View Full Version : Career Day in El Segundo

02-10-2008, 08:52 PM
The sun had just risen on a dusty path
Just then a figure had caught my eye
A man with a sombrero who was four feet high
I pulled over to ask were we was at
His index finger he tipped up his hat
"El Segundo," he said, "my name is Pedro
If you need directions, I'll tell you pronto"

Went out to El Segundo today to do some surf fishing with my wife and brother-in-law. After watching them catch all the fish the last few outings, I finally got in on the action. Got to the beach around 2:30 and threw the LCs (Flash Minnow and Pointer.) Moved up the beach a little ways and hooked up to a nice size perch...

About 5 minutes later, still throwing the same Flash Minnow... twitch, twitch, pause, and I got another hit. Turned out to be my first halibut ever! Measured 18in and was released.

Stayed on the same spot, feeling pretty good about everything. Another 20 minutes went by throwing the same LC , twitch, twitch, pause... Felt the hit, so I set the hook and then zzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZ my drag started going nuts. After a nice fight, and a huge adrenaline rush, I bested my already amazing day: 24 1/2in halibutt! Got my picture and then released her.

To top it all off... hit Tito's on the way home

02-10-2008, 09:01 PM
very cool-- congratulations! :notworthy: i was a little north of l a x this a m and threw the kroc and the lc for no love-- :angry: switched to the camo worm for perch, still no love til i was about to give up and bam! a nice fighting 14" halibut on the perch rig-- :eyepop: go figure! maybe they're moving in with this nice weather... :thumb:

02-10-2008, 09:05 PM

Always good to see the Legal BUTT'S.

Does TITO'S have the fish taco's???????

02-10-2008, 09:39 PM
Hey awesome job man! Congrats on your first Hali AND your first legal Hali on the same day! :thumb:

02-13-2008, 07:34 PM
Wow, sweet fish. What's up with the poem? is that an orginal piece of work?

02-13-2008, 08:22 PM
congrats on the great day and first hali's and legal too! Tito's to top it all off:)

02-13-2008, 08:26 PM
Very nice 8)
Good work on the LC Hali's! That's a fat perch too!

02-13-2008, 08:27 PM

02-13-2008, 09:12 PM
Congrats on your personal best halibut!

02-13-2008, 09:58 PM
Flyngby- No fish at tito's. There's only three items we order there: taco with cheese, all-meat burrito and guacamole. Chips and salsa are gratis...

Coffea- Those are the lyrics to the Tribe Called Quest record I Left My Wallet in El Segundo

King Halibut
02-14-2008, 07:44 PM
Sweet fish, congrats on the "keeper" hali!!!!
Best part of the day had to be hitting Tito's on the way home.
Having grown up in Culver City, i've been going there since I was a kid.
Best beef and cheese burritos, chips and salsa in town.

Fish On,


calico killer kevin
02-16-2008, 08:52 PM
Nice hali. You should try manhattan beach. I have personally seen giant halis caught off the surf there.

Calico Killer Kevin