View Full Version : big local striper

06-15-2008, 03:04 PM

No breakoffs here, big baiting at its best, can you believe someone caught a big fish on something other than anchovies, this fish eats "Trout baits Only"

Bear Grylls
06-15-2008, 03:12 PM
wow thats a monster, very nice

06-15-2008, 03:16 PM
This is someone you know????

06-15-2008, 03:51 PM

nice fatty!

06-15-2008, 04:51 PM
Thats a killer striper for sure, I wonder what lake it came out of..???


06-15-2008, 05:30 PM
We need a better photo to verify this.

06-15-2008, 05:37 PM
That kinda looks like the Lagoon ! But wow thats a striper ! Huge baby !:LOL:

06-15-2008, 07:28 PM
nice fish... were there any boils or was he just blind casting? rubber or plug??

06-15-2008, 07:35 PM
No breakoffs here, big baiting at its best, can you believe someone caught a big fish on something other than anchovies, this fish eats "Trout baits Only"[/QUOTE]

no doubt this fish eats trout!!! however two years ago, late in the afternoon i saw a guy on the dam dragging this huge striper (at least 40 lbs.) as fast as he could back to his car as his buddy carried all their tackle( small spinning rods and a big net).they were real hush hush about it, and they didnt want to give up any info, i not mad at them though! i would guess he was fishing sardines seeing that was the hot ticket at the time.they didnt even slow down as they sped off . who knows, they probably took it to the lagoon to take a picture. lol

06-15-2008, 07:52 PM
If you white out a little more and make it a little fuzzier, you can post this in the saltwater section claiming its a yellow tail with the pic taken at H&M Landing!

Nice fish none the less.

06-15-2008, 08:40 PM
Nice fish did butch catch that? Or was that the one u got on a livey? Why are these other people getting butthurt?

06-15-2008, 09:18 PM
Nice fish did butch catch that? Or was that the one u got on a livey? Why are these other people getting butthurt?

i promise butch did'nt catch that! and who's getting butthurt???sounds to me like ur on his nutts!!!

06-15-2008, 09:33 PM
I wonder if this questionable pic had anything to do with a certain ebay auction of a new 14" trout bait ive never seen before..

I shoulda been a detective!


06-15-2008, 10:03 PM
Guys, guys, guys... you can speculate all you want, but the fact is he scored bigtime.
I was there on the dam when he hooked and landed it. It was heck of a fish and thats that.

Nice one and congrats man. :Wink:

and throwback ranger, just be quiet. If you don't know its best not to talk. How do u know Butch didn't catch it? Exactly... you don't... so shhhhh.

06-16-2008, 12:33 AM
soo what the hell is the point of whiting out this guy's face?

If there is just a pic and no info is this considered a report? Or should this go in the picture section...

nice fish tho... but what is the point of the blurry whited out pic with no info?

06-16-2008, 12:57 AM
soo what the hell is the point of whiting out this guy's face?

If there is just a pic and no info is this considered a report? Or should this go in the picture section...

nice fish tho... but what is the point of the blurry whited out pic with no info?

People are lame, that's why. They think it's cool to post up stuff like this.. it's not. Have some balls people

06-16-2008, 06:37 AM

What a monster!

06-16-2008, 08:49 AM
Nice fish but where was it caught?

06-16-2008, 09:29 AM
If this is in the report section, shouldn't there be some info along with the pic?

Nice fish, bad report.

06-16-2008, 10:40 AM
nice fish...

horrible report...

this should go in pics section if your not going to give ANY info.

my 2 cents

06-16-2008, 10:43 AM
Terrible photo, essentially worthless reporting.

I'd give it a D-


06-16-2008, 10:44 AM
Not a report, but congrats on a very nice fish. :cool:

06-16-2008, 10:49 AM
A nice fish...no doubt, but why white out the face. ????..why not disclose the location ???......put this in the photos section or don't post it at all.....want to be tight lipped and secret it's your choice..
Paranoia......there's plenty of fish for everyone...this post doesn't impress me

06-16-2008, 11:44 AM
thats freakin nice.. my buddy's boss picked up a couple of those in december at the wood... bbz's. ... THEIR PICTURE IS POSTED AT BASS PROS... .. nice work

06-16-2008, 11:50 AM
thats freakin nice.. my buddy's boss picked up a couple of those in december at the wood... bbz's. ... THEIR PICTURE IS POSTED AT BASS PROS... .. nice work


Saw those were nice!

06-16-2008, 12:02 PM
Nice Fish......
What Did It Weigh??? Somehwere In The 20# Range???
Hard To Tell From The "angle" That The Pic Was Taken!!!!!
Oh Yea.. And What Up Wit The White Out Face???
Sorry But Thats Waaaack!!!


06-16-2008, 12:07 PM
Guys, guys, guys... you can speculate all you want, but the fact is he scored bigtime.
I was there on the dam when he hooked and landed it. It was heck of a fish and thats that.

Nice one and congrats man. :Wink:

and throwback ranger, just be quiet. If you don't know its best not to talk. How do u know Butch didn't catch it? Exactly... you don't... so shhhhh.

