View Full Version : NATIVE SUN SUNDAY FEB 17

ghetto dad
02-17-2008, 07:46 PM
Hey Guys,

Decided at the last minute to fish the Native Sun today. I heard they were fishing local bass, so my son Jason (lil puppet) (lol) and I decided to give it a try.

Arrived at the landing at 5 am, unloaded our gear, and headed to the tackle office. I saw the reservation sheet, and saw that there were only 8 reservations, which made me nervous because they need 10 to go. To my surprise, Mac Daddy from Kencor showed up. Nice, Mac is a great guy!!! Really great to fish with! 5:45 rolls around, and there are only 3 or 4 guys there…great, have to drive back home. Then a group of 6 showed up, which made our minumum. Awesome, were going fishing!! Everyone purchased their tickets and boarded the boat.

Crew today was Capt Jason, Kim on deck, and Kevin in the galley. Jason made his morning announcement, which included the fact that we were not going to stop for fin bait, we had plenty of fresh frozen squid on the boat. Recommended tackle for today was 25 lb test, 1 ½ - 2 oz leadheads, and a whole squid. So my son and I set up our gear, ordered breakfast, and headed to the spot (not telling where, sorry lurkers).

We were there in appx 45 minutes, dropped the anchor, and started fishing. Things started out on the slow side, which is common for sand bass fishing. Sometimes, it takes awhile for them to get started. About 10 minutes later, I get bit, set the hook, and fish on! I was on the board with a nice quality sand bass!! Next to hook a bass was Mac Daddy, now he was on the board. Finally, third bass on the boat was landed by my son. Not soon after, we started to pick QUALITY sculpin, I mean QUALITY!! Out of the 12 peeps on the boat, the only ones getting bit was myself, Jason, and Mac Daddy. We picked at them pretty steadily, when I decided to fish more towards the bow and dropped a Ron Jeremy squid to the bottom. Within 2 minutes, I got SLAMMED!! Rod loaded up, and I set the hook. This time, this was a bigger fish! I did my best to keep it from getting back home, and believe me, it tried really hard! It took me down the length of the boat, when I finally got it to color, we saw it was a NICE sand bass! Kim expertly gaffed the fish, and brought it aboard! We weighed the fish, and it was a solid 7 lbs!!! NICE! I looked up the side as I was re-rigging my frayed line with my leadhead, and saw that mac daddy was on a nice fish!!! Kim went to gaff that one!! Another nice fish, this one weighed it at 6 lbs!!! And yes, you guessed it, next one on a quality fish was my son, who also needed a gaff. Another 6 lb fish!! Capt Jason put us ON the spot!! We continued a fairly steady pick of quality sand bass and sculpin for awhile. I saw my son and capt Jason were in the bow fishing, so I decided to try up there with them. As I got there, I told both of them “Watch, Im going to catch a bass in between the 2 jasons” and within a matter of minutes, I hooked another nice bass!! This one was probably around 3 ½ lbs. Grabbed another squid, went back to the bow, and told them the same thing, and a few minutes later, another fish on!! This one was MEAN like the first one, and tried desperately to get back home, but I wasn’t having that!! Got it to color, got it gaffed, weighed it….ANOTHER 7 lb fish!!!

This continued throughout the day, with about 98% of the fish count caught by myself, mac daddy, and my son. I felt really bad for the less experienced anglers. Some of them were getting really frustrated. But what can you do? We had about 2 hours on a couple spots which were really slow. Jason decided to look around again, got on antoher spot, and dropped the hook. We spent the last few hours fishing a nice spot, with quality sculpin and a bass here and there flying over the rail. My son and I were fishing the stern, when he gets SLAMMED, almost pinned to the rail. He battles the fish to color, and we saw it was a NICE cabezon!!! GRRRRRR…out of season, so we gently lifted the fish on the boat with the gaff (it was released unharmed), took a pic, and released the fish. We didn’t want to weigh it, but It was an EASY 7 – 71/2 lbs!!!! THE PIC BELOW DOES NOT DO IT JUSTICE!! My son and I noticed in the pic, it does not look as big as it was…GRRRRR….Soon after, Mac Daddy get hammered, battles the fish to the boat, and you guessed it…ANOTHER NICE CABEZON!! This one was estimated and 10-12 lbs, and also released unharmed. We decided to call it a day at around 330, pulled the anchor, and headed home. ANOTHER great day on the Native Sun, great crew, and excellent fishing. The most important thing to me was not the fishing, it was getting my son out there with me, that’s what counted, the fishing was a bonus!! The native sun is on a freelance schedule, with either Catalina or local fishing on the itinerary. Call the landing to make resies and to inquire about the boats destination. Sorry guys, I only took a few pics, and they really didn’t come out very well. Peace



