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View Full Version : 1 rod...1 reel....1 mission..........

06-13-2008, 08:27 PM
good day/evening to you all, so yesterday i decide that 3 days dry is long enough, so i head out to a local spot to attack me some spotties. of course by the time i get on waters edge its at peak high tide, no water movement, but good above water conditions. i start throwing my drop shot moving around with nothing, a few nibbles but no strikes at all for about 32 minutes. so i reel in and decide to lip hook my gulp minnow for better action, first cast i get nailed, im fully bent, reeling in and then my rod goes boing' stiffens straight up......im all "what the" so i work the line ever so delicatly all the way back to the rocks, only to find my hook empty, fish made off with my gulp. bum deal, so i re-rig same stuff. nothings going on so i grab something to drink, when i look back at the water i see four hungry needle fish pushing two feet long each. what do you do when your rigged with a drop shot and theres top water action in front of you, you throw at 'em thats what. so i cast and start rippin' & twitchn' nothing first two cast then one of them see's me and charges, rod loads up fish on settin' hook then wham, i have my hook and weight flying out of water coming striaght at my face. couldnt sink the hook in his jaws, so i pull a matrix, lean back and nearly ate my own hook. again bum deal, so im over the drop shot, no spotties, close calls, and stolen bait, now its on. so i rig up "tomingo-twist" with the same type of bait and start ripping the top, a few cast im on, nothing big but i i burn that reel just to get this guy in. so first fish a dink corvina'


nothing to write home about but its a fish, could have mada "a" taco with him, but check
out the chomper' on this dude.


alright, my nerves calm for a moment, skunk is off, so i keep throwing but water is dead, fish are far and few in between, i start working the "t-t" on the bottom, slow pops in between creeper reeling. then a nibble, i swing, again fish on, i can tell its not a spottie, nor a corvina, then she surfaces, a little stingwray.


frontal view little blurry, apologies.


so there it is, mission task - failed

mission fun factor - about a 6

stoke on catching a new "tomingo-twist" species - big time.

thanx for your time, ill be back next week.



06-13-2008, 10:58 PM
That almost looks like a juvenile White Sea Bass. :Shocked:
You got some good action... nice mission. ;) :cool:

06-17-2008, 08:22 PM
I also believe it is a juvenile wsb!

Nice fish none the less

06-17-2008, 08:55 PM
I'm pretty sure that's a little WSB. Nice job buddy.

06-17-2008, 09:22 PM
good going

06-18-2008, 12:05 AM
i appreciate all your comments and speculation on my fish, though the corvina and WSB look extremely similar in the juvinile state, there are two characteristics that stand out in regards to the difference.

the first is the teeth, baby WSB have a row of teeth on the top lip, the corvina doesnt, it only has a single hook tooth.

secondly is the predominent black spot behind the fin found on all WSB, babies to adults, the corvina doesnt have this spot. ill take better pics next time. but who knows, ive been wrong b4.


check this out


06-18-2008, 12:37 AM
That little guy has a big toofus...:LOL:

Nice report....:cool:

06-18-2008, 01:55 PM
To be honest with you...It's definetly not a Corvina, and I know for sure it's not a juvie wsb...I've caught a million (ok half a million) 4-7 inch corvina on the beach and none of them looked like that fish...

06-18-2008, 06:15 PM
To be honest with you...It's definetly not a Corvina, and I know for sure it's not a juvie wsb...I've caught a million (ok half a million) 4-7 inch corvina on the beach and none of them looked like that fish...

i enjoy reading these comments in regards to my post's, especially the ones questioning my fish, at times some address the topic of disagreeing in a posotive manner, and at other times some just talk out of there you know what's. when you tell me that something is "definetly" not something, that leads me to believe you are extremely educated on the topic of corvina, and its attributes. but your not, you say youve caught 1/2 million on the beach, thats awesome, but these corvina arent beach dwellers, thay like calm bays and structure. the distant relative to the corvina, the "corbina" thrives in beach environments, and is closer to a croaker in appearance, along with a submissive mouth. so i must retort and say " to be honest with you sir, you are definetly wrong, this is a short fin corvina, if you took the time to read this post thuroughly, and clicked on my link with a description of my fish, you might have read that corvina, definetly, have have a hook tooth on the top lip of there mouth, orange color in the mouth and have a distinct scale pattern that matches my fish that i catch quite frequently. but if your still adament on your opinion, lets fish, you take me to where you catch your "corvina" and ill take you to where i catch my "corvina" and then we can compare.


06-20-2008, 04:08 AM
My Bad..I thought you were talking about those fish in the surf that eat sand crabs..I didn't know there was a difference..I should just stick to my walleye fishing and keep my mouth shut...

06-20-2008, 07:58 AM
Wow my ten month old daughter doesn't even have a tooth that big yet. Nice one!

06-20-2008, 02:57 PM
Nice job on the ray.