The point is the all the secrecy...no face...no report..

I'm saying that's a toad from hell...if you want positive feedback and props (which props are well deserved when one catches a toad like that) don't blank the face and not say anything about where it's caught...
one doesn't have to give exact cordinates or exact details but in the spirit of what goes on here on this forum some info should be provided...
thats it, I'm not hating, in fact I'd congratulate instead of hate but the way this post is done leaves a bad flavor after digesting...
I don't care who caught it...step up or step off....fishing isn't some hide and seek game where ya catch fish..and boast about it without sharing a little....bragging rights are in order but playing games while doing it isn't.

Are fisherman that paranoid that someone will run to the exact same spot...catch the exact same fish as they would if they didn't say anything ?
Sounds like theres lack of confidence in the skills to reproduce the occurance again or something.....it's rare that I speak out like this in this manner but these things trip me out.

I've been fishing over 30 years....that's my opinion...keep it real..Kharma comes full swing...share with others and it comes back 10 fold....personally I don't care where he caught it....the point itself is whats in focus here..

My 2 cents (more like 50 cents).

Photo at the lagoon by launch ramp no doubt...given light factors in background and wearing backpack..equates to: fished the upper at the Dam at night till am hours......watch out....now 3300 people a night will go there and catch the precious horted fish you've been coveting......watch it................I'm watching.. and I know that lake...I'd never have said a word if you were cool bout things..
plus I don't care what ya caught it on.....how long did the trout stay alive in his belly ?

06-16-2008, 01:35 PM
Awesome fish.

I don't mind when peeps keep locations on the downlow. Make others work as hard as you did for that bite.

Don't make FNN the welfare line.

I guess since yesterday was the 15th, everyone wants a free hand out.

But yes, this does belong in the Photos section.

06-16-2008, 02:43 PM
Awesome fish.

I don't mind when peeps keep locations on the downlow. Make others work as hard as you did for that bite.

Don't make FNN the welfare line.

I guess since yesterday was the 15th, everyone wants a free hand out.

But yes, this does belong in the Photos section.
Maybe a stick figure drawing would suffice ? when one catches a fish...or maybe a photo of the fish in their hand w/o showing their identity ? ....that is asuming they actually do catch a fish ! and are not lurking themselves in the welfare line of info and not ever posting a report.....hide it all as far as I'm concerned if somones so worried bout their spot....DONT POST IT ! THEN !............... HIDE IT ALL !!!!!!! Keep it to themselves...ya can't have it both ways !

This just in ......hot of the press...the identity of this idividual has become aparent !..........

A 27 lb bozo !

06-16-2008, 05:00 PM
The night fishing senario was my first thought, also. It's not impossible that it came out of the lagoon but then again it's not likely.

06-16-2008, 05:32 PM
"It's not impossible that it came out of the lagoon but then again it's not likely."

Oh please not the whole striper in the lagoon thing again...Its so so so so old I cant believe it has reared its ugly head here yet again.

06-16-2008, 05:50 PM
The fish certainly was not caught at the lagoon, that just so happens to be where the pic was taken because of the cleaning station being right there, this fish was totally legal, caught in the late afternoon on a hardbait during regular hours, so please stop assuming that every big fish is caught illegally just because you can not catch any. This person was totally bummed out to have to kill this thing, he could not revive it, but thats sometimes just part of the game. So please release those big stripers. This whole kill/slay mentality thing is getting old and needs to stop. Well anyways i need to go catch and release some stripers. Oh yeah, to those with the kind words, good luck to yall.

06-16-2008, 06:56 PM
The fish certainly was not caught at the lagoon, that just so happens to be where the pic was taken because of the cleaning station being right there, this fish was totally legal, caught in the late afternoon on a hardbait during regular hours, so please stop assuming that every big fish is caught illegally just because you can not catch any. This person was totally bummed out to have to kill this thing, he could not revive it, but thats sometimes just part of the game. So please release those big stripers. This whole kill/slay mentality thing is getting old and needs to stop. Well anyways i need to go catch and release some stripers. Oh yeah, to those with the kind words, good luck to yall.

KILL 'em all don't even start with this bleeding heart catch and release thing...you've obviously not graphed Castaic lake ...there's toads like that in many many areas and many many of them....and I know your comment wasn't directed soley at me but there are some of us who have caught fish in this class and will catch more...sorry but this whole controversy is brought on by the way this post is put up....give us a real reason for the way it was done and you'll see a different tone....I don't want to take any sunshine from this catch but again....keep it real ! not assuming every big fish is caught illegally...just when the post is questionable....I really don't care how or where...just real amusing to see the way people are all protective like they own the fish....theyre there for everyone....none of this my beach my surf go home....as for striper kills...do your research..... spawning stripers kill themselves off out of the foodchain if not regulated and by that I mean ya gotta kill some of them....
Preach this catch and release somewhere else these aren't LMB.....come on !!! this is a joke as was this post.