02-17-2008, 08:19 PM
Thanks for the report steve. Looks like the skillz run in the family. LMFAO @ Ron Jeremy squid :rofl: . After reading this i am so looking forward to next weekend! :banana:

02-17-2008, 08:34 PM
Nice job freakin huge *** bass man nailed the hell out of them

02-17-2008, 08:35 PM
dam, what a day to miss out on. Those are some grumps. Two to boot!
Congrats Sr. Puppet and lil Puppet.

calico killer kevin
02-17-2008, 09:35 PM
Nice bass! I might have to see you guys in action next week.

Calico Killer Kevin

02-17-2008, 10:09 PM
Hmmmmm, Looks like the Native Sun really has stepped up their game since the last time I was there.

I think I'll give them a second chance. Nice fish and report Steve. BTW, did those 1oz. and 1.5oz leadheads stick to the bottom nicely? Mine have the tenency to go with the current. You were using the WSB/Banana ones right?

02-17-2008, 11:57 PM
Hi ghetto dad,

Awesome trip ... great play-by-play report ..... nice fishys !!

I may forget the swap-meet next Sunday and hit the NS or Spitfire... whereever they go !! Thing is .. the nweekend after that ... it will have become March 1st and a lot of people will be fishing !!

Again .. most excellent report ... fun read.


ghetto dad
02-18-2008, 05:09 AM
Hmmmmm, Looks like the Native Sun really has stepped up their game since the last time I was there.

I think I'll give them a second chance. Nice fish and report Steve. BTW, did those 1oz. and 1.5oz leadheads stick to the bottom nicely? Mine have the tenency to go with the current. You were using the WSB/Banana ones right?

thanks san dimas....just out of curiousity, what do you consider "stepping up their game"?
the current wasnt moving to bad....in the afternoon, i fished a 1/4 oz so i can SLOW sink to the bottom hoping to get a calico....ended up with one short, and 2 more sand bass. I used both the banana heads and tri-heads....from 1/4 to 2 oz

ghetto dad
02-18-2008, 05:11 AM
Hi ghetto dad,

Awesome trip ... great play-by-play report ..... nice fishys !!

I may forget the swap-meet next Sunday and hit the NS or Spitfire... whereever they go !! Thing is .. the nweekend after that ... it will have become March 1st and a lot of people will be fishing !!

Again .. most excellent report ... fun read.


lol...thanks ron....hope to see you soon....

02-18-2008, 08:51 AM
Hi again ghetto,

You realize I read your report twice. Worth a second read .... guys .... you'll be surprised what your eyes read but your brain jumped over ....... or is it just ME ?!

Back to comment: Yes .... Where have the Calicos gone !! Not much of a chew at Catalina after that 2-week period of toad Bass on the backside, and sure as heck not biting at the 'Shoe', Izors, etc. As you can imagine .... my main target is Calicos on the rubber, once the obligatory Sculpin catch is done, and yet I've been on three trips in 2 weeks where not a single legal Calico was boated ... and maybe only one or two shorts a trip !! Wonder if the humungus foot-long Squid we've gottne recently scare the poor little guys away? ha ha ha

Interesting ... good luck on Saturday, later


Tail Chaser
02-18-2008, 09:46 AM
Xlnt grade of fishys there GD
Very kind of you to hold back on the better grade fishys when your out with the FNN boyz.
Figured you were sand bagging all along :lol:

02-18-2008, 10:35 AM
Great job on the fishies you guys.

Your hat looks just like Paricks. He got his from Joe. Now you guys look like identical twins.


02-18-2008, 10:47 AM
Nice pair of Bass you got there GD. Way to go! Just think in a few more weeks we can start fishing for more than just bass and sculpin. YIPPIE!!!

02-18-2008, 10:58 AM
Not too shabby there...

Thanks for texting me throughout the day about you catching bass after bass. That really helped GD.

Again, not too shab.


