View Full Version : 14" Spotty at Alamitos Bay Today

01-12-2008, 05:04 PM
I took my daughter Allison to Alamitos Bay today in the 12' Aluminum. It's her B-day tomorrow and she will be 9 years old. She doesn't have the feel yet for casting well or working the plastics. I caught this beauty after a couple of casts and it took the next few hours to hook up again. O well...can't upload the pic. guess I'm not doing something right. Well, I passed of the second fish to Ally and she pulled up when the fish pulled down and the 4lb. test parted. Oh Well.....next time.

Sales Call[attachment=0:4dae0]Ally and 1 Spotty.jpg[/attachment:4dae0][attachment=0:4dae0]Ally and 1 Spotty.jpg[/attachment:4dae0]

01-12-2008, 05:16 PM
Nice talking to you on the water, I was the yellow kayaker
Went to that place too and a PB'er yelled at me right as I had a sand bass pop off.

Guess that place is some kind of marine reserve, didn't know, 3 ways in
Only 1 has the Don't cross buoy

I won't go back in

01-12-2008, 09:46 PM
Thanks for the reply and the surprise to be talking to you after seeing you on the water today. How did you do overall?

I'm heading back tomorrow with my longtime fishing partner of 25 years. We have fished spotted bay bass everywhere for many years. Strictly catch and release on the bay fishes.