheless, it is still your best interest to avoid useless confrontation and just move on, as it will certainly spoil your day and cut into your fishing time. There's plenty of room for everyone, even on squid runs! you might even increase your hook-up rate, or learn to adapt to circumstances and target different species pier fishing has to offer, as opposed to only soaking bait in one spot and hoping that a mackerel will bite. Orrr better yet, how about making your way down to the sand and do some surf fishing? :Twisted: :Cool:

boxl0bster, if you only needed macks for bait, why not just buy it at an asian supermarket? This time of year, they go for like a buck a pound, you'll prolly save yourself the headache and some gas!

09-15-2008, 06:34 PM
Some of those experiences caused me to explore the local area and look what I have discovered!!!!!!!!!!

As I have proven in the past 18 months you do not have to own a boat to be successful either.

You are in the area just explore the other side of the big sand bar with big structures on it.

Good luck out there.


09-15-2008, 08:25 PM
hey its not just the imigrants on 09 14 08 me and my son fished salt creak it was cool , two goats three small sand bass one sargo and some perch anyways some oc jocosurfer told us this is a surf beach and we should bail .:Shocked: but he didnt want the slap of love .thank god we have a big coast :Angry::Angry::Angry::Angry::Angry:

09-15-2008, 11:05 PM
I have been fishing Venice allot lately and the F*** heads are their too you just need to make sure you are clear with your intentions and don't take any s**t. And it dose not hurt to make friends with your neighbor :Wink:

But for the better quality of people get out of LA county. The people their just suck although their are some good peppered in.


09-15-2008, 11:20 PM
boxl0bster, if you only needed macks for bait, why not just buy it at an asian supermarket? This time of year, they go for like a buck a pound, you'll prolly save yourself the headache and some gas!

With the price of gas these days and the time involved ( Not the mention all the idots that you have to deal with at the pier) I came to the realization that its cheeper to go to the Asian market down the street from me to buy my fresh bait ( mac, Shrimp, etc. ) I still get the eye candy to look at too !!!

09-16-2008, 12:41 AM

So sorry to hear about abusive others

09-16-2008, 12:57 AM
I would have been like...dude this is my :Fishing Hole: !!!

You sure they were Asian.??..and not a bald one legged "caucasian European" with dead nightcrawlers and stinky mackerel dried up in an unshaven beard? ...cause it sounds an awful like One Leg!!


Sorry OL, I couldn't resist!!

09-16-2008, 01:21 AM
boxl0bster, if you only needed macks for bait, why not just buy it at an asian supermarket? This time of year, they go for like a buck a pound, you'll prolly save yourself the headache and some gas!

haha yeah i know, but it also gives me a reason to go fishing. :LOL:

09-16-2008, 01:50 AM
I would have been like...dude this is my :Fishing Hole: !!!

You sure they were Asian.??..and not a bald one legged "caucasian European" with dead nightcrawlers and stinky mackerel dried up in an unshaven beard? ...cause it sounds an awful like One Leg!!


Sorry OL, I couldn't resist!!

OOOOHHHHHHHHHH That was funny BassEngineer. I almost fell out of my chair reading your post.:ROFL:

09-16-2008, 02:03 AM
I hate fishing off piers... it's never a fun experience.

Poxy Boggards
09-16-2008, 09:15 AM
I have had similar experiences out at Newport Pier. Not all pier fishing is like that though. Whenever I am in Northern California I always go pier fishing wihout any of the crappy rude behavior from other people. You might find one jerk among a crowd of good people, but for the most part it is much differnt. People respect your spot, and don't try to elbow their way into a spot that you are already fishing.

The first time I went to Newport I could not believe how crappy it was. The other thing that really ticked me off was the people who spread out like 10 poles to claim up the best spots on the pier, though I can kind of understand why they do it. Otherwide you'll have someone shoulder to shoulder with you that keeps on casting right in front of you all day.

crappie stalker
09-16-2008, 10:17 AM
Arrived at 4:55 and watched the gate open. Walked to the end of the pier with my brother and my girlfriend to find thirty or so people had hopped the gate and already staked out the end of the pier.

We back tracked and setup on the left side, about 75 feet before the restaurant.

I set up the GF with a 36" double carolina rig with size 10 hooks baited with shrimp. She caught 7 smelt, small spanish mackeral, and sardines in about 10 minutes. Then three seals appeared and the bite died for her.