06-16-2008, 07:02 PM

06-17-2008, 09:00 AM
yippy skippy.

thats huge.

06-17-2008, 03:33 PM
Maybe a stick figure drawing would suffice ? when one catches a fish...or maybe a photo of the fish in their hand w/o showing their identity ? ....that is asuming they actually do catch a fish ! and are not lurking themselves in the welfare line of info and not ever posting a report.....hide it all as far as I'm concerned if somones so worried bout their spot....DONT POST IT ! THEN !............... HIDE IT ALL !!!!!!! Keep it to themselves...ya can't have it both ways !

This just in ......hot of the press...the identity of this idividual has become aparent !..........

A 27 lb bozo !
first of all congrats to the guy in the pic..he must have worked hard to get it..i dont think you have to say where you caught it.its fishing not catching..obviously it was caught at castaic....he could of atleast said that. what do you want his rod size,make and model of reel,line test,his shoe brand e.t.c. why should the spot "you" sought out completely on your own by years of trying be bombarded by everyone.to me it seems like you want a free pass to a big fish.

06-17-2008, 04:00 PM
first of all congrats to the guy in the pic..he must have worked hard to get it..i dont think you have to say where you caught it.its fishing not catching..obviously it was caught at castaic....he could of atleast said that. what do you want his rod size,make and model of reel,line test,his shoe brand e.t.c. why should the spot "you" sought out completely on your own by years of trying be bombarded by everyone.to me it seems like you want a free pass to a big fish.

Read more closely...NO ONE HAS ASKED where the spot was...

just the lake,
by all means it wouldn't be a right question to ask the exact location...

no one here has done that, especially me, as for a free pass to a big fish....Ha Ha Ha...I don't come on this site for info regarding catching big fish

and I'm not going to hoard onto someones spot, it's not my style if you are directly addressing me,

I do just fine on my own as I've done for years....I typically do not solicit help from this site other than a nugget of info here or there...
I come here for pure enjoyment and I do try to help others, I share my info but don't beleive others are obligated to share particulars
again, this is said as an answer to your comment thats is seemingly directed to me but may be to others as well.

This fish is an awesome fish, I've stated that many times already, it's the manner in which it's posted...all secretive and stuff...this is not good form....

why hasn't the originator spoken out in defense of himself...this still brings up questions...Not trying to take away the rightfull glory of this catch...It's one to be proud of by all means....just don't understand why the secrecy in identity and no info.....

06-17-2008, 04:21 PM
The fish certainly was not caught at the lagoon, that just so happens to be where the pic was taken because of the cleaning station being right there, this fish was totally legal, caught in the late afternoon on a hardbait during regular hours, so please stop assuming that every big fish is caught illegally just because you can not catch any. This person was totally bummed out to have to kill this thing, he could not revive it, but thats sometimes just part of the game. So please release those big stripers. This whole kill/slay mentality thing is getting old and needs to stop. Well anyways i need to go catch and release some stripers. Oh yeah, to those with the kind words, good luck to yall.

Nice catch....

It's good to hear more people believe in releasing the big fish, there are plenty of small fish to eat.

Other than this should have started in the photo section (which is was going to end up here anyway) I see nothing wrong with the post, I wish it was a clearer picture of the fish but I can careless what the guy looks like or who caught it...

06-17-2008, 04:52 PM
Awesome fish.

I don't mind when peeps keep locations on the downlow. Make others work as hard as you did for that bite.

Don't make FNN the welfare line.

I guess since yesterday was the 15th, everyone wants a free hand out.

amen brotha.....

....blurry pic, white out face, no location,...who gives?....nice catch, thats all i have to say...

06-17-2008, 09:58 PM
Nice striper! Thats a big one.

06-18-2008, 08:17 AM
Ok I confess...it was me...:Envious:

I caught that whopper...and I did it with my bare hands too, which is why I didn't convey what kind of rod and bait I used.

I was having a bad hair day which explains the cropped out face photo....:Embarrassed:



Just kidding... Great fish who ever caught it.. It looks like it weighed 50+ pounds.

06-18-2008, 03:02 PM
I think Ive just seen my future wife! Hot girl fishing, can it get any better.

06-18-2008, 03:21 PM
Ok I confess...it was me...:Envious:

I caught that whopper...and I did it with my bare hands too, which is why I didn't convey what kind of rod and bait I used.

I was having a bad hair day which explains the cropped out face photo....:Embarrassed:



Just kidding... Great fish who ever caught it.. It looks like it weighed 50+ pounds.

STRIPER KILLER ! or thats a killer striper ! damn dude...those implant have done you well !

06-18-2008, 03:45 PM
I thought it looked like jeff4321 at first. But he'd be running all over the place hollering, "Lookie Here, Lookie Here, Look what I just caught on the dock at the launch ramp while the lifeguard was taking a leak!"

06-18-2008, 04:15 PM
Before you guys go and stick your foot in your mouth and embarrass yourself to death :Embarrassed: - poking fun of the photo with the girl holding the fish -
I thought I'd let you know that photo is of my face....
