View Full Version : Salty adventure

12-09-2007, 03:32 PM
Bullets and I headed out about 9:00 this morning for Dana Point. The plan was to hit up the jetty, but someone else had other plans. When we got there we noticed that the jetty was closed! :evil: Since we were already there we decided to try fishing off of that walkway. Bullets got a few nibbles here and there but no takers. I only got one nibble the whole time we were at that spot. We left there at about 11 and hit up Doheny to see if we could get something from the surf. NOPE! Not so much as a bump. We packed it up after about an hour and headed up PCH until we got to Newport Beach. We parked the car somewhere around 42nd street? Anyway, we couldn't managed anything there either. We threw everything at the fish but they weren't taking it. :skunk: for the both of us.

12-09-2007, 03:49 PM

12-10-2007, 12:44 PM
Sorry about the skunk.

Thanks for the report.


12-10-2007, 12:49 PM
You guys need to go where there are fish!!!

Sorry, but it had to be said. Better luck next time.


12-10-2007, 12:50 PM
You'll get 'em next time :2guns:

12-10-2007, 06:50 PM
Sorry for the bad day.

You were close a few months ago to many great locations in a protected harbor. You found 1 of the many platforms to fish from or rent the skiff at Davies Locker although that is not the cheapest way to go. The harbor will surprise you.

I believe I fell for the same sign last Feburary at Dana Jetty. The sign is to protect the City's arse from a lawsuit from folks that are to stupid to go out there when the waves are bust'nt over the top of the jetty.

From a safety standpoint it is iffy to go on that monster boulder ridden jetty in the first place.

12-12-2007, 04:43 AM
Keep your chin up! You'll do better next time. :wink:

Merry Christmas!
