View Full Version : Board shorts while float tubing?

08-25-2008, 02:00 PM
I've been wanting to tube it in board shorts lately, but i have seen a lot of jelly fish in newport harbor. Is it safe? Do the jellies in the harbor sting?

08-26-2008, 11:15 AM
BassCatchinAssasin not much to worry about with the jellies.....when the weather is hot I tube NPH in shorts. I have also seen alot of jellies lately just gently push them out of your way with your fins. I have never gotten stung!!!

Sat morning I plan on launching at 15th street at about 6 if you want to join me. Fishing show be great with a nice incomming tide.

Nessie Hunter
08-26-2008, 11:38 AM
My first few NPH tubing days I went without....

Then heard of the Jelly fish problem that pops up now and then... When finning backwards they are hard to see in the murky water. YIKES!!!!

Always wore them after that....
Worst that can happen is a little pain and swelling, maybe the EGGS falling off... :ROFL::ROFL:
