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  1. UPDATED - Fished the Owens and PVR 4/12 - 4/15
  2. Springtime Sierras
  3. Fishing Exhibit Now At Manzanar
  5. Lake status
  6. Opener, Whos going and where
  7. intake 2
  8. Diaz Lake
  9. Hows the fishing up there??
  10. 5 DAYS TO GO
  11. Manzanar Article in OC Register
  12. I can see it from here
  13. Sierra update
  14. opener
  15. Lower Owens
  16. Off work and ready to roll
  17. Where can i find some Browns?
  18. crawley on tv
  19. How do i find Intake II
  20. Good Luck
  21. Die for trout?
  22. Trout Opener report
  23. LA Times Saturday Eastern Sierra Report
  24. Pic of Recent Bows
  25. Crowley lake opening weekend!
  26. convict lake opener
  27. Convict and June lake opening weekend 2007(lots of pics)
  28. ice level Mammoth lakes
  29. next year's derby? dates?
  30. Trout Opener and Manzanar Lecture and Walking Tour/with Pics
  31. best spot
  32. bishop creek canyon opener
  33. Opener=ownage
  34. fish stocking schedual
  35. Crowley Opener w/ Max and JonJon and pics...
  36. Need help ASAP! Leaving tomarrow.
  37. opening day
  38. Crowley Lake water hight
  39. HP on 395
  40. memorial day weekend
  41. Any-one catching any perch in crowley
  42. Available for Guiding at Crowley May 15th-17th
  43. Intake II and Sabrina 5/3, 5/4
  44. Where to stay in Bishop
  45. June lake 5/3- 5/5
  46. Freezing at Crowley May 4-6
  47. Float tubing Crowley?
  48. Float tubing Crowley?
  49. moon phases
  50. SILVER LAKE 5/17 TO 5/20
  51. Yosemite
  52. WIND,SNOW, & a Few Fish @ the Loop
  53. Powerhouse next to Intake 2
  54. Gull Lake 5/3 - 5/6
  55. rock creek lake
  56. Ownage in the Sierras for my Birthday (Late Report 5/4-5/6)
  57. Where do you keep fish on the boat?
  58. weekend 5/4-5/6
  59. What lures to use at Lake crowley/ w/pics
  60. Dailed in at Crowley 5/11-13
  61. Anyone know of a lake with a ferry???
  62. The Ol' Mighty Lundy Lake
  63. Bishop, Intake 2, 5/11-5/13
  64. Excavating at Manzanar and Fishing Throughout the Week
  65. Crowley, Rock Creek Lake, Convict, George, Mary 5/11-13
  66. Rock Creek lake sat 5/12
  67. Help W/ Lip Ripperz
  68. crowley lake weekly fish report
  69. Rock Creek Lake - late May
  70. First Trip of the year W/Pics
  72. bishop creek evening
  73. june loop
  74. Crowley Lake and Manzanar w/photos
  75. Bank Fishing
  76. Challenge: Name this lake.
  77. Crowley Trip 5/15 - 5/18
  78. Crowley, Gull, Convict, Intake2, Sabrina, Stream S&S tri
  79. Crowley lake/convict 5/17-5-19
  80. South Lake...An ode to my pals Smitty & T/O..Oh, nice as
  81. Indepedence
  82. Upper Twin Lakes Suggestions?
  83. Crowley bound for Mem. W/E, w/ 06' pic's
  84. Mammoth Mem. Day Wknd!!!
  85. Four Jeffrey campground
  86. june lake, virginia lake, streams 5/18- 5/21
  87. Posting an Avatar?
  88. Sierra Fishing 05/23-25
  89. intake 2, lake sabrina, rock creek lake, 5/24-5/26
  90. Bishop/Mammoth Report, Memorial weekend
  91. Twin Lakes Mem Wkd
  92. Bishop or not
  93. May 20th - 25th, Crowley, June, Bridgeport and Gull.
  94. Bishop Memorial weekend
  95. Bishop - Memorial Day Weekend - ALPERS!!!!!!!! (w/pics)
  96. Memorial Day - Lundy, Crowley, Rock Creek Lake
  97. Convict Lake 6/1/07- 6/3/07
  98. Sierra Trip May 25 to May31 JuneLoop /Parcher's
  99. Mammoth. Where to go?
  101. Parchers- Alpers
  102. Rock Creek area tips?
  103. JUST RETURNED!!!Going to Bridgeport Twin Lakes - June 14 -18
  105. Going to Bishop June 14-17
  106. Intake 2
  107. Fishing Crowley on Monday and Tuesday. June 11 & 12
  108. Sierra Report June 9
  109. Intake 2 and South Lake 6/7 - 6/10
  110. Smitty
  111. June 9-12
  112. big pizzle dizzle
  113. upper bishop creek , s. lake, sabrina, info needed
  114. Moving to Independance and my fishing, 6-17
  115. Reds Meadow/ Sotcher-Where to go???
  116. Bishop recommendations?
  117. Lundy Canyon to Oneida Lake
  118. Anyone try the backcountry lakes of june & mammoth this
  119. hook recommendations
  120. Crowley/Convict 6/16-6/17
  121. Line
  122. Lake Crowley from Shore 6/17
  123. sierras luck?
  124. Road Rash, Netboy And a Few Hunters **Opening Day 07**
  125. Working at Manzanar, Exploring and fishing : 6-20
  126. Bridgeport area 6/14 - 6/17
  127. hows fishing up there?
  128. lip ripperz
  129. June Lkae Loop and Convict for the Captain
  130. Bass Lake??
  131. Working at Manzanar, exploring Mt Whitney/Fishing 6-25
  132. Mammoth Lakes - An ideal retreat
  133. over due report from Virginia Lakes w/ pics....long post
  134. Chasing the Slam PICS
  135. Bishop 6/22-25
  136. picture test
  137. Short pack trip
  138. Bassin & Troutin up the 395
  139. Fishing South Lake/visiting Parchers (Smitty’s place)6-30
  140. Bishop - Parcher's Resort 6/24-6/28 Lots of Pics!!!!
  141. Lone Pine
  142. 7 day adventure in mammoth
  143. Lower Owens limits
  144. Alper Hunt - Mammoth July 4th Week
  145. Fire in Independance!
  146. Gull Lake and Twin Lake 7/5 and 7/6/07
  147. convict and mammoth lakes
  148. Pics of our Sierra trip
  149. crowley..4th of jul
  150. mt whitney..goldens?
  151. 2 weeks in the sierras
  152. 2 weeks and Counting-Tips/Suggestions
  153. McGee Creek Jul 14-17th w/pics
  154. Virginia Lakes area
  155. Thanks Aboos
  156. Camping/Working at Devils Postpile for a week and Fishing
  157. Lone Pine.
  158. Bishop area fishing report
  159. Lake Crowley, Lake Mamie 7/21 & 7/22
  160. leaving in two days!
  161. We're all going on a summer holiday,
  162. Help? Fishing Big Pine Creek this weekend.
  163. Riding ATV's, hiking, and fishing in Mammoth...
  164. Tagged DFG trout at North Lake
  166. 11 lakes in 11 days 7/4 thru 7/14
  167. june lakes fishing??????
  168. Cor Blimey, A Brit in the Sierra's!
  169. Mammoth lakes trolling
  170. The answer is....."Convict Lake"
  171. Upper Owens River
  172. suggest day hikes around Mammoth
  173. Any ideas where to go???
  174. Camping and Fishing Big Pine Creek 7/28
  175. Dove and Trout Combo
  176. june lake 7/28 - 8/3
  177. Looks can be DECIEVING: LONE PINE
  178. convict and other places 7-27-07 thru 8-4-07 pics
  179. Mt. Whitney portal
  180. local bear euthanized after breaking into cabins
  181. lower or upper owens river?????????
  182. Late Report-June Lake/Lee Vining Creek
  183. Sierra trip 8/3-8/5 good times(long read)
  184. Don't miss Kewlwhip's note
  185. Camping at Silver Lake and fishing at June Lake, 8/4-5
  186. Camping by the creek. 8/1-8/2
  187. Owens River Gorge
  188. Catastrophe Hiking at Onion Valley( Golden Trout Lakes Trail
  189. Lower Owens, Gorge, Cardinal Village 8/11-8/12
  190. Keasrarge Lakes trip 8/3/07
  191. Bishop 08/10 - 08/12
  192. Eastern Sierra Video Reports and Adventures
  193. Something strange in this trout,.....
  194. Crowley, Upper Owens, and Virginia 8/15-8/18
  195. Eastern Sierras 8/13 - 8/17
  196. Upper Twin (Mono Village) Lonnnng Report and PIcccccs
  197. June Lakes 8/12-8/19
  198. Place to ride and fish?
  199. Bishop Trip 8/17-8/18 (pics)
  200. quick trip suggestions?
  201. June lake loop weekend of 8/17
  202. Need some Advice!!
  203. Robinson Creek 8/9 - 8/14
  204. suggestions for south lake
  205. Late Saddlebag report
  207. Rock Creek Lake 8/24-8/26 *PICS*
  208. Mammoth trip 8/19-8/25
  209. Mammoth majic
  210. Backpacking trip '07
  211. June Lake Loop
  212. FNT and Carrie go fishing (Troutstock-Million Dollar Derby)
  213. Crumb-Catchers Invade the Sierras !! (COMPLETE VERSION)
  214. Labor day weekend in Mammoth. lots of pic's
  215. Cottonwood Lakes and Golden Trout Country 8/31 - 9/2
  216. Going up to Bishop on Sept 22-25
  217. Mammoth Lakes campgrounds?
  218. Fly Fishing this weekend. Need Help!!
  219. kings canyon, yosemite, owens
  220. One_Leg fishes Lake Sabrina with MKADADDY
  221. Need advice for Mammoth Fly fishing
  222. Sierra Fall brown trout
  223. Need advice on Mammoth Lakes
  224. Double Haul Tourney at Crowley and Upper Owens
  225. Derby Date?
  226. Treasure Lakes out of Bishop Creek 9-17-07 w/pics
  227. Rock Creek Lake this weekend any weather updates??
  228. Hotel California at Upper Twin 9/21-23 (PICS)
  229. Berkley Gulp and nightcrawlers??
  230. DoubleHaul Weekend w/pics
  231. Lodging in Bridgeport
  232. Yorkshire lass in the Sierras!
  233. South Lake Quickie 9/26/07
  234. Video - Double Haul in the Fall at Crowley
  238. Three Day Sierra Bender..
  239. Fern Lake
  240. 4lb'r on the owens- any Convict advise?
  241. Twin Lakes
  242. Season Finishing
  243. Mt. Whitney portals
  244. Mammoth/June Lake 10/5-7
  245. weather/fishing/what works
  246. October Outing on the Owen's River
  248. Video & Pictures - East Walker Wild Trout Open
  249. south lake/bishop creek
  250. Lake Geaorge Rainbow