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View Full Version : Balboa pier 5/27/07 evening

05-27-2007, 11:44 PM
Got there after 5:30 & met up with our friends from Indiana. Noticed a lot of macks being caught so I tied on a Sabiki to a rig given to me by my neighbor before he moved. (Thanx Ralph! It still works great!) Before I could tie on another Sabiki, Bill had caught the first of many macks. Here's Bill with his son, Jeffrey (hope I spelled his name right), with the first mack. Sorry, Bill, but it looks like my daughter took a little too much off the top.

Set up a second pole with a Sabiki and my daughter, Sarah, had such a great time, she didn't even share it with her boyfriend. He was a gentleman and helped take the icky, slimy fish off the hook for her. That's a job I was happy to relinquish. Thanx Kevin.

After about 3/4 of an hour, everyone abandoned me to eat @ Ruby's. I put a Kroc on my pole and brought up a regular sized mack. After struggling with the treble, I changed to a single and cast out again. Caught another mack, but while I was reeling it in, I saw a seal or a sea lion go for it. Couldn't reel fast enough. My pole went bendo & my 10 lb. test snapped. If any of you see an ailing seal, that's probably my Kroc that's causing him misery. He's lucky I switched to a single hook.

While my family & friends were out eating, I let others use my Sabikis. They both had a blast pulling up 1, 2 and even 3 or 4 macks a a time! It's good to see people having fun.


PS Macks were being caught left & right with a smattering of small smelts and one starfish. No pix since I lost my camera & my daughter was not around with hers.

05-28-2007, 01:31 PM
Sweet report! Great to see the little guy having so much fun, although that is questionable with that face he has on! :lol: :lol:

05-28-2007, 10:09 PM
Ur right about that face. He was torn between the excitement of seeing a fish close up after reeling it in and actually touching that cold, slimy, smelly fish. Generally, this was a positive experience for him. Of course, I may have created a monster. I can just imagine him asking his father when he can go fishing again & again & again &...


05-29-2007, 10:38 AM
Hey bigfishlittlefish.....wish I knew some members from the board were down at the pier this weekend.....I would have walked down the pier and said hi!!!! I was there at Balboa for my god-daughters B-day Sunday just south of the pier.....I brought my gear but only made a few cast in the surf for nada!!!! :cry: Saw all the people catching macs on the pier and wanted to head down there but I didn't want to leave the party + I was in charge of the bond fire.

That is a nice size mack in the pic!!!! Now I wish I would have hit the pier.....could use the bait for catfish season!!!!