02-18-2008, 11:12 AM
Wow, looking good. I'm still holding out for an island trip :mrgreen:

ghetto dad
02-18-2008, 11:19 AM
Wow, looking good. I'm still holding out for an island trip :mrgreen:

let me know Ray Ray...LOL>.....


02-18-2008, 11:30 AM
Wow, looking good. I'm still holding out for an island trip :mrgreen:

let me know Ray Ray...LOL>.....

Aight, stay up 8)

02-18-2008, 01:26 PM
Good stuff GD.. havent seen grumps like that since the summer twilight trips. How many leadheads did you donate to the ocean that day? :banana:

02-18-2008, 03:02 PM
really got to get out there with u guys before much longer

02-18-2008, 03:36 PM
nice, those bass are huge steve

02-18-2008, 03:57 PM
Those are some dang nice sandies!

02-18-2008, 04:16 PM
great report and pix....i wish i was there.

amazing that the 3 of you loaded up 98% of the fish. shows the truth that when the bite is wfo anyone can get a few....but to pull em in when the bite is slow it takes a fisherman. props to y'all and your skillz!!!
i know that the captain worked his butt off to get y'all on a good spot...once you get there it is up to you to pull em in.

For those that dont just appreciate "fishing" and also those that decide to ***** about fishing being slow.....appreciate what you have for it may not be there tomorrow, or learn to fish!!!

thanks for sharing with us

catch ya next weekend

ghetto dad
02-18-2008, 04:48 PM
Good stuff GD.. havent seen grumps like that since the summer twilight trips. How many leadheads did you donate to the ocean that day? :banana:

not as many as i was planning to lose denny....i prob lost about 4 and my son lost about 8....lol....those mud bass dount count man...lol......

ghetto dad
02-18-2008, 04:50 PM
great report and pix....i wish i was there.

amazing that the 3 of you loaded up 98% of the fish. shows the truth that when the bite is wfo anyone can get a few....but to pull em in when the bite is slow it takes a fisherman. props to y'all and your skillz!!!
i know that the captain worked his butt off to get y'all on a good spot...once you get there it is up to you to pull em in.

For those that dont just appreciate "fishing" and also those that decide to ***** about fishing being slow.....appreciate what you have for it may not be there tomorrow, or learn to fish!!!

thanks for sharing with us

catch ya next weekend

thanks g money....that guy was complaining after the first 5 minutes after the first spot bro...."there no fish here, there no fish here"...

02-18-2008, 05:01 PM
great report and pix....i wish i was there.

amazing that the 3 of you loaded up 98% of the fish. shows the truth that when the bite is wfo anyone can get a few....but to pull em in when the bite is slow it takes a fisherman. props to y'all and your skillz!!!
i know that the captain worked his butt off to get y'all on a good spot...once you get there it is up to you to pull em in.

For those that dont just appreciate "fishing" and also those that decide to ***** about fishing being slow.....appreciate what you have for it may not be there tomorrow, or learn to fish!!!

thanks for sharing with us

catch ya next weekend

thanks g money....that guy was complaining after the first 5 minutes after the first spot bro...."there no fish here, there no fish here"...

hhmmm.... they say 10% of the anglers catch 90% of the fish. I wonder which percentage that guy was in...

ghetto dad
02-18-2008, 05:13 PM
his 6 people caught 4 sculpin and 6 perch...total...which is FINE, if youre still learing, but dont complain that there are no fish to catch (all day)..when others are catching....

02-18-2008, 05:24 PM
yeah... whatta novice.

02-18-2008, 06:09 PM
... whatta novice.
...or a graduate of the IAKU fishing school :wink:
j/k bro

02-18-2008, 09:33 PM
Nice GRUMPIES Steve!

02-19-2008, 06:55 AM
Looks like a great day of fishing. Thanks for the updated texts too!! Plan on having me next to you on the rail all day on Saturday!

02-19-2008, 08:00 AM
Looks like a great day of fishing. Thanks for the updated texts too!! Plan on having me next to you on the rail all day on Saturday!

Hey dean, maybe GD will come pick you up too?
That way you won't be tired from all the driving back an forth.........LOL


P.S. Oh bruddha, did you skool dem foos, or wha?

02-19-2008, 11:07 AM
Thanks for the report and pictures! those are some nice looking Grumpies! 7lbs, damn!

02-25-2008, 05:52 PM
Hey Steve , here you go!!!