View Full Version : Ruining Yet another Perfectly Good Day for a Fellow Fisherma

City Dad
12-30-2007, 04:41 PM
I should just stop taking guys fishing with me, that's all. Brought another friend out to Zuma and this time instead of slow fishing we found no fishing - or, rather, no catching. Arrived at roughly noon today, fished a lowish-looking high tide and managed to pull off a double skunk. Had exactly two quick pick-ups on a rust/motoroil colored fly.

The water was very clean, but the surf seemed to be breaking quite a bit farther out than I've ever seen. Also, the current was running West to East - oposite of the way it's seemed to be running the last several times I've been out at that location.

Perhaps bait would have produced better than flys?

Anyhow, I'm getting quite a bit of practice at double-hauling and if the fishing continues at this rate, I should be able to land a cast in Japan by summer.

Hope someone here had better luck this weekend than I did. (And by someone, I mean you, Wingnut.)

Granny Fish
12-30-2007, 05:14 PM
Sorry to hear about your skunk out there. Your luck will change soon. Somedays are just like that.

12-30-2007, 08:48 PM
Hey Tim, I was at our usual spot this morning from 7 to 10 am. I caught five shorties & two chunky BSPs. Lost a legal right on the rocks. Also did pretty well yesterday at another spot. I have a few days off & taking full advantage of it by fishing for five days straight from 12/29/07 thru 1/2/08. :banana: I'll be at Pyramid tomorrow slaying Stripers on my buddy's boat... those Stripers misses me. :wink: Mike (Kichigai1) & I are plotting our spots for the Santa Barbara area on New Years Day and fish our way down the coast. If the wife let you get away... I'll be waiting for a PM... :wink:

This morning, beautiful but COLD!

Don't you just love the tranquility?

12-31-2007, 12:06 AM
If you would just go to Irvine Lake you would not have this problem CD. :lol: :wink:

Hang in there , your luck will change .

Thanks for the report.


12-31-2007, 12:09 AM
Try Nightcrawlers....er....um...I meant to say Nuclear Worms!