My brother and I set up two more 36" double carolinas with size 6's baited with squid and shrimp. Set them out about 50 feet and let them soak. No luck on fish. But we caught a crab and 2 starfish.

I break out a sabiki and try my luck with some bait fish. Caught a few smelt and one mackeral. Then nothing for the next 2 hours.

These two asian teenagers park to my left and start casting between the two rods my bro and I had setup. There is only like four feet between the rods. Luckily, they did not tangle with our rods. But they tangled with themselves.

I asked them if they just arrived. They replied, "No" and said they had set up closer to the beach. My girlfriend replied, maybe you guys should go back to your spot instead of messing with our rods. They kind of nodded at each other and reeled in their rods and left them sitting there between my two rods, then left. They left their rods unattended for like 20 minutes before coming back and claiming them.

I don't know about you guys, but i thought it was straight out rude.

A family taking up 2 benches pack up and leave. My Bro and I quickly swoop in and stake the spot. The sun was rising and I would rather have the sun on my back than on my face.

Bite is slow but every 10-15 minutes one of us hits a mackeral.

Father and son, both with sabiki's, pull up 6 inches from me. The son starts casting all sorts of zig zags all over the place.

I tell them that I am casted straight out. Both of them ignore me. Three minutes later the son casts straight over two of my lines. Luckily, there were no tangles.

I remind them that i am casted straight out. The dad gives me a dirty look kind of like, "Don't tell me what to do."

Two minutes later:
The son successfully pulls like a 1080 spinning cast tangling up one of my poles.
Looking at the mess, I dont even want to spend 30 minutes untangling the mess. I cut my line and leave the son with the mess. I didnt re-setup that rod.

5 Mexican guys park up shoulder to shoulder in a 4 foot gap between my girlfriend and the group next to her. They dont speak a single word to her or anything. As time goes on they keep inching over and over trying to push my girlfriend over so they can get more room. She's like excuse me there is a lot of opens spots on the left side of the pier. They ignore her, as if they cannot understand english.

We are both kind of fed up with how disrespectul people are. We decide to pack up and leave. As we are packing up, my brother asks me what should we do with the rest of the squid and shrimp we have. One of the mexicans look over and asks in perfect English if they could have the leftover bait.

I made some type of smart remark like, "Maybe if you werent being douchebags and kept bumping my girlfriend over." We ended up giving the bait to a nice looking family a few benches up from us.

Overall Slow Fishing and lots of jerks.
Always a lot of hustle and bustle on those piers.. I dont usually have a prob when I go but I do see it happen.. You have got to be firm and they will usually leave you alone..


09-16-2008, 10:54 AM
That suck's about your day bro. I used to hate it when that happened. I feel your pain

The Angler
09-16-2008, 11:10 AM
**** that! That will definitly not happen to me there will be some major chin checking going down if them fools don't listen. Come on man its common sense not to try to squize your way into someone else's territory. I'll end up in the Newport county jail lol.

09-16-2008, 12:30 PM
I hate fishing off piers... it's never a fun experience.

Did it once... and once only. Not my cup of tea. :Confused:

09-16-2008, 01:55 PM
thats how newport pier is and has always been..you cant let those asians or mexicans push you around up there..thats my favorite pier and ive been fishing it with my dad since i was 3 ..side spots before the resturant are not so good basically ever i always go to the end on either each point corner spots ..always good fishing there bonita,shovel nose shark,bat ray,halibut etc. and alot of bait fish.BUt when i go to that pier sometimes i come alil late like 8am and sometimes on a sat and its shoulder to shoulder at the end and i always get the spot i want i squeeze in and no one says one word to me...And when people cross my line and dont care i cut it instantly and let them know to move ..and the ones that barely know english i let them know with hand jesters haha ..Basically up there you just have to be mean because they wont listen other wise ..they think everyones rod and reel set up are the same cheap crap from walmart even if they see a nice rod set up like a calcutta on a gloomis rod they still think its from walmart haha.


You're a prime example of the type of person ODium just experience....

Sorry to hear about your bad experience on the pier ODium but that is an ongoing occurence especially on a wkend.

09-16-2008, 02:50 PM
I'm Chinese myself. Sorry I didn't mean to make this a racist type posting or anything. The family was asian.

