View Full Version : Sharing The Rail

05-06-2008, 10:55 PM
Man I was annoyed quite a bit this past sunday on the boat. How does a guy sporting an 8ft custom rod equipped with a torsa not know how to share the rail? This guy didnt wanna lose his freakin corner spot and decides to get four of us into a tangle. I should have broken out the spectra. Even the newbs worked it better than this one dude on the boat. He thought he owned the corner. How hard could it be.

1. Follow your line.
2. Fish with the wind in your face.
3. Yell hookup!
4. Yell over.
5. Yell under.

Help me add to this. What other fishing etiquette should you know about sharing the rail to make everybodies trip more successful. Im gonna print this out and stamp it on that dudes forehead if I ever run into that loud mouth again. :mad:

05-06-2008, 11:25 PM

Sorry for yelling.

05-06-2008, 11:41 PM
:lol: Thats a good one.

05-07-2008, 12:20 AM
Wind up if another angler is bringing there fish to the boat, meaning get out of the way.
just re-cast real quick.

05-07-2008, 12:47 PM
I would've just broke out the spectra. No point trying to work with him if he's not willing to work with everyone else.

05-07-2008, 12:59 PM
That sucks man. It seems there is always some one that does that. One way to reduce the odds of that happening is to fishing on charters. That was one of the big reasons I started fishing limited load trips and 6-packs.

I have been on trips like that with a "corner hog". Here's what I have done: I go to the bait tank, pin on a fresh bait, walk straight to "his" corner and cast over him a few times, that "guy" usually gets the idea and backs off a little. If that doesn't work I will say something to him.

Tail Chaser
05-07-2008, 01:42 PM
Guy probably has the the mentality of.

I'm gods give to the world. Because I fish with a Torsa.

I also drive a BMW/Mercedes
So I own the Fwys. So get out of my way.

Also... My poop does not stink.
Yet..... My nose is so high in the air all the time.
I can not confirm this :dogpiss:

Hard to work with a clown like that.
I like the casting over his head idea. Preferably with a dripping messy bait.
Cutting him off with spectra would be plan B.
I would think he would leave the corner to retie :rolleyes:

All my trips are solo on my pvt boat.
Share the stern with another angler :shock:
I really need my 8' of stern space :rofl:

05-07-2008, 01:44 PM
i think people are color blind because they dont know how to rotate!! olmoast got in few fights because of this. also i keep my dikes handy just in case someone is acting like an a-hole, i just snip-em off lol. bye bye yellow tail.

05-07-2008, 03:50 PM
sounds like a 1/2 day boat.

05-07-2008, 04:14 PM
I think that is the job of the captain and if he doesn't want to set the rules then look for another boat.

ghetto dad
05-07-2008, 04:21 PM
its not the captains job to un-nutsack somebody man......fishing sportboats, you take the good with the bad man.......

05-07-2008, 04:36 PM
Idiots like that should be forced to fish next to me. :p

Don't eat someone's double cheeseburger while they are at the rail.

05-07-2008, 04:45 PM
Follow your perch Sir.....

05-07-2008, 05:07 PM
and it's even better when that douchebag starts yelling at you to follow your line.sorry to hear about your bad experience..

05-07-2008, 06:52 PM
No offense GhettoDad (and perhaps things are different in LA on 1/2 day boats) but it is the captain's job to handle these situations. The better boats down here in SD give you a mini tuna fishing refresher while the boat is underway or baiting up. The standard tuna-shuffle involves the deckhands keeping the flow going (by shouting or gently pushing), which is something a quality captain will encourage his crew to do as it results in more fish and less arguments.

05-07-2008, 06:58 PM
LOL, the deckhands on san diego boats love to chuck sardines at the rail hoggers while chumming.

05-08-2008, 07:56 AM
Ive Seen To Many Fist Fights On Any Charters Ive Been On And Wont Go Unless Its A Private Charter And I Know The People Going .ive Seen The Deck Hands Cut Peoples Lines Who Pulled That Crap.

05-09-2008, 01:48 PM
No offense GhettoDad (and perhaps things are different in LA on 1/2 day boats) but it is the captain's job to handle these situations. The better boats down here in SD give you a mini tuna fishing refresher while the boat is underway or baiting up. The standard tuna-shuffle involves the deckhands keeping the flow going (by shouting or gently pushing), which is something a quality captain will encourage his crew to do as it results in more fish and less arguments.

