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View Full Version : Crowley bound for Mem. W/E, w/ 06' pic's

05-22-2007, 12:23 PM
We'll be heading up to Crowley (staying in Mammoth) for a well deserved long Memorial W/E starting Wed! It says use CB channel 13 and VHF channel 72 to talk to other FNN'ers, but does anyone use FMRS/GMRS radios - if so what channel? If you see a couple of guys trolling from a canoe with an electric motor, give us a shout, we are usually the only ones using this deadly combination. Told my son all C&R this year - and he objected saying we have to cook some up, because they taste so good, can you blame him? So we are leaving some room for a few for dinner, and staying open to the possibility of another trophy (like his first brown) which arrived just in time for Christmas, and gave him a "tingle" in his stomach when he opened the box! Whatever happens it don't matter cause' we're goin' fishin'. I'll report back with this year's pic's when we return. In the meantime hope you enjoy a few from last year's trip.

05-22-2007, 01:22 PM
All the pics are good, but that last one is priceless.

05-22-2007, 01:32 PM

05-22-2007, 08:01 PM
I will have to agree, that is an awsome gift. Perfect.

05-22-2007, 08:21 PM
very good report and those pics , i had to look again a couple of times , lol good job , let us know on how you two do this year // db