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View Full Version : lobster - non- hoopin report

02-10-2008, 05:33 PM
A Bug-zilla
snaged my GULP bait in the middle of the day in the middle of the harbor.

Brought em to color, once he broke the surface of the water, he let go.

Yeah I know , according to CA DFG,
(1) Saltwater crustaceans may be taken by hand.
(2) Nets, traps or other appliances may not be used except as provided in this Section.
(3) It is unlawful to disturb, move, or damage any trap,
or remove any saltwater crustacean from a trap, that belongs to another person
without written permission in possession from the owner of the trap.
(b) Baited hoop nets may be used to take spiny lobsters and all species of crabs.

Maybe during the winer months they come out during the day to get some wamth ? I know their supposed to go deep do to the storms and cold.
But there he was no where near any known structure.
Go figure

02-10-2008, 08:19 PM
I've seen the bugs come up occasionally on regular gear, never seen one kept; maybe cause of the size, or, maybe due to the regs-ya gotta know the regs or you're playing to lose.......