View Full Version : A Smoothhound by suprise...Huntington Harbor

01-05-2008, 12:05 PM
Me and my buddie took my roomate out about 3 weeks ago and hit the Huntington Harbor again. It was approaching dusk quickly and this was one of the days the Santa Ana Winds were really whipping so we anchored in the channel close by a large embankment to cut some of the wind. My buddies got there poles out first and were using artificials gulp i believe, usually new penny or nuclear chicken colors on spinning rods and working the shallow side of the boat. I was having the worst time casting out my sealine due to the winds being so fierce, I couldnt get a good cast without netting my line up. I tried a few casts and was becomming irritated quickly with the wind and my reel so about my 6th cast i really flung out my bait (whole squid, 3 oz torpedo sinker and size 7 circle hook) and it landed exactly where i wanted it. It was about 30 feet out and right in the fast moving current of the outgoing high tide. Unfortunatly with that cast my reel decided to go curly on me and left me with a mess of a tangled line that i was picking at for about 10 mins. My buddies weren't catching anything but I was frustrated because my inability to cast and retrieve at ease and just as i was about to knife my spool and pull in the line, WHAP my pole hit the water from a hard strike. WHAP WHAP again and again my pole was being hit and I couldn't do anything about it because of a huge net of line that was overcomming my conventional....So i figured what the hell....I put my pole between my legs, tossed on my mechanix gloves and began to pull in the line by hand....after about 100 feet of line was dragged in, on the end of it was this beautiful smoothhound.....That was the only catch of the day....and by hand....nice night!!

if you look at the pics you can see me holding a web of fishing line.....[attachment=2:f24d9]smoothhound.jpg[/attachment:f24d9][attachment=1:f24d9]smoothound2.jpg[/attachment:f24d9][attachment=0:f24d9]smoothhound3.jpg[/attachment:f24d9]

01-08-2008, 01:31 AM
8) Nice first report . Welcome to FNN.
