View Full Version : Newport surf / Lido island double header

03-21-2008, 10:28 PM
Hit the beach after work around 430 today. Thought I'd give the gulp sandcrabs a shot in new penny... worthless. Pulled up a few BSP on the gulp worms one of which was the smallest i'd ever caught. I have bigger fish in my tank at home. All together uneventful.
After sunset I fished Lido island from land for the first time (usually hit it from a tube). Didn't pull up anything. It is hard to get spots on the island. There are a few parks with access to docks but they are marked RESIDENTS ONLY!!! No picknicks. NO PICKNICKS!!! What's the point of having a park if you're not allowd to do anything there? I fished it anyways since that's redonkulous. Tossed some drop-shot nuclear shrimps out with worms. No dice. I found a really great bait pool though if anyone out there is netting for some. There were serious smelt-jumps as well but there was no fishing to speak of. All together a dissapointing afternoon since there was a good tide going.

03-21-2008, 10:49 PM
Thanks for reporting DC.... To bad on on the count though, maybe its time for a Humminbird 140c!! :)

03-24-2008, 06:50 PM
Thanks for reporting DC.... To bad on on the count though, maybe its time for a Humminbird 140c!! :)

Let's do this thing!

03-24-2008, 07:05 PM
Hey, we all have those days, you'll get them next time! ;) :cool: