View Full Version : Santa Monica Pier

03-11-2008, 10:25 AM
I haven't hit the Santa Monica Pier in over a year...went for a couple hours last night.

Nailed 4 Sandbass & 1 crab but not too big.
Sorry no photos, they weren't nothing to write home about..
I don't post up in the salt too much but look for some more reports from me soon.

All 4 sandies were caught Carolina riggin anchovies, cast up under the pier (as far as you can get up under there), between the pilings then stitched back in...about 25-30' depth.

No Halibut yet !


03-11-2008, 10:28 AM
How far out were you? Does it matter which side you fish it from? How was the eye candy?


03-11-2008, 10:43 AM
How far out were you? Does it matter which side you fish it from? How was the eye candy?


This used to be my stomping grounds...I used to fish it regularly when I worked in SM...

I think you know the answer to your 2nd question..

As for your questions re: where to fish, YES, it's huge ! there's 2 zones where I always get the sandies there, only one of them held bass last night, most of them are holding up real tight , near the pilings, gotta get right up under there and you'll lose tackle.

It's the small part of the pier that drops down just b4 Marisols restaurant on the end and the other is all the way on the end, again on the part that drops lower, right in the corner, cast up under the peir and stitch back...

There's 1 spot where I usually get the Halibut but they were'nt present last night.

I didn't really fish the optimum tide.

I hadn't planned on going....just decided on my way home...Z-tunakiller joined me, he caught 1 crab.

I"ll most likely be targeting me some more salt flavors in King Harbor this weekend !

oh yeah ! the 1st spot: IT'S THE WEST SIDE....The 2nd spot: ON THE END JUST TO THE LEFT OF THE STAIRS

03-11-2008, 01:15 PM
Hey Gary, maybe we'll get some Stripers out of the surf too! ;) :mrgreen:
They're out there!

03-11-2008, 02:32 PM
sweet report gary! i never bothered to fish in between pier pilings, dont want to lose rigs and re-tie etc... thanks for the report and info!

03-11-2008, 02:46 PM
Carolina riggin' anchovies, I thought about that but
never tried it. I'll try that next time I'm
out on the ocean. Will update ya with a report.

Way to go on the crab too...