Exactly! ;)

ghetto dad
05-09-2008, 05:55 PM
No offense GhettoDad (and perhaps things are different in LA on 1/2 day boats) but it is the captain's job to handle these situations. The better boats down here in SD give you a mini tuna fishing refresher while the boat is underway or baiting up. The standard tuna-shuffle involves the deckhands keeping the flow going (by shouting or gently pushing), which is something a quality captain will encourage his crew to do as it results in more fish and less arguments.

I didnt relize that they were fishing tuna....????......if thats the case, then YES it is the captains job...but there is only so much a captain can do....and i know what the tuna shuffle is....thanks........

ghetto dad
05-09-2008, 05:56 PM
Oh and liteliner.....fyi, i wasnt trying to condone what the idiot was doing brother....sorry about that!!


05-09-2008, 05:58 PM
It doesn't seem to matter if you are on a 1/2 day or a million day boat. There will always be one, two, three or four bad apples on a boat. If you want to avoid this type of cludder save your money and go on a six pack charter ( where you pick the anglers to fish with ). It's the ONLY way. So with all due respect, you are going to have to have to live with the tangles and saw off's, as do I until i find five worthy anglers. My Two Cents

ghetto dad
05-09-2008, 05:59 PM
It doesn't seem to matter if you are on a 1/2 day or a million day boat. There will always be one, two, three or four bad apples on a boat. If you want to avoid this type of cludder save your money and go on a six pack charter ( where you pick the anglers to fish with ). It's the ONLY way. So with all due respect, you are going to have to have to live with the tangles and saw off's, as do I until i find five worthy anglers. My Two Cents

LOL @ "worthy"....nice howstar.....

05-09-2008, 06:13 PM
LOL @ "worthy"....nice howstar.....

Some people find humor in the truth!

05-09-2008, 06:21 PM
Oh and liteliner.....fyi, i wasnt trying to condone what the idiot was doing brother....sorry about that!!


no problems. I understood it. Cant wait to do my tuna shuffle again either.

05-09-2008, 06:26 PM
I'll be doing the Lindy Hop while I fight my tuna this year.

ghetto dad
05-09-2008, 06:30 PM
I'll be doing the Lindy Hop while I fight my tuna this year.

Yelling "hot leg!!!!" you should get your other leg out of storage before u tuna fish alan....

05-09-2008, 06:42 PM
Yelling "hot leg!!!!" you should get your other leg out of storage before u tuna fish alan....

Yeah, I think I will do just that!

05-11-2008, 07:17 PM
Liteliner what were you guys fishing for and what type of partyboat were you fishing on? 1/2, 3/4, overnight?

05-12-2008, 08:26 PM
fish on board friends yahts, sportfishers, charters and limited load boats. I fished open party boats for twenty-years and its been a good ten-years since I stepped foot on one. But I know what awaits me if I ever do again. As my best friend once made a comment about the over night boats......I am not sleeping on board with a bunch of hairy -sses.


05-12-2008, 08:40 PM
Liteliner what were you guys fishing for and what type of partyboat were you fishing on? 1/2, 3/4, overnight?

We were on an overnight clemente trip. He was in the corner pretty much all day. We fished rockfish, calicos, and tried for some yellows. He had like a four ounce sinker on when we started drifting for rockfish. The guy gets four of us tangled and he tells us to move further away from him. Said we were fishing to close to him so we actually tangled him up. Deckhand had to tell him to switch to atleast an 8 ounce.

Yellow Fever 80
05-12-2008, 08:48 PM
You cant blame the guy for wanting to fish the corner. You just gotta stand right behind him and throw a bait out over him, then he has to let you in. Or throw a bait next to him so you are sure he will have to let you go over or under him. I hate sportboats that make you fish your number and I really hate the ones that rotate. Everyone on the boat payed the same price, you should get to fish wherever you want to, unless you are causing problems, like tangles and stuff.
As for etiquette, how about dont pull on your line when you are in a tangle with someone, especially if they have a fish on! That gets me soooo pissed off when someone pulls your fish off because they are a dumb f*%$. And one more is look behind you when you cast, even after you throw your bait, your not going to miss the water. A "going out" is also a good idea, especially around the bait tank in the stern.

05-12-2008, 08:56 PM
fish on board friends yahts, sportfishers, charters and limited load boats. I fished open party boats for twenty-years and its been a good ten-years since I stepped foot on one. But I know what awaits me if I ever do again. As my best friend once made a comment about the over night boats......I am not sleeping on board with a bunch of hairy -sses.


I actually dont mind the open party trips. You meet cool people and you pretty much just fish and sleep and get to eat some awesome food. Plus i feel alot safer with those big boats compared to my buddies little 21 ft trophy.

The thing that annoys me is that those freakin corner hoggers are always the experienced guys. How do I know? Cause the newbies are always at the bow trying to stay away from the crowds. :lol: It gets crazy at the stern sometimes. Im sure they know fishing etiquette on party boats though but they chose to ignore them. Im thinking "LITELINER IS GONNA HAFTA CHOKE A " you know the rest. Im there to relax though so im just gonna ignore it for now but if I got a big yellow on and its takin me to the corner, dude is gonna get run over even if he's twice my size. Thats why I have my fishing entourage. Just in case.

05-12-2008, 09:02 PM
You cant blame the guy for wanting to fish the corner. You just gotta stand right behind him and throw a bait out over him, then he has to let you in. Or throw a bait next to him so you are sure he will have to let you go over or under him. I hate sportboats that make you fish your number and I really hate the ones that rotate. Everyone on the boat payed the same price, you should get to fish wherever you want to, unless you are causing problems, like tangles and stuff.
As for etiquette, how about dont pull on your line when you are in a tangle with someone, especially if they have a fish on! That gets me soooo pissed off when someone pulls your fish off because they are a dumb f*%$. And one more is look behind you when you cast, even after you throw your bait, your not going to miss the water. A "going out" is also a good idea, especially around the bait tank in the stern.

I dont blame him either. Im just sayin if his line is driftin under the boat and he still is in the corner wtf. You know what I mean? I do the cast over him and work yourself in routine all the time though. Just dont think that special move should even have to be utilized so often.

That pull on your tangle is annoyin aswell. Some of those iron slingers are pretty dangerous arent they. Thanks for the reply.

ghetto dad
05-12-2008, 09:19 PM
We were on an overnight clemente trip. He was in the corner pretty much all day. We fished rockfish, calicos, and tried for some yellows. He had like a four ounce sinker on when we started drifting for rockfish. The guy gets four of us tangled and he tells us to move further away from him. Said we were fishing to close to him so we actually tangled him up. Deckhand had to tell him to switch to atleast an 8 ounce.

see they werent fishing TUNA!!! Liteliner....that dude sounds like an a**hole mang!! Get em on EVERY trip..i have MANY stories about them over the years!!


05-13-2008, 02:30 PM
My wife had a problem with that on a five day trip aboard the RRIII. The first day of fishing the man would not move for her. This cat thought he owned the corner and he sure as hell was not going to move for a girl with a pony tail and boots. This buzzard cost my wife a few fish and had wrapped her a few times. She finally said something to me and I told her to ask twice and if nothing happened to put her elbow into him. Well, she hooks into a large yellow fin, I am right behind her ready to gaff her fish (the captain allowed me to stick her fish). WE are mid ship and her fish takes off to the stern and "who" is at the corner. Yupe, old bastard. So she tries to follow her fish around the corner but is blocked by the dude. She says politly, "going under", exuse me going under. The guy did not move an inch. She then put the loaded rod under her armpit and holds it with her right hand and sticks her left elbow out and plows into his right rib cage. We did not have any more troubles with that man anymore. Later I over heard him talk crap about my wife to another passanger and the passanger defended my wife, telling him he should of listened to her as she asked to go under. It put a big smile on my face and the cappy gave my wife a nod of job well done.


05-13-2008, 03:08 PM
My wife had a problem with that on a five day trip aboard the RRIII. The first day of fishing the man would not move for her. This cat thought he owned the corner and he sure as hell was not going to move for a girl with a pony tail and boots. This buzzard cost my wife a few fish and had wrapped her a few times. She finally said something to me and I told her to ask twice and if nothing happened to put her elbow into him. Well, she hooks into a large yellow fin, I am right behind her ready to gaff her fish (the captain allowed me to stick her fish). WE are mid ship and her fish takes off to the stern and "who" is at the corner. Yupe, old bastard. So she tries to follow her fish around the corner but is blocked by the dude. She says politly, "going under", exuse me going under. The guy did not move an inch. She then put the loaded rod under her armpit and holds it with her right hand and sticks her left elbow out and plows into his right rib cage. We did not have any more troubles with that man anymore. Later I over heard him talk crap about my wife to another passanger and the passanger defended my wife, telling him he should of listened to her as she asked to go under. It put a big smile on my face and the cappy gave my wife a nod of job well done.



WAY TO GO!!!!!!!

05-13-2008, 04:20 PM
My wife had a problem with that on a five day trip aboard the RRIII. The first day of fishing the man would not move for her. This cat thought he owned the corner and he sure as hell was not going to move for a girl with a pony tail and boots. This buzzard cost my wife a few fish and had wrapped her a few times. She finally said something to me and I told her to ask twice and if nothing happened to put her elbow into him. Well, she hooks into a large yellow fin, I am right behind her ready to gaff her fish (the captain allowed me to stick her fish). WE are mid ship and her fish takes off to the stern and "who" is at the corner. Yupe, old bastard. So she tries to follow her fish around the corner but is blocked by the dude. She says politly, "going under", exuse me going under. The guy did not move an inch. She then put the loaded rod under her armpit and holds it with her right hand and sticks her left elbow out and plows into his right rib cage. We did not have any more troubles with that man anymore. Later I over heard him talk crap about my wife to another passanger and the passanger defended my wife, telling him he should of listened to her as she asked to go under. It put a big smile on my face and the cappy gave my wife a nod of job well done.



Japo :mrgreen:

06-25-2008, 03:08 AM
Just thought I would let you guys know I ran into quite a few corner hoggers this past sunday on the enterprise. Im really wondering why some of these deckhands dont school some of these guys. Im thinking most of them are regulars. I also met the biggest 83 year old grouch ever. Almost lost my cool with this guy. Just the rudest guy ever. The boat was still fishable but tensions were high with my overhead squeeze in cast.

06-25-2008, 08:03 PM
My rule on party boats:

If they don't move for you because they feel they shouldn't, you move them out of the way.

I did this numerous times on the Producer out of H&M down in SD, the captain totally agreed with me. We're all paying customers, and when you have a fish like a Yellowtail or Ablie on, (this may sound selfish) but its all about you. If someone's being an @sshole with their Torsa and custom rod setup because you have a fish on and they don't, forget about them and concentrate on landing that fish. If they don't respond to "going under!" and just stand there, then you just keep on moving.

That Dang Guy
06-25-2008, 08:28 PM
I love that "No angles, no tangles" line. For me, it's really pretty simple. Follow your line and people with fish have priority to rail space. Let them through and if your line has any chance of tangling, wind it up and recast. For people that hug the corner, I fish around them. I have no problem being a dick and casting over them and forcing my way through. There are very few more effective ways of dealing with a corner hugger than invading his space. Even on an anchor, the person in the corner still has to follow their line down.

06-29-2008, 04:10 PM
People see a colored number on their ticket and see a colored number on the rail. They think they own that spot of the rail for the day. :Rolls Eyes:

Some people get their at super dark o'clock because the office asks them what color number they want at the rail. :Rolls Eyes:

Because they get that number they don't give a rat's ***** about the rest of the boat. It doesn't matter they'll just say it's my spot and plant themselves, and stand there like useless furniture for the whole day. :Rolls Eyes:

They probably fish jigs off the stern of the boat while everyone else is trying to flyline a bait, and the current is pulling lines across and in front of them too. They'll still blame it on you for tangling everyone's (his) line. :Rolls Eyes:

06-29-2008, 08:19 PM
ive been with those guys b4... it buggs the crap out of me
i would fish REALY close to him till he backs off

07-04-2008, 10:05 AM
That sucks man. It seems there is always some one that does that. One way to reduce the odds of that happening is to fishing on charters. That was one of the big reasons I started fishing limited load trips and 6-packs.

I have been on trips like that with a "corner hog". Here's what I have done: I go to the bait tank, pin on a fresh bait, walk straight to "his" corner and cast over him a few times, that "guy" usually gets the idea and backs off a little. If that doesn't work I will say something to him.

Usually, I'd catch on to what was going on and then I'd cast behind you. I love 3 tier-ing people. especially when there's clearly room on both sides... just to prove a point the three of us would crowd that one corner. Looks kinda gay but the corner hog usually moves.

07-09-2008, 06:18 PM
Usually, I'd catch on to what was going on and then I'd cast behind you. I love 3 tier-ing people. especially when there's clearly room on both sides... just to prove a point the three of us would crowd that one corner. Looks kinda gay but the corner hog usually moves.

You know you do it on purpose. :LOL: