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See Chris Fish
11-21-2007, 09:42 PM
Does anyone float tube in the winter?
(I'm not talking with ice floating around, just local lakes with the water temp in the 40-50's.)
Any extra prep to the tube? Air pressure?
Does the "tube" itself get to stiff to expand/contract properly?

Thanks for any input.

Nessie Hunter
11-22-2007, 08:53 AM
I tube every where all year long, from salt water to freshwater lakes to the Sierra's....

The air is usually colder then the water temp (winter), and tube does get a little stiff, so checking it a couple of times before you launch and making sure it is full will help a lot.
Move it and push/pull a little and it will loosen up and fill properly.. As long as it floats OK and is close to full of air you can fish it safely....
Opposite in the summer, water is normally colder then air so check after launch (colder temp will contract the air and you need to add some)... I made some extensions for my ODC so I can fill easily while on the water...

Also, I only use Stocking foot breathable waders, that way I can add clothing under if its cold or use just trunks in summer, or waders where required.. And my Hot Spots fins fit all the time, from bare foot to wader foot.... Also can wear booties (or old sneakers) if wading, cold streams/lakes to surf...

I have waded in the Sierra's this way with sweats and levi's under and couple pair of socks and had icebergs floating by..
SO make sure you have room in the waders you get.. I get mine that fit like clown pants (baggy all the way to foot)....


See Chris Fish
11-22-2007, 10:58 AM
Thanks Nessie Hunter. :wink:


11-22-2007, 09:32 PM
Does anyone float tube in the winter?
(I'm not talking with ice floating around, just local lakes with the water temp in the 40-50's.)
Any extra prep to the tube? Air pressure?
Does the "tube" itself get to stiff to expand/contract properly?

Thanks for any input.

LOl i've tubed up in mammoth when there was still ice on twin lakes, and that was some of the best times i've had on that lake. No one else on the water but my buddy and I, and there was tons of fish up by the waterfall...

11-23-2007, 03:57 PM
I noticed that my float-tube de-flated alittle when i tubed the lagoon in the cold. just keep inflating every once in a while..
if you want to know why this happens, ill give you a little basic chemistry lesson:

Air particles tend to expand as they get warmer thus creating more bounce off the container which they are held. Thats why it seems as if your float-tube gets "harder" on a hot day. Its vice versa for cold weather... Heat= Energy, Lack of heat= compaction of air molecules... so even though you have alot of air in it, it will seem like a little because the air is compressing..

See Chris Fish
11-23-2007, 06:18 PM
Yeah I know air expands/contracts. I was more asking about the tube itself. The actual air bladder, not the air inside of it. Since ya guys are tubin with ice, that's what I was wondering.

Nessie Hunter
11-24-2007, 10:26 AM
This may sound stupid but it works.... Im from south dakota and under the waders they wear panty hose lol. I use to throw them on when I went hunting. They are not as this ask thermals but do they same job, and you can move faster. Looks funny and you catch alot of sh*it from your buddies if you tell them buy screw it. Obviously put them on under your pants. Even I would give you crap if thats all you wore lol

I see the jokes coming already....one leg, captn castaic leave me alone.


That is done on the QT in many venues (the Pnatyhose)..
I know for a FACT that many Motorcycle Officers wear them under their riding britches in cold weather for the same reasons (those Britches are tight and cant get much under them when its cold)....... :oops:


12-10-2007, 01:02 AM
This may sound stupid but it works.... Im from south dakota and under the waders they wear panty hose lol. I use to throw them on when I went hunting. They are not as this ask thermals but do they same job, and you can move faster. Looks funny and you catch alot of sh*it from your buddies if you tell them buy screw it. Obviously put them on under your pants. Even I would give you crap if thats all you wore lol

I see the jokes coming already....one leg, captn castaic leave me alone.


That is done on the QT in many venues (the Pnatyhose)..
I know for a FACT that many Motorcycle Officers wear them under their riding britches in cold weather for the same reasons (those Britches are tight and cant get much under them when its cold)....... :oops:

Couldn't resist. I wonder about the motorcycle officer in the movie Wild Hogs? :lol:


12-10-2007, 08:11 PM
This may sound stupid but it works.... Im from south dakota and under the waders they wear panty hose lol. I use to throw them on when I went hunting. They are not as this ask thermals but do they same job, and you can move faster. Looks funny and you catch alot of sh*it from your buddies if you tell them buy screw it. Obviously put them on under your pants. Even I would give you crap if thats all you wore lol

I see the jokes coming already....one leg, captn castaic leave me alone.


:shock: :shock: :shock:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I have heard that NFL football players will do the same in outdoor cold weather games to stay warm.


See Chris Fish
12-10-2007, 09:21 PM
Well I was planning on wearing a pair of thermals and wool socks, but, if panyhose are the thing!?!
Is there a "special" color to wear? Blue, red, green, ...pink??? LOL
What makes the fish bite?
Pantyhose make my thighs look too big! I'll stick with the thermals.

12-10-2007, 09:35 PM
Chris, Get the ones with the line on the back of the stockings !!! :lol:


12-10-2007, 10:13 PM
For Crying out Loud! Now I've heard it all! :lol: Pantyhose?? Why not a pair of thermals or even spandex? I'm sure you will have fewer runs as well. :lol:

Merry Christmas!


12-10-2007, 10:28 PM
Don't forget to make them a s s-less pantyhose in case you need to drop a deuce shoreside. You could always warm up on brandy at the Blue Oyster Bar afterwards.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

See Chris Fish
12-14-2007, 07:22 PM
Well with that lovey visual in my head, I'll be extra careful walking about on the shoreline. Especially at pre-dawn's low light conditions.

12-16-2007, 09:20 PM
Hahaha, sounds like a good idea, but ill just stick w/ thermals. :D