View Full Version : Oceanside 3/23

03-23-2008, 02:22 PM
After going surf fishing with Tacklejunkie a couple of weeks ago, I decided to get a little more serious about it and pick up a few things for my next outing. So, for this trip I brought along a 3rd grip to help hold my stuff, a 9’ telescopic Kencor surf rod (I’m planning on buying a bike soon for my commute, so I figured this rod would come in handy),and an Okuma bait feeder reel (on sale at Turner’s. Just liked the idea of it). I also brought along my nephews to let them have some fun in the sun. Left the house at 4:30 and got to Oceanside by 5:30. It was my first time there, so we looked around a bit and found some free parking that was longer than 2 hours. Parked and setup the rods. I told the boys I would give $5 to the first person to catch a fish and headed to the surf. Got the lines wet at about 6:30. Within 5 minutes, Iwe had his first surf Perch!

Then within minutes of that hookup Gabe got his first!

For the first hour and a half I spent most of the time helping them either unhook or untangle. I don’t know why I bothered to try and fish as I was able to cast out less than a hand full of times. At this point the bite died down and they got cold, so they decided to explore the beach a bit. I was finally able to fish! First, I tried some Krocs with no success. Then I tried some lures with the same results. I wondered if it was my line (I was using 10lb Fireline because I got it for $10). So I switched my spool to 6lb P-Line and switched to using sandworms as well. 20 minutes or so later, I finally caught my first fish! Yeah, skunk off. I think it was probably the smallest BSP of the day though. Since I got the skunk off, I decided to switch back to the Krocs and walk up and down the beach to check out other spots. Caught one more BSP (the largest of the day) while doing this. All in all it was a nice day to be at the beach.
Final count:
Iwe: 4-5 BSPs
Gabe: 4-5 BSPs
Me: 2 BSPs
The boys were using camo sandworms with 4lb 20” leaders. I ended up giving them both $5, because I'm a sucker. ;) I liked my new setup as I was able to spool myself a couple of times on a cast with the Fireline. I got a couple of bites using the Fireline, I just wasn’t able to set the hook. :evil: I also found a couple of spots I plan on trying next time. I was trying for a legal size butt most of the time. Hopefully that will come soon. Can’t wait to go again!

03-23-2008, 03:52 PM
Good job on getting the youngsters on some fisheees! ;)
Oceanside has lots of BSP's in the water!

See ya soon!


03-23-2008, 05:39 PM
Nice work man! Looks like fun. Good work with the youngin's as well!
Now you have a spot to show me one day ;):lol:

Santa Fe Eric
03-24-2008, 12:57 AM
Way to do the family thing!

Keep it up!

03-24-2008, 01:02 AM
Cool that none of you got skunked out there.

Thanks for the report.


03-24-2008, 06:35 AM
Good job on getting the youngsters on some fisheees! ;)

I think I got them hooked. The next day they kept asking me when we're going to go again. 8-)

Now you have a spot to show me one day

I saw some structures I have to check out soon. I'll let you know when I do, if you want to cruise along.

Way to do the family thing!

Keep it up!

Thanks! I felt old because it didn't seem that long ago when I was changing their diapers.

Cool that none of you got skunked out there.

Thanks! I thought I was going to be the only one with a :skunk: for a while there.