I used to fish Newport Pier like 10 years ago with my dad. I dont ever remembering it being like this. Recently I have been fishing Seal Beach, but we havent really had much luck there.

I was thinking about doing Redondo next time. But now I'm thinking I will look up Balboa.

Glad to see you corrected yourself. Rude people are rude people. I don't think race has anything to do with the amount of etiqutte one person might have........just sayin.....:Cool:

09-16-2008, 03:15 PM
I have been fishing Venice allot lately and the F*** heads are their too you just need to make sure you are clear with your intentions and don't take any s**t. And it dose not hurt to make friends with your neighbor :Wink:

But for the better quality of people get out of LA county. The people their just suck although their are some good peppered in.


How is the fishing there @ Venice pier? i've been wanting to try that place out?

09-16-2008, 03:36 PM
that sucks. I've never been to newport but i hope Oceanside is not like that. I wouldn't be able to handle jerks like that. Hope you have a better time next time.

09-16-2008, 05:07 PM
We are both kind of fed up with how disrespectul people are. We decide to pack up and leave. As we are packing up, my brother asks me what should we do with the rest of the squid and shrimp we have. One of the mexicans look over and asks in perfect English if they could have the leftover bait.

I made some type of smart remark like, "Maybe if you werent being douchebags and kept bumping my girlfriend over." We ended up giving the bait to a nice looking family a few benches up from us.

Ya that always happen, I just smile and drop the bait over when I leave.

09-16-2008, 09:31 PM
I hate fishing off piers... it's never a fun experience.

It's so different from fishing the piers up north. They're more laid back and not much of a crowd. I always had fun doing it as a kid and hanging out all night.

09-17-2008, 09:04 AM
I grew up fishing on a pier, and I can tell you that there's a good chance most of the people being rude are locals that are there on a daily basis and feel like they have some kind of ownership of "their spots". When the bait is running it gets even worse. The thing to do in this case is just move down closer to the shoreline where its not so dense with less knowledgeable people.

09-17-2008, 09:53 AM
I fish piers alot because I have a 9 year old son who likes it. Personally, I don't like fishing from piers but there isnt much I can do about it until my son gets a little older and I'm able to convince him of better places to fish.

But something similar happened to my son once at Cabrillo pier. This situation was the worst we've experienced.

In November there was a hot Pile Perch bite going on and nobody but us were getting bit. There was alot of open space on the pier to fish but since most of them weren't catching anything but saw us hooking up, a few decided to invade our spot. These rude people would cast right where we had our lines in the water and then look at us, waiting for our reaction. And a reaction they got. My first reaction was telling them "Don't tangle us up!". If they or my son got tangled together, no words were spoken, I'd just cut their lines(not my sons'), with no chance of untangling the mess. One guy even climbed over the rail right next to my son and was hanging on with one hand on the rail and fishing with the other. That pissed me off, so while he was on the other side of the rail, I grabbed him and gave him a quick push then pulled him back over the rail. No words needed:LOL:. To rub it in their faces even more, we moved to several other spots up and down the pier and caught just as many fish.

Obviously this wont work everytime, and having to be on the defensive everytime you go fishing on a pier doesn't make the experience any more pleasant. Instead, just try "killing them with kindness", with a smile, a friendly suggestion, and throwing em a piece of free bait, you can usually get your area back.

09-17-2008, 11:09 AM
I fish piers alot because I have a 9 year old son who likes it. Personally, I don't like fishing from piers but there isnt much I can do about it until my son gets a little older and I'm able to convince him of better places to fish.

But something similar happened to my son once at Cabrillo pier. This situation was the worst we've experienced.

In November there was a hot Pile Perch bite going on and nobody but us were getting bit. There was alot of open space on the pier to fish but since most of them weren't catching anything but saw us hooking up, a few decided to invade our spot. These rude people would cast right where we had our lines in the water and then look at us, waiting for our reaction. And a reaction they got. My first reaction was telling them "Don't tangle us up!". If they or my son got tangled together, no words were spoken, I'd just cut their lines(not my sons'), with no chance of untangling the mess. One guy even climbed over the rail right next to my son and was hanging on with one hand on the rail and fishing with the other. That pissed me off, so while he was on the other side of the rail, I grabbed him and gave him a quick push then pulled him back over the rail. No words needed:LOL:. To rub it in their faces even more, we moved to several other spots up and down the pier and caught just as many fish.

Obviously this wont work everytime, and having to be on the defensive everytime you go fishing on a pier doesn't make the experience any more pleasant. Instead, just try "killing them with kindness", with a smile, a friendly suggestion, and throwing em a piece of free bait, you can usually get your area back.

man that sucks! glad to hear you guys were still able to slaughter it. :Big Grin: i'd be pisssed! if someone did that to me and my kid (whenever and if i have one :Razz:)

09-17-2008, 11:46 AM
i dont have kids but if someone did that to my kid I'd tangle him up a ton of treble hooks and toss him over the railing

I'm still trying to decide on where to go this Sunday. The problem is that my Girlfriend is very very new to fishing. Shes only gone three times now and the biggest thing she has caught is a mackeral. On top of that, she gets sea sick and does not like dramamine. Lastly, she doesn't have a fishing license so we cant hit jetties etc.

When she gets a little better and used to handling fish/live bait, I was thinking about renting a skiff at Rocky Point. But I heard the fishing hasnt been good ever since they turned off that pump in the harbor.

09-17-2008, 06:03 PM
sorry about all the crap you had to take but thats pier fishing. if i didnt need macks for bait i would never fish a pier. i dont have the time or the patience to deal with all the riff raff that fish the piers.
nezt time you go to on a open party charter boat, drop down some squid on any kind rig when the boat stops at the reciver. youll get plenty of bait

09-17-2008, 06:14 PM
As for the rail monkey hanging on the other side of the rail, when I pulled him back over out of the way of my son, I dropped him on his head:Envious:... he left after that...

Lastly, she doesn't have a fishing license so we cant hit jetties etc.

Actually you CAN fish off of jetties and piers without a license, just don't step onto the sand. Also make sure that there aren't any "no trespassing signs" on the jetties you plan to fish from.

Here's from the DFG Regs....

1.88. Public Pier.

A public pier is a publicly owned man-made structure that has the following characteristics: is connected, above the mean high tide, to the main coastline or to the landmass of a named and charted natural island; has unrestricted free access for the general public; and has been built or currently functions for the primary purpose of allowing angling access to ocean waters.

Additionally, publicly owned jetties or breakwaters that are connected to land, as described above, that have free unrestricted access for the general public and whose purpose it is to form the most seaward protective boundary of an ocean harbor are public piers. Jetties, breakwaters, promenades, sea walls, moles, docks, linings, barriers and other structures that are not the most seaward protective boundary of an ocean harbor, are not public piers.

09-17-2008, 10:19 PM
I fish piers alot because I have a 9 year old son who likes it. Personally, I don't like fishing from piers but there isnt much I can do about it until my son gets a little older and I'm able to convince him of better places to fish.

But something similar happened to my son once at Cabrillo pier. This situation was the worst we've experienced.

In November there was a hot Pile Perch bite going on and nobody but us were getting bit. There was alot of open space on the pier to fish but since most of them weren't catching anything but saw us hooking up, a few decided to invade our spot. These rude people would cast right where we had our lines in the water and then look at us, waiting for our reaction. And a reaction they got. My first reaction was telling them "Don't tangle us up!". If they or my son got tangled together, no words were spoken, I'd just cut their lines(not my sons'), with no chance of untangling the mess. One guy even climbed over the rail right next to my son and was hanging on with one hand on the rail and fishing with the other. That pissed me off, so while he was on the other side of the rail, I grabbed him and gave him a quick push then pulled him back over the rail. No words needed:LOL:. To rub it in their faces even more, we moved to several other spots up and down the pier and caught just as many fish.

Obviously this wont work everytime, and having to be on the defensive everytime you go fishing on a pier doesn't make the experience any more pleasant. Instead, just try "killing them with kindness", with a smile, a friendly suggestion, and throwing em a piece of free bait, you can usually get your area back.

That happened to me and my nephew as well, and last I remember when this latino guy(I'm latino as well) gave my 9 y/o nephew an elbow, my fist flew at his face. Usually, if rude folks try to take over our spot, we just move, and do better in another spot, but that one time just ticked me off. I don't resort to violence unless it has to happen(really rarely).:Angry:

09-19-2008, 08:58 AM
wow, that's a pretty detailed minute by